Li Ming

Chapter 10

In one of the private rooms of a restaurant, two men were standing near the window watching the stage. "Captain Ren, that Demon Lord will not come for that woman. If we do not save her now, she will soon be dead!", Cheng Zhong anxiously said.

Ren Shui was dressed as a young scholar. He was conflicted. He has underestimated Great Elder Yui, "Two... No, three birds in one stone. You really are a vixen." He smiled mockingly, "But you have also underestimated my Zhongguo Alliance."

Ren Shui turned to his subordinate, "Summon the First Division. Instruct Baili to prepare for the return as well."

"Yes, Captain!" Cheng Zhong excitedly answered. Finally, their Zhongguo Alliance will finally let these geezers taste their might.

Just a few seconds later, Great Elder Yui"s brows scrunched and the other five Great Elders on the stage all stood up.

Great Elder Qian shouted, "Ju!!!"

"I know!", anxiously answered Great Elder Ju.

Great Elder Qian and Great Elder Ju raised their hands and activated the secret shield set-up on the stage. There were 6 pillars behind the Great Elders seats which glowed and almost instantly covered the entire stage in golden light.

But before it can cover the whole stage, something whooshed to the stage. In that split second, everyone"s eyes were temporarily blinded and when they get to their senses, a ma.s.sive beast now stood in front of the guillotine. It was a golden bird about three meters tall. Its wings spanned six to seven meters. Just one of it was able to stop the powerful barrier of Great Elder Qian and Great Elder Ju. The barrier continued to push down and close the shield, but it only resulted in a loud weeeng that reverberated in the entire plaza.

"Go-Golden Crow!", exclaimed Great Elder Gu. His eyes showed a tinge of greed but it was quickly hidden.

Before the crowd even realize the importance of what Great Elder Gu uttered, everyone"s eyes bulged as hundreds of powerful cultivators riding griffins appeared in the sky.

Emperor Taizong Zhelan and Crown Prince Taizong Liuxian both stood up but their knees were slightly shivering. " W-wh-who are you people?!", Emperor Taizong Zhelan courageously asked.

His Bu Country"s army only has thirty of these magical beasts but this group has hundreds!

Two other griffins appeared right in front of the stage and as soon as they appeared, two people hopped and rode each beast.

"You! You were those two lovers earlier!", shouted a man.

Ding Tao and Tang Mei ignored the people. They both discarded their outer clothes and compared to the stupid expressions they had on earlier, they now wore a serious expression.

Another griffin came flying from the crowd at the back. This time, a youth beggar was riding it.

"H-hou Wuhan... No, no he"s Bin Xinyue!!!", someone exclaimed. Everyone looked at the youth and at the powerful cultivators riding the griffins. They noticed that they are all wearing identical dark green clothing.

An old man cried, "What the Great Elders said were all true... This Bin Xinyue is part of this Zhongguo Alliance! They have released the Demon Lord and are now here to rescue that witch!"

When the others heard what he said, they remembered all the things that were said by Great Elder Yui earlier.

On the other hand, the six Great Elder"s attention are not at the youth, nor the two lovers, nor the formidable army in the skies... They have raised their guard against the person riding the Golden Crow.

No one on the stage uttered a word. Drops of sweat trickled down Great Elder Qian and Great Elder Ju"s foreheads. They are still both trying hard to bring the barrier to a close. But it doesn"t want to bulge. This Golden Crow is really a powerful mythical beast and this man riding it q1is very dangerous!

"With only a few words you were able to fool the entire continent. I must applaud your skills.", a deep voice captured the plaza"s attention back to the stage.

The man got off the Golden Crow, but once he did this, Great Elder Yui waved her hands and an ice shard flew from her sleeves to cut-off the rope holding the guillotine"s blade.


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