Les Interprètes

Chapter 58 Part 2

Chapter 58 Part 2

Translated by Tranzgeek

If you are not reading this from tranzgeek.wordpress.com, this chapter has been posted without the consent of the translator.

Later I didn’t see Jia Yang for a long time. I heard my colleagues say he went abroad with the Director.

Throughout this time, because the foreigners were going to celebrate Christmas, we got a rare leisure period. My work unit was organizing a singing compet.i.tion. They helped me register for it.

I prepared a few songs to partic.i.p.ate in the preliminaries. In the end, the commissioner helped me pick two. One was Karon Mok’s song called 《You Can》, the other was theCantonese song called 《Love and Pa.s.sion》

When Xiao Dan, Bo Bo, and I gathered together, I sang these two songs over and over again at KTV until we they couldn’t stand it anymore.

In the first round of the compet.i.tion, my opponents were too weak, and I could win decisively.

But this activity brought more effects. There was actually a lady who I didn’t recognize who pa.s.sionately asked of our internal activities. Sister Ma asked me if I, the noob interpreter had fallen in love yet.

“I didn’t.” I said.

Sister Ma was very happy: “Leave this matter to your big sister. I will definitely help you find a good one.”

I heard people say, helping someone matchmake was the pa.s.sion and the tradition of female coworkers who were older than 40. As for me, I was really overwhelmed with favor from my superiors.

I also heard that if this type of thing happened to oneself, one must never shirk your duties. You could break up after you married but you could never reject a middle aged woman’s good intentions, otherwise you would have a ghastly death.

The middle aged women in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs were also middle aged women.

I said: “Could you? Big sister, I’ll have to trouble you then.”

The sister who was in many positions arranged a date. Very quickly, I was to meet with a guy from the Consular Division.

Before I went to the appointment, I only wanted to think of how I would deal with it. When I sat on the bus, I saw guys and girls appearing in pairs. This made me think that I was not young anymore, and thus I planned to try my best on this blind date.

We met in a newly opened restaurant. The guy from the consul was from Zhejiang. He wasn’t tall, but his face was very decent, white and clean, like he didn’t work a lot.

For me, it was the first time I met with a guy that someone else recommended to me. I was a little nervous. He probably relaxed to who knows where. For half an hour, we talked about the happenings in college.

I made an excuse to go to the restroom, looking at my expressionless face. I thought, Oh, it’s not that I didn’t try hard, but I don’t know how I’ll live my days having to entertain this stranger.

I thought of a way.

I said to him: “I just thought of it, I have some doc.u.ments I didn’t proofread. I might have to go back.”

I saw him sigh: “Really? Oh, me too. I have some work I didn’t finish. I need to return to my work unit.”

“Then let’s go.”

That was too great. We mutually helped each other get out of the situation.

When the elevators opened, a wheelchair’s wheel got stuck in the entrance. I just happened to be by the side, and crouched down to help him pull out his wheel.

The person on the wheelchair said thank you. I went on the elevator and felt this voice was very familiar.

It was terrible that the door closed quickly. I didn’t get to see that person’s face.

After I got to work, Sister Ma asked me how it went. I evaded the question with a few sentences. Sister said, did you not like him. I said, Big sister, your words are too heavy. That rascal didn’t like me.

Sister Ma squinted her eyes at me, and said, full of experience: “I know, Xiao Qiao, next time I will help you find a local.”

“I didn’t mean that.” I busily explained it. When I was about to grab elder sister’s arm, the long disappeared Cheng Jia Yang suddenly appeared.

Sister Ma’s attention immediately shifted away from me. Her face was full of smiles: “Jia Yang, you returned?”

“Ah, yesterday I returned. Are you well, big sister? What are you talking about, to be so happy?” He said this as he watched me.

“Say it, find Miss Qiao a local man. Jia Yang, you know many people, help look around.”

I hated this old woman a little now.

It wasn’t because the one in front of me was Cheng Jia Yang, but was because of her concern towards other people’s private life.

I looked at my files at the table when I heard Cheng Jia Yang laugh: “Big sister, I don’t have anymore A4 paper in my office, grab another bag for me.”

“No problem, I can help you grab two bags.”

Jia Yang came out. I heard Sister Ma say: “You won’t have to look for a better life. You have money when you need it, a position, knowledge and love.” Big sister turned back to look at me, “Do you know who his match is? It is,”

I didn’t even need to reply, she could finish the dialogue by herself.

“It’s Wen Xiao Hua, that beautiful host. The two families are pretty compatible. I heard Young Master Cheng is going to marry soon.”

My hand could not help but shake a little.

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