Level up Is Getting Me Undefeatable

Chapter 6 Forcing Quests

Chapter 6 Forcing Quests



Pa !

“ Hey Dog , are there any Tasks for me ? “

“ No , no . “

Pa !

“ How is this possible that there are no tasks ? Taking the Horses out , feeding them or cleaning something . There are so many things to do , so how can i have no task ? “

“ This uncle will do it , i don’t want to annoy you with small tasks . “

Pa !

“ Everything will be done by me . “

“ I ……… i ……. don’t dare ….just let old uncle do this for you . “

Pa !

“ Old man , if i tell you that i want to do don’t argument with me . “

Both of Ma Tongs cheeks looked like little red pigs , fat and red . Both of his Eyes were bear eyes , he missed some teeth and his hair was a mess . Beaten by Luo Tian so hard that people couldn’t even recognize him anymore he feared Luo Tian and stammeled : “ Then ….. Then …. I will -ll -ll juuust give it to you . “

Ding !

(TN: I decided to stop the “ on the sounds)

Quest done  , clean the horse stable , 30 exp gained .

Quest done , walking the horses out , 20 exp gained .

Quest done , feed with gra.s.s , 10 exp gained .


Luo Tian laughed with a big smile , again slapped Ma Tong on his face and said : ,, What for an idiot , i need to beat you half dead so you can give me something to do . “

His mood was pretty good , thank G.o.d he didn’t killed him . Since if he killed him then there would be no Quests anymore .

The Exp gained wasn’t much , however for Luo Tian every single Exp counted . He needed them for leveling as fast as possible .

“ Young master , young  master ….. “

Feng Lei hold a bag happily runned to Luo Tian smiled and said : ,, Young master , i searched the whole ground and only found these . “

After he spoke he opened the bag , a smelly smell drifted out , inside were dozens beetle .

Luo Tian patted the shouldern of Feng Lei and said : ,, Lei Fatty , not bad ! Wait till young master have some money then i will take you to eat some meat . “

Feng Lei looked happily and laughed , as he heard that he maybe can eat meat his saliva overflow and gulped it down .

Eating Meat …. it is his favorite thing . It was already 3 years , enough to forget the smell of meat .

Luo Tian took the bag and threw it on the ground , afterwards he stomped on the bad . Feng Lei didn’t ask any questions and only stood next to him while silly laughing and thinking Luo Tian taking him to eat meat …..

Stomping on the ground he heard many sounds .

Ding !

Gratulation Player Luo Tian for killing a beetle , gained 1 exp , 0 qi ….. “

Ding !

Gratulation Player …… “

Not even one minutes was over as more than 90 beetle find their death under Luo Tians feet . 90 Exp gained , Luo Tian looked at this score and laughed : ,, Lei Fatty , get more beetles , if you can get one hundred then i will take you with 100 percent certainy to eat meat ! “

Feng Lei looked with a shocked expression : “ Eat meat ? Really ? “

(TN : I swear man …. if fatty get dropped by the Mc like an useable thing i will drop the novel , because he is described like me , fat and like eating meat ! )

“ Naturally , when did young master lie to you ? “ answered Luo Tian with a smile .

Feng Leis face contained a big smile , and happily runned away .

Luo Tian didn’t cared about it anymore and cleared his quests at an astonishable rate .


3 Days after .

In the early Hours .

Luo Tian again beat Ma Tong , however what for a pity . This time there didn’t were any quests .

It’s not like Ma Tong didn’t let Luo Tian work , it’s just that he didn’t get any quests .

It’s just like the quests are done . That’s the reason why Luo Tian beat Ma Tong !

“ How comes there are no tasks anymore ? “

He wasn’t even at the 4th Level and now with no more quests his anger concentrated on Ma Tong .

Ma Tong was the person who beat Luo Tian many times over so how can’t he get some revenge for himself ? It he didn’t get revenge if wouldn’t be Luo Tian !

Not getting the quests everyday is equal to a huge exp loss , leveling is getting too slow .

As he beat Ma tong , Luo Tians said to himself : ,, Now there are no quests i have to get another source of exp , this can’t go on . “

“ Lei fatty , are there any beast on yu mountain range ? And i am talking about beast, no Yaomo . “ Asked Luo Tian .

Beasts and Yaomo are two different levels , killing a beast is possible however killing a yaomo is not even thinkable .

Feng Lei sitting next to him , thinking for while before shaking his head and saying : ,, Servant didn’t know , does young master want to kill Beasts for giving me meat to eat ?

Yesterday Feng Lei completed his 100 beetle quest and now graved for some meat .

“ Eating , eating and eating . You only know how to eat .“ said Luo Tian angrily , “ isn’t it just a meal of meat , i will let you eat it . “

On his body weren’t any money , not talking about meat , even eating 3 meals a day was a problem .

At his moment 4 outer luo family brothers entered the horse stable .

