Li Ming

Chapter 8

Great Elder Yuanting showed a humble bow and smile and then sat on his chair.

"My citizens... As much as I love Our Bu Country, Our body can no longer handle the responsibilities. We will be pa.s.sing on the dragon throne to Our beloved son, the Crown Prince, Taizong Liuxian!"

Gasp!!! The entire plaza was dumbfounded. What kind of news is this? A 25-year-old emperor? This is a piece of major news not only in Bu Country but the entire Fu Yang Continent.

Even the imperial family and harem was dumbstruck. Some of those who were seated even stood up, especially the mothers of the other princes. They wanted to protest badly but they remembered the master of the Crown Prince, Great Elder Feng. This means that he has the entire Council of Great Elders as his backing!

Out of the eleven princes, three have already died, one had their royalty status removed and one was sent to Ming Country as an envoy. The six princes left were all seated at the very front. As Crown Prince Taizong saluted the emperor, one of the princes besides him tried to stand up but was immediately pulled back down by another prince.

"Calm down, third brother. We can appeal to father emperor after today"s event. It"s unwise to cause a ruckus right now." whispered the seventh prince.

The government officials were also shocked about the news but they immediately came to their senses. They will definitely weigh the pros and cons of the news once they get home. Almost half of the officials have satisfied expressions and although there are a few obvious officials who are against it, they cannot raise this issue here right now.

And as they expected, the eunuch of Emperor Taizong Zhelan announced, "The official coronation will be held on the 5th of next month. All officials from the third level, the Imperial Family and Imperial Harem are required to attend. There will be strict security and invitations will be sent out to other guests. A country-wide celebration will be observed starting tomorrow."

The whole plaza was full of chatter. Emperor Taizong Zhelan and the six Great Elders didn"t mind because the news they brought today was really shocking. They knew that starting from today, there will be lots of changes not only in Bu Country but the entire Fu Yang Continent.

They let the people chatter for a good fifteen minutes and finally, Great Elder Yui stood up and took the center of the stage.

A few people saw her so they hushed the people beside them and soon, the entire plaza quieted down.

Great Elder Yui scanned the crowd and started, "You all have heard the news. The Demon Lord has broken out of his seal in Khun Mountains and the very reason for that happening is right before your very eyes."

She turned to look at the woman held by two protectors, "This woman here is called Aurora. She was found inside Khun Mountains which was entirely protected by a strong barrier set up by both Great Elder Qian and Great Elder Ju."

Everyone in the plaza was again in uproar. A burly man then exclaimed, "No wonder I was blasted away when I got lost near Khun Mountains. It was a b.l.o.o.d.y barrier."

"Stupid! It"s not just any ordinary b.l.o.o.d.y barrier." A woman who seems to be his lover nudged him and reminded him, "Great Elder Qian and Great Elder Ju are the famous twin cultivators whose expertise are setting up powerful shields. They are the top in Fu Yang Continent!"

Since the two people are in front of the stage, a lot of people listened to their conversation and nodded their heads in agreement to what the woman was saying.

"Uhh...", the burly man scratched his head. " If they are the top in the continent, how come this little woman was able to break their barrier?" He looked at his lover and back at Aurora, "She also doesn"t look like she has any cultivation or even any trace of elements in her."

Everyone wanted to ask this question too. How can a weak young woman break a barrier that was built by two of the Great Elders? They also knew that aside from the barrier that surrounded Khun Mountains, all the eight Great Elders have also combined their strength to put a seal on the Demon Lord himself.

The plaza was filled with whispers. Some people shared the same theory but they patiently waited for Great Elder Yui to reveal the truth on what happened three days ago.

Great Elder Yui raised her left hand to calm the people down then she looked at a protector on the side of the stage.

Protector Cui moved to the center of the stage where Great Elder Yui was. He was carrying something on his hands but it was covered in black cloth.

The eyebrows of Protector Lu Yang, Protector Mo and Protector Du who were beside Protector Cui are all scrunched. Protector Luyang whispered angrily to both Protector Mo and Protector Du, "Why?!... I don"t understand why they have to do this..."

Protector Du whispered back, "You should have seen her state when I picked her up at the dungeons..."

"Hush! Great Elder Yui and the Council should have a reason why they are doing this.", even though Protector Mo was also dissatisfied, he still reprimanded the two. He continued, "Remember, it"s the Demon Lord who is involved. Millions of people died that day. He will definitely exact his revenge. And if he regains his full strength, Fu Yang Continent will cease to exist."

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