
{137} Friday, or the day of Crucifixion.

{153} Almost all other articles in Madrid are proportionably dear.

{154} Amat"s Bible sells for 4 dollars.

{197} The Spanish sheet is but one-fourth the size of the English.

{251} This animal cost the Society about two thousand _reals_ at Madrid; I, however, sold him for three thousand at Corunna, notwithstanding that he had suffered much from the hard labour which he had been subjected to in our wanderings in Galicia, and likewise from bad provender.

{256} I have since discovered that they were only despatched the day before my arrival at Madrid.

{274} I think the sale is becoming brisker; this very day we have sold eight.

{275a} I wish much that I had the Old Testament apart, precisely in the same form.

{275b} Mr. Villiers has. .h.i.therto taken but 50 copies, which he has distributed amongst his friends; his situation has been such lately, that more could not be reasonably expected from him. Even his is not a bed of roses.

{392} [Greek text] as Antonio says.

{422a} I send the original phrase which is remarkable, and in remarkable Spanish.

{422b} They were supplied six months ago.

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