“ The Hunting Contest will begin soon , this time i will go into the inner brothers . “

“ If we all work together and hunting together i believe the inner brother won’t be a problem . “

“ Did you hear , this times hunting contest first prize is extremely valuable , last years prize add a qi stone . “

“ Qi stone ? Mysterious Qi stone , thats a cultivation treasure , if use good then one would be able to reach the Xuenmaster stage . “

“ If i get it i can join the Xuenmaster ream with certainy . “

“ Don’t dream , this time the young master will partic.i.p.ate too , Luo lin is already at the 8 Xuentu stage . Who will be able to beat him ? It is normal that Family Master put the stone into the prize for his own son , can’t you even think of this ? “

“ Well if i hear you say that is is true . “

“ But , the best talent in Luo Family is young Master Luo Lin so if get the stone it would be better than outsider get the stone . “

“ Right ! The Luo Family truly didn’t have anybody who could compete with Luo lin . “

“ If Luo Tian was crippled ….. “

“ This Cripple lost the face of the Luo Family and even dare to fight against Luo Lin . If i think of him i become angry , didn’t because of him the Luo Family become so ? “

(TN: … yeah , one person can make a whole family bad and lose some grade while hes a fck kid)

“ Well it doesn’t matter , don’t mention the trash . We came here to ride horse out to train at the mountains . This training is important for us so we need to prepare everything ….. “


The Four Person walking into the horse stable , while one of them shouted with a loud voice : ,, Horse supervisor , horse supervisor , get us 4 good horse ready , we need to go into the mountain for training . “

Ma Tongs pig face came out of the stable while having a smile saying : ,, We have good horses , just choose one yourself . “

“ Horse supervisor , your face ….. “

“ Hahahahaahahahah ……… “

“ Hahaahahahahahaah ……. “

Nose was flat on his face , his bear eyes , front tooth lost and adding  his clumsy walking while holding his feet with pain The Four people started to laugh .

Ma Tong faces flushed , his eyes full of hatred .

Just as he wanted to say something Luo Tian walked over , one hand at Ma Tongs feet and smiled : ,, Young masters do you have any tasks ? “

Ma Tongs feet hurted , his body reacted with fair and swallowed his words down his throat .

The Four People meeting Luo Tian changed their face . One of the persons laughed : ,, Huh ? You Trash didn’t die ? Didn’t i heard that Luo Yue beat him to death ? “

“ You doggy truly have some ability . “

“ If we speak of it , you lost face for the Luo Family everywhere so why don’t you die earlier ? “


The Feng Lei standing next to him , both of his hand clenched to fists . If Luo Tian didn’t hold him back he would already rushed to them .

The only outcome of rushing would be getting beaten .

Luo Familys outer brother would always be 3 Xuentu stage or higher , these 4 persons had 2 of them who were at the 4 stage . If this gets out of control then the Luo tian with 2 persons won’t be an opponent .

Luo Tians mouth moved and hid his malice while smiling : “ First chose a Horse four masters . “

Looking at Luo Tians acting one of the persons said : ,, Trash is Trash . “

The Four Persons came to the horse stable and chosed four horses .

Luo Tian and Ma Tong though that the thing would be over and prepared to send the 4 persons away . However one looked at Luo Tian with an eye and said : ,, We are goint to the moutains for training . That will take a few days so look after our horses . “

“ What ? “

“ We are only the stable who provide the horses , after they are taken we care about nothing , if you want to somebody to look after your horses then find other people . “ said Feng Lei with hatred .

“ YOU ! If you two trash dont look after our horses then don’t think of losing face , if we beat you to death n.o.body will care anyway . “

“ You ! “ Shouted Feng Lei with rage and just wanted to storm onto them . However Luo Tian smiled and pulled Feng Lei back and said : ,, Helping the four Masters is our honor , we will go , we certainly will go . “

As the Brother said the Things something plopped out of Luo Tians mind with a Sound .

Ding !

Got a Quest , look after horses , if Quest completed 80 exp gained . “


If one got a quest then they will have to accept !

A while before he noticed that the four wanted to go into a mountain range to train , however their strength was not enough for the Ghost Mountain range so it is certainly another mountain . So didn’t that Mountain have beasts ?

“ Young master …… “

“ These four are only p.a.w.ns in the Luo Family , they even insult you and you behave like a dog to them … “ Feng Lei blurted out .

“ Dead Fatty you said what ? “

“ Seems like you can’t accept it . “

“ What for a young master , it’s dog master , do you believe it is like before , wake up . “


Luo Tian wanted to push Feng Leis Head down , however that big head couldn’t be moved so Luo Tian just laughed : ,, Four Masters don’t get mad , my brother mind isn’t easily changed so don’t care , we promise  you that we will look after your horses . “

“ Ah ! Seems like you understand ! “

Luo Tian laughed and went back to take two horses out .

“ What are you doing ? “

“ You a horse helper want to ride with us on the horse ? Just look at your background . “

Luo Tian was quite dumbfounded and asked : ,, If we don’t ride horse then how can we follow you ? “

“ Just use your feet , or is your feet crippled too ? “

“ You Luo Family trash want to ride a horse , don’t you fear to make people laugh at you ? “


Luo Tian closed his eyes for a short moment while walking out of the horse stable and said with a smile : ,, So please lead the way young masters .  “

“ Really good , never believed in the Luo Family there would be such a moron , hahahahahah ……. “

The Four People went on the horse back and started to ride with the fastest speed possible .

“ Big Trash , quickly follow us , if you don’t follow us then blame me to beat you ! “

Feng Lei raged while saying : “ Young Master ….. “

Luo Tians eyes changed , looking at the four people with murderous intent thinking in his heart : ,, Wait till i level up , then your after life will come …….. “

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