Li Ming

Chapter 12

A few Imperial Soldiers with high cultivation also surrounded Emperor Taizong Zhelan and the Imperial Family and Harem. They have set-up another layer of barrier to protect them.

When the government officials realized what was happening most of them kowtowed, "Your Majesty! Please let us inside the barrier too."

"This official is begging the Imperial One to have mercy and protect this old man.", Prime Minister Yu cried.

However, their cries were ignored because Emperor Taizong Zhelan is currently concentrated on the discussion of the Great Elders and this Zhongguo Alliance. He wasn"t a stupid emperor. He knew long ago the dark secrets of the Council. What he is worried about now is if he has taken the wrong side.

He looked at Ren Shui and thought to himself, "Who is this Ren Shui? He suddenly popped-up a few years ago and we can"t find a single trace on where he"s come from. Is he really from another land?"

"And his subordinates... Why do they seem to be as strong as or maybe even stronger than the Great Elders?"

Below the emperor"s stage, the seventh prince Taizong Zhihao whispered to himself, "That"s odd. This Zhongguo Alliance had a full two minutes to stop the barrier from spreading but no one made their move. They just sat on their griffins looking valiantly."

"Zhihao... Look at them. This naive Zhongguo Alliance is trying to pick a fight with the Council of Great Elders. They"re too full of themselves! Hahaha!" laughed the third prince, Taizong Zexian.

Seventh prince Zhihao then shook his head, "Third brother, I advise not to underestimate this group of people. That lady easily blocked Great Elder Gu"s sneak attack. And their leader, Ren Shui... He"s the one who shattered the blade."

"Heh, how do you know. That"s impossible because I didn"t see him move at all.", Taizong Zexian scrunched his brows. "Even if it is him, it"s probably just sheer luck!"

Taizong Zhihao just sighed but cursed internally, "Why am I stuck with this f.u.c.king imbecile!"


Meanwhile, Great Elder Gu"s hands slowly turned red. "Even you criminals surrender now, we will not spare your lives because of your countless crimes! You will all fall here today!"

Tang Mei laughed mockingly, "Hahaha! I didn"t know you have this comedian side of you Old Gu." Her eyes suddenly turned murderous, "I"ll be chopping off those hands of yours as offering to my dear sister!!!" A pair of thin icicles grew from Tang Mei"s hands. After they were two feet long, swirls of ice slowly reinforced the icicles until they turned to sharp blades.

Great Elder Gu jumped forward while shouting, "Heh! Don"t be too, girl!"

The other members of the Zhongguo Alliance also engaged into fights. Some who were more powerful faced one versus with the protectors, but most of them were two or three versus one protector.


Baam! Baam! Baaaam! On another side of the stage, a two-meter wide, four-meter tall wall of earth suddenly appeared behind Aurora"s guillotine. This wall protected her from a new round of icicles from Great Elder Yui.

"Sneaky b.a.s.t.a.r.ds!" roared Ding Tao. "Xhi, get her already!"

Fan Xhi nodded and turned to a shadow that enveloped Aurora. However, a chain suddenly destroyed the remains of the guillotine and immediately bound her three meters high.

Crack!!! Multiple of Aurora"s bones on her arms and ribs were crisply broken. She raised her head and stared at the sky with her pain-filled eyes. She trembled but to everyone"s surprise, she did not cry nor did she issue any sound. She just bit her lip until blood trickled.

Gasp! The people at the plaza seem to feel the pain. They stared at this little girl with no elements nor cultivation. From the time she was escorted by the protectors and was placed on the guillotine, she was just looking at the ground and her long hair was partly covering her face. Now that they have personally seen how she looks like, they are conflicted.

For some people in the crowd, it was as if their heartstrings were torn. For some reason, they thought of their daughters... They thought of their loved ones...

Before everyone could come to their senses, the chain that bound Aurora shattered. Same as the guillotine blade, it turn to sand. However, this time, the sand floated in the air. Next thing they saw was Ren Shui, holding her in his arms.

"Just a little longer, hang in there." whispered Ren Shui.

The sand then slowly merged into countless round pellets which then fired rapidly to Great Elder Kang. Great Elder Kang wasn"t slow as he immediately summoned multiple chains to help him deflect the shots but a few still grazed his face, arms and legs.

"Kang!" Great Elder Yuanting shouted.

But Ren Shui didn"t stop there. Seconds later, people below the stage were alarmed by a few spears and swords shattering. What surprised everyone was after they shattered, the sand pa.s.sed through the barrier that was enveloping them.

"Ho-how is this possible?" Great Elder Qian fell to her knees. Great Elder Ju was also dumbfounded.

The sand flew and gathered in front of Ren Shui. But this time, the shape it formed into was unfamiliar to everyone. It was like an inch short cylinder and the front was pointed.

"Two of these will pierce your arms and another two will pierce your ribs." After Ren Shui said that, he, for the first time, raised his right hand forward. A powerful force then fired the bullets towards Great Elder Kang.


Ping! Ping! Ping! A wall of ice came out of nowhere to help block the incoming attack but it was easily shattered. The chains Great Elder Kang summoned once again couldn"t deflect all and shortly, his arms were truly pierced. It hurt so badly but he can"t drop his defenses now. His eyes widened as he could see a few more aiming for his upper body.

Unexpectedly, all the incoming bullets dropped hard to the ground. In fact, they were buried an inch deep into the stage.

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