Level up Is Getting Me Undefeatable

Chapter 4 I have to get Stronger

Chapter 4 I have to get Stronger

A sword Flyed through the air , the killing intent directed to Luo Tians Soul . In this Moment Luo Tian has to resist , he clenched his Hand into a Fist and used Thunder Tiger Punch .
A singe Pair of Hands versus a sharp sword ? The Young Man was quite angry as he shouted : ,, Even Trash want to block the Sword of a Lord , want to die ? “
The Speed of the sword grow faster and shone as it flew towards Luo Tians Fists .
,, Look how i will cripple your Hands !“
The Face of the young Woman changed , she wanted to stop the sword , but it happened too fast so she couldn’t stop it .
Her Heart felt concern for Luo Tian . The Young Man Name is Luo Lin , the Number 1 in the Luo Familys Younger Generation . Previously he would be the Number 2 and Luo Tian would be Number 1 . At this Time Luo Tian wasn’t a Cripple , and Luo Tian didn’t even got the Strength to challenge him .
But now Everything’s Different . Luo Lins Cultivation is already the 8th Xuentu Stage , his Strengh is pretty High and his Body has changed drastically . Because his Father is the current Heir , Luo Jian Shan , he is the Young Master of the Luo Family .
Luo Lin trained the Sword , his Cultivation Grade is high . In the Luo Family he is undefeatable with his Sword in his Generation .
Now the Strength Difference is like Heaven and Earth . Luo Tian wanted to run away , but his whole Body was paralyzed by the Sword killing intent . Impossible to dodge , Nowhere to hide , the only choice is it to fight .
Thunder Tiger Punch .
In the Left Hand Thunder , in the Right Hand Tiger , fusing both Hands in one creating on Both Hands the Image of a Thunder Tiger waiting to be released .
The Qi looked Brutal , the Radiance surged out .
A Lightning surged out from Luo Tians Left Hand towards the Sword .

But it only blocked half the sword qi as the other half rushed to Luo Tians chest .

“ Peng !“

The power maked Luo tian flying through the air . Luo lin was shocked , he never believed that his sword couldn’t cut through the hands of Luo Tian . In his heart furious ,  he laughed : ,, Useless Trash , even something like you want to stop great Masters blade ? You can’t even difference between your world and my world !“

After he said this , he moved like a show , his blade in position for a martial art . Again rushing to Luo Tian grunting : ,, You doggy , now where do you want to hide ?“

Luo Tian clenched his Fist as hard as he could . The Power was too great .

The Strength from a 8th Xuentu Stage was just too great . Luo Tian has no chance so he started to laugh inwardly and swore : ,, If i will live after this , You will suffer the greates Beating in the World !“

This Blade Move , it’s impossible for Luo Tian to resist .

This Weakness , it makes people lost their happiness and for Luo Tian it brings pain .

Luo Tian sitted on the gra.s.s ground , his eyes closed and his hands clenched into fists . His Heart full of sadness and his Face pale a the moon .

Luo Lin laughed : ,, Yu Trash ! Dieeee !“

As the Blade moved towards Luo Tian with his eyes closed , his heart full of sadness and full of anger thinking : “ If you got the guts , then kill me ! But i will return and make you suffer thousand- No ! Ten Thousand more pain then me !“

It’s not comfortale !

Really not Comfortable !

But , what can he do ?

In this World the strong rules , if one is weak then one will suffer the surpression from others . Forever living the life of an ant .

If you want to change it then get stronger .

As he was about to die , Luo Tian could feel the embrace of death .

But at this moment : ,, Stop it ! “

The Sword of the Beauty flyed over and directed the blade of Luo Lin  to the left side . The Blade was 3cm away from Luo Tian .

Luo Tians head was full of sweat , creating countless rivers running down . He looked into the eyes of death , but he lived with a small margin . So he couldn’t help but feel happy , his life almost extinguished .

Luo Lins Face changed , his blade missed his targed again , and he had to look at Luo Tians big smile .

He laughed : ,, Trash will be Trash forever , i really have no idear why you are still living . If i were you i would kill myself !“

,, Luo Lin ! “ the Beauty looked at Luo Lin and said : ,, He is a human too , you should respect him !“

Luo Tian turned to the beauty and said : ,, This is a human ? In my Eyes even a dog would be more worth ! Xueer sister , did you know that he is the Luo Family… no he is the Treasure Mountain Range useless Trash . This is the one who lost face for Luo Family , in this whole Mountain range he can’t even defeat a beggar . So in my Opinion he should be dead already !“

Luo Tian remembered something , first he got beaten with serious injurys . Afterwards he got drugged and dragged to the streets where some Luo Family lackings were disguised as Beggars beaten him .

As Luo Tian still had his Cultivation , how couldn’t one beat a Beggar ?

Before the whole Treasure Mountain range , in front of all people . Luo Tian was beaten the c.r.a.p out of him  by a Beggar .

That was all planned .

Luo Tians only explantion was it that everything was planned by Luo jian shan , his dantian crippled , he can’t practice Martial Arts . And he even humiliated me in front of all people , to tell all people that i am the trash of the Luo family . Even a Beggar is better than him .

