Level up Is Getting Me Undefeatable

Chapter 3 The Sudden Kiss

Chapter 3 The Sudden Kiss

A Good Martial Art can change the Future of a Family .

So G.o.ds are extremely Strong Beings , which won’t die so easily . So it’s not the Question if he/she can change the Future of a Family , the G.o.d can Change a Country . Maybe even the Possibility of Future Itself .

2th Stage Berserk , everything is Qudraple


(TN: It would be 1024 , but i think if you didn’t take it seriously then it’s ok)

(TN: Imagine a 1kg Stone and throwing it lightly would result the same as 1000kg falling on the Ground)

As long as he had his Cultivation Art , he would never fear any fear . Why should I fear Luo Yue who is at the 5th Stage of Xuentu , if i am able to punch him to death !

The Best Level Grinding would be to kill Monsters , 100 Miles from Treasure Mountain Range is the Paradises for Monsters and YaoMo , the Ghost Mountain Range . But Luo Tian just want to walk in there to kill em , just for Power !

Luo Tians Ability against Beetle is pretty good , but if he were to go against a YaoMo , even if its only against one of the 0th Stage , the YaoMo would probably only need some little Punches and he would be dead . So thinking to go in and kill Monsters is only running into your own Death !

If you’re Dead , then there’s no Use .

As the Beetle Murderer Luo Tian only have to see Horse s.h.i.t or Cow s.h.i.t to take Action , since there’ll be some Beetles . He only have to Step on them .

With Killing those Insects and walking he noticed he already is behind the Mountain .

(TN: Maybe i should put Steppe instead of Wasteland , but i think Wasteland a pretty good Word)

As he Harvested the Gra.s.s , Luo Tian thinked of other Choices to Level Up . If he only Relied on Ma Tongs Quest it’s gonna take a too Long .

(TN: isn’t he at lv 1 ? Somehow he seemed to be lv 2 now …. )

Just as Luo Tian was thinking what to do , he heard a “ Sou “ Sound from the Forest .

“ Gaaa , a Fairy ?“

“ Ah ? Why do i feel that the Sword is pointed on me … WTF ! It really is pointed one me .“

But as Luo Tian standed up , his Body could be seen in this Gra.s.s Forest .

What for a Suprise , the Qi in her Body isnt Balanced , so she doesn’t have any Control .

But … Luo Tians “ S “ Way was followed by the White Beauty , since she flyed the “ S “ Way with much more Speed .

Luo Tian turned his Head over and Cried : ,, Can you Please stop Flying so Confusing ?“

Plump , the whole Person falled in a straight Line on Luo Tian .

Luo Tian wanted let White Cloth fly past him , so he prepared to Stop . But he wouldn’t believe that she would fall like a Stone on him , and it happened too Fast , so he has no Time to prepare .

“ Chuuu “ two Mouths touched each other , somehow with the will of Heaven or other mystical Power the tongue of the White Cloth Beauty entered the Mouth of Luo Tian …

Because he was an Otaku , he never feeled the Lips of a Woman , he didn’t even hold Hands with a Woman . (TN: Wait wut … , i should change the Puchi-Puchi Sport in Chapter 1)

The Other Thing was that the White Clothed Sister was just too Beautiful , with so many round Curves . More Beautiful then those Celebrities in his Previous Life , even if he couldn’t even stay next to them in his Previous Life . But now a Girl so Beautiful that he couldn’t even imagine in his previous Life lied on top of him , and it happened without any Warnings .

Luo Tian gulpt his Spit and grunted : ,, I wanted to dodge , but where could i dodge ? You flyed at me and just as i wanted to Stop you falled down on me , so where do you want me to dodge ? “

Even if she did say this , her Cheeks still was Red , and as she thought of the Think that happened Her Cheeks got more Red . This Feeling she felt on her Face was special … one can’t describe it what for a Feeling this it .

White Cloth Sister moved her right Leg and shouted : ,, You Idiot , i didn’t kiss you , huh !“

Her Angry Face look so cute ….. Luo Tian smiled like an Idiot , just as he want to say something back his Eyes changed and shouted : ,, Move , Move from there !“

Luo Tian shrugged , and said : ,, Not my Problem , it’s you who stands on a Ant Hill and not me .“

The Number of Ants were just too much , on her Body were countless red Dots . Luo Tian feared that they might Bite this White Cloth Beauty so he took her and jumped away . But he still saw Dozens of Ants so he commanded : ,, Strip your Clotes , Quick !“

Now is Summer , she only wear one Cloth so if this was gone then ….

After he said these Things , he didn’t cared about anything and directly ripped of the Cloth , while saying : ,, Quickly , take of the Clothes , the Ants crawled inside .“

Her Top now only contained one strip of Cloth , where two little Rabbits shaked .

Luo Tian literally looked at it like an Idiot .

Luo Tian gulped his Mouthfull of Saliva , and quickly moved to one side while holding the Cloth of the Beauty and beating the Ants in in .

“ Gratulation Player Luo Tian for a killing a Fire Ant , you gain 1 Exp , 0 Qi …. “

In his Head dozens of Sounds appeared .

“ Gratulation Player …. “

The Beauty which was next to him looked like she was seeing an Idiot , her Eyes wide opened as well as her Mouth . She saw the Luo Tian stomping on her Clothes . ,, This ……. This …… Ths is my Cloth , You ……. You ……. , I ……….. , I ……….. You b.a.s.t.a.r.d !“ shouted The Beauty .

to look at her with his filthy Eyes .

and Laughed : ,, I never thinked that this Gives Exp , there’s even a Hill ! Seems like my Level Up will be ensured , Hahahahahaha ….. “

The White Clothes Beauty ……

The Happy Luo Tian never thought of this Thing , he looked at the Dirty Cloth under his Feet and apogolized : ,, Really Sorry for this , the Situation maked me to do this , I’m really Sorry .“

Luo Tian only had one Top Cloth so as he undressed himself , he revealed his Body .

The Girl gaped , she was extremely Angry but as she looked on Luo Tian countless Wounds she just felt Sorry for him , ,, Your Body Injury …. “

The Girld looked at Luo Tian without saying Anything .

In this Moment she felt Curious about Luo Tian , she took the offered Clothes and dressed Herself Properly .

Luo Tian only could blink and saw a young Boy flying in the Sky with a Sword in his Hand . Shouting with Anger : ,, Dead Trash , You dare to Bother my Little Sister Xueer , Die !“


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