--Sec. 1872-81.

--Pres. 1883-85.

--Royal Society"s Medal, 1852.

--Copley Medal, 1888.

--Darwin Medal, 1894.

Linnean, 1858.

--Linnean Medal, 1890.

Geological, 1856.

--Sec. 1859-62.

--Pres. 1869-70.

--Wollaston Medal, 1876.

Zoological, 1856.

Odontological, 1863.

Ethnological, 1863.

--Pres. 1868-70.

Anthropological Inst.i.tute, 1870.

Medico-Chirurgical, Hon. Memb. 1868.

Medical, Hon. Memb. 1873.

Literary, 1883.

Silver Medal of the Apothecaries" Society for Botany, 1842.

Royal College of Surgeons, Member, 1862.

--Fellow, 1883.

--Hunterian Professor, 1863-69.

St. Thomas"s Hospital, Lecturer in Comparative Anatomy, 1854.

British a.s.sociation for the Advancement of Science, Pres. 1870.

--Pres. of Section D, 1866.

Royal Inst.i.tution, Fullerian Lecturer, 1863-67.

British Museum, Trustee, 1888.

Quekett Microscopical Club, President, 1878-79.


Dublin University Zoological and Botanical a.s.sociation; Corr. Member, 1859.

Liverpool Literary and Philosophic Society, Hon. Memb. 1870.

Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society, Hon. Memb. 1872.

Odontological Society of Great Britain, 1862.

Royal Irish Academy, Hon. Memb. 1874.

Historical Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Hon. Memb. 1875.

Royal Society of Edinburgh, British Hon. Fellow, 1876.

Glasgow Philosophical Society, Hon. Memb. 1876.

Literary and Antiquarian Society of Perth, Hon. Memb. 1876.

Cambridge Philosophical Society, Hon. Memb. 1871.

Hertfordshire Natural History Society, Hon. Memb. 1883.

Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, Hon. Memb. 1886.

New Zealand Inst.i.tute, Hon. Memb. 1872.

Royal Society of New South Wales, Hon. Memb. 1879, Clarke Medal, 1880.


International Congress of Anthropology and Prehistoric Archeology, Corr. Memb. 1867.

International Geological Congress (Pres.) 1888.


Academy of the Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Corr. Memb. 1859; Hayden Medal, 1888.

Odontographic Society of Pennsylvania, Hon. Memb. 1865.

American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, 1869.

Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences, Hon. Memb. 1873.

New York Academy of Sciences, Hon. Memb. 1876.

Boston Society of Natural History, Hon. Memb. 1877.

National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A., Foreign a.s.sociate, 1883.

American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Foreign Hon. Memb. 1883.


Konigliche Kaiserliche Geologische Reichsanstalt (Vienna), Corr. Memb.


K.K. Zoologische-botanische Gesellschaft in Wien, 1865.


Academie Royale de Medecine de Belgique, 1874.

Societe Geologique de Belgique, Hon. Memb. 1877.

Societe d"Anthropologie de Bruxelles, Hon. Memb. 1884.


Gabineta Portuguez de Leitura em Pernambuco, Corr. Memb. 1879.


Royal Society of Copenhagen, Fellow, 1876.


Inst.i.tut Egyptien (Alexandria), Hon. Memb. 1861.


Societe Imperiale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg, Corr. Memb.


Inst.i.tut de France; "Correspondant" in the section of Physiology (succeeding von Baer), 1879.


Microscopical Society of Giessen, Hon. Memb. 1857.

Imperialis Academia Caesariana Naturae Curiosorum (Dresden), 1857.

Imperial Literary and Scientific Academy of Germany, 1858.

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