Vaeri was running through the forest, her forehead full of sweat. It had been two days since she escaped the village, but there were still pursuers after her. Two more dark elves were sprinting next to her. One female and one male. After most of the spies escaped the village, they gathered in groups of two or three and escaped in different directions.

An arrow whistled through the air. Vaeri felt chills running through her back. With a twist, she swiped her dagger backward and accurately parried the arrow. "Phew. That was close." Not even stopping for the parry, her running continued.

"We can"t go on like this, we need to separate." The other female said while she looked back at the endless pursuers after them.

"Indeed, I agree. We need to bring this information to the castle. If we separate now, our chances will be bigger." The male added. He took the last arrow from his quiver and notched it on the bow. He twisted his body and shot out the arrow, piercing a werewolf through the neck. The werewolf"s eyes were wide open, full of disbelieve.

All of the spies that were sent here were the best fighters from the dark elves.

"Alright. let"s separate." Vaeri agreed. She checked her quiver and felt a bit disappointed. There were only three arrows left. "Better save them for an emergency." She tightened her grasp on the daggers and sped up to the right of their group, planning to separate.

The other female turned to the left, preparing to speed up in the other direction. Just as she took two steps, an arrow pierced her leg.


With a grunt, she reached for the arrow and broke it from the shat, not planning to remove it, but still, that wound slowed her down. A werewolf pounced on her from behind, taking her off-guard.

"No!" Vaeri screamed, looking at that scene. The female"s head was flying through the air, separated from her body. Her eyes were wide open, not expecting this ambush. Vaeri had the urge to turn around and kill everyone, but she stopped herself. The woman was one of her friends, they knew each other from childhood. A teardrop slowly fell from her left eye. Her hands trembled as she sped up forward.

"I need to survive. I have to, or else her sacrifice will be in vain." She tried to persuade herself, suppressing more tears from falling. The trees and bushes pa.s.sed through her vision, while voices and footsteps followed from behind.

"Can I make it out alive? Would I end up like her, dead? I don"t want to die, no, I have to survive!" Vaeri had a blank look, fully immersed in her thoughts, but she never stopped her running. Her hands still trembled, as she barely managed to keep the daggers in them.


She stumbled on a root and twisted her body, trying to maintain her balance. But with the next step, she felt a sharp pain from her ankle. That made her flinch. Shivers ran through her whole body as she finally lost her balance.

"No! I need to get up, get up!" She propped herself from the ground. Looking back, she found that the pursuers were almost next to her. Vaeri started to run again, with each step feeling immense pain from her ankle. It wasn"t broken, but it was sprained for sure. The throbbing pain from it made her running a torture and her speed dropped.

Realizing that she had no choice but to pull out the bow from her back and notch an arrow, she turned around and a moment later, the arrow whistled through the air, hitting a werewolf on his shoulder.


The man howled, as he pulled the arrow from his shoulder. Blood gushed out and sprayed around his wound and some splashed on the ground. Gritting his teeth, he charged once again forward, narrowing the distance between them.

Vaeri looked around and counted 10 enemies, all of them were werewolves. The other races were slower than them, which made it easier for her to escape from their pursuit. But the werewolves were another matter. She pulled another arrow from her quiver and notched it. That would be her last chance to shoot before the first enemy reached her. She took a deep breath and let go of the string. The arrow whistled forward, targeting a werewolf a few paces away.

The werewolf had almost no time to react. With a twist of his body, he tried to dodge it but seeing that it wouldn"t work, he extended his claws forward, trying to block the arrow.


He managed to block it, but that only changed the course of the arrow. It hit his foot, going through it and impaling it to the ground. He was already in an awkward position from his movements beforehand, now with the arrow stuck in his foot to the ground, the werewolf lost his balance and fell forward, an agonizing cry escaping from his lips.

"One down." Vaeri smirked and prepared her daggers. There was only one way to leave this place now. Kill or be killed. The first enemy pounced at her, she kicked the ground and somersaulted. With the momentum, she thrust her dagger at his back, easily piercing his neck.

Even though the werewolves were strong and good in battle, she was a spy and a good Her movements were fluid, as she propped herself to the body of the werewolf and kicked it, bouncing for her next target. Her dagger was now pointed forward, stabbing at the ribs of the second werewolf, as the first one"s body just now collapsed to the ground.

A yelp escaped from her second target, and the werewolf swiped diagonally with his right claw, trying to force Vaeri back. She let go of her dagger and somersaulted once again on the spot, her boot connecting with the man"s chin. He fell back, totally stunned from that hit.

The throbbing pain in her ankle intensified, making her flinch for a second, but she forced herself to continue. If she stopped, the one who would die here would be her. A claw came from her left side, trying to rip apart her shoulder. She instinctively leaned her body to the other side, only to feel pain at her waist. Two werewolves were attacking her at once now. One of them managed to make a slight wound upon her body.

She raised her hand, preparing to stab one of them. At the same time, a furry hand entered her vision and a strong pain in her arm followed, which made her drop her dagger. "f.u.c.k!" That"s the only thing she could think of before a kick to her ribs sent her flying.

Vaeri collided with a tree, her body becoming limp from the impact. She coughed out blood. Everything in her vision was now blurry. She couldn"t perceive what was happening around her due to the shock she received from the impact.

"What...happened? I"ve been hit?" Vaeri shook her head, trying to regain her focus. She saw two werewolves coming, only a few paces away from her. "No, I have to move, I have to!" She tried to force herself on her feet, but her body betrayed her. There was no strength that she could muster at the moment.
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"Am I...Am I going to die like this?" She felt terrified, only thinking about it. The two werewolves finally reached her side, looking down at her with smirks on their lips. "No, no, I don"t want to die! NO!" She screamed in her mind, tears falling from her eyes. She shook her head, trying to deny the reality of the situation, but that didn"t help her in her struggle for survival.

One of the werewolves extended his claw, preparing to finish her. When he was just about to rip her neck, an arrow pierced his forehead. His eyes widened and blood started to seep through the wound. He toppled forward and collapsed on Vaeri, totally covering her vision.


"What"s happening?" Vaeri kept her breath, trying to deduce what was going on. The howling of the werewolves and clanging of weapons entered her ears. With all her strength that she could muster at the moment, she moved the dead body away from her and looked around.

At that moment, the other dark elf, the man who separated from her earlier was fighting with the group of pursuers. He was dancing around them and wounding them. His movements were precise as he wielded his daggers. Every hit was a fatal one. In less than a minute, he managed to kill two and injure a few more, as he came to Vaeri"s side.

Her eyes widened, not understanding why he was here. "And how did he have more arrows?" The question was irrelevant, but she couldn"t help but think about it. With no words, the elf scooped her up from the ground and carried her in his arms.


Vaeri whelped from the surprise. She reflexively hugged him around his neck, trying not to fall. What was he thinking? Why did he return? He had to escape and bring the information back! That was their priority!

"Elion! What are you doing here? Why did you return?" She questioned him with angry eyes. But at the same time, she felt relieved. She wasn"t dead! She was so close to death and now after his sudden appearance, everything confused her.

"I came back for you," Elion answered, smiling at her. In that smile, she could see love and worry. That made her even more confused. Why were there such feelings in his eyes? He had been usually indifferent all this time!

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