From that day on , Luo Tian would be beaten everyday . Whoever wasn’t happy would beat him , he became the sandbag of the Luo Family . If they are unhappy , beat , if they are happy , beat .

He all remembered these things , he was angered and cursed in a light voice : ,, What for a s.h.i.tty family , wait till i have many light novels then i will show you how i destroy this family ! Just wait for me , i will get my revenge !“

The Beauty looked at Luo Tian and said : ,, This is Luo Tian ? “

,, Yeah ! He is the useless trash luo tian ! “ laughed luo lin ,, Xueer sister ….. “

Just as luo lin wanted to say something , the beauty stepped next to luo tian and looked at luo tians body with tears in his eyes and said : ,, Does it hurt ? “

“ Wut ? “ luo tian had a big shock , who would do something like that ? He remembered that somebody once did the same thing , but he couldn’t remember so he shook his head and said : ,, No it doesn’t hurt . “

Luo lins eyes catched fire , his hand at his sword released a thick killing intent which emitted a “ huhuhuh “ sound .

The Beauty never showed this affection to him , so why did a trash like him would receive it ?

(Tn: calm down man … he got beaten the c.r.a.p out of him everyday and youre wondering why he pity him … cmon we need more guys who pity someone or else humanity will be killed by demonic beasts  !)

Luo lin emitted a strong killing intent , his eyes directed on luo tians body , if eyes could kill , luo tian would be a dead man .

The Beauty turned around and said : ,, Didn’t you want to practice the sword with me ? If you spare him , then i will promise you to train the sword with you !“

,, What ? “ luo lin gaped , and laughed : ,, Is it true ? “

The Beauty nodded and said : ,, Only if you Promise me that you will never ever bully him again . “

Luo lin didn’t even looked at luo tian and said happily : ,, If you promise me to train the sword with you , how could i not spare a trash ? hahahahahahah …… “

After he said these things , he thinked like an evil : ,, I will spare him , but if i get people to make trouble than it won’t count ! This Trash should die quickly ! “

The Beauty looked at luo tian eyes , turning over and wanted to  ask : ,, Luo tian brother , do you still don’t remember Xuer ? “

She wanted to ask , but she kept it . She feared that she might give luo tian more trouble . Afterwards she left quickly .

Luo lin laughed : ,, Doggy , today you are pretty lucky !“

He left quickly too .

The only one remaing was luo tian thinking of the beauty .

“ Who is she ? I feel familiar with her , but i can’t remember . Well it doesn’t matter , now i have to concentrate on my level up . “

The Things which happened gave him another experience that strength is the most important thing and that weaklings will die .


Almost cutted by a blade , pressured by qi , and even his little life almost lost . And in the end a girl had to save me , all these things were unforgettable for luo tian .

Stronger ! I have to get stronger !

Only with strength people can change things , and decide their future .

Luo tian looked at the sky , his hands behind his back . Stealing some glanches to the fire ant which crawled the hill up and down .

“ Patschi , Patsch …. “

“ Gratulation Player Luo tian for killing a fire ant , 1 exp , 0 qi . “

„Gratulation ….. “

His Feets stomped on the hill , countless fire ants trampeled to death . The System sound ringed countless times . Luo tian got bitten by many Fire ants which crawled his body empor and bit him . It hurted , but he endured it and though in comparison to the humilation he got it was nothing .

“ Die , die , die …. ! “

After ten minutes one hundred fire ants lyed death benath his feets , his whole body with countless little red dots which were painful .

“ Ding ! “

“ Gratulation player luo tian for reaching lv 2 !“

(Tn: Yeah he only got lv 2 and not lv 3 , mb )

A level up ! 2th Xuentu stage , only day of hard work . This Speed was unrivaled . But luo tian cooled himself down , 2th Xuentu stage was still too weak . He couldnÄt even defeat one sword attack from luo lin .

With a burning heart , luo tian looked in every direction for fire ants and shouted : ,, Come on , i will take you all ! “

(Tn: Epic Scene ;-; )

Ten years before , Luo family garden .

A boy and a girl played family .

“ Luo tian brother , i will be your bride , you will take me right ? “ a cute wearing white cloth little girl asked the question seriously .

The Boy wearing comfortable clothes with a running nose laughed while his snodder triefed : ,, ok  ! “

The energetic girl laughed and said with a red face   : ,, In the future you have to marry me ok ? “

The snodder boy laughed , and  said : ,, Yeah ! “

The Girl danced around and kissed the boy on the lips and runned away while singing : ,, Luo tian brother will make me his wife ~ Luo tian brother will make me his wife ~ …… “



I think most of you will wonder why the chinese use Brother/Sister .

To say the truth … i have no idear either , but little child would call you big sister/brother in china if they want to talk to you . If you look old enough they will call you aunt/uncle .

Yeeaaaah , hope the chapter is readable .

And i think we can welcome our new Editor  ~Clap clap clap ~

Status : ( Unedited )

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