As Anna saw the man, she hurried to kneel down. "Greetings, my lord!" She said.

"Anna, go bring some food from the kitchen. I will stay here for a while," said the man, as he kept looking in the direction of Erin, not even glancing at Anna.

"Yes, my lord! I will bring food immediately!" Saying so, Anna stood up, still with a bowed head. She walked out of the room and closed the door after her.

Erin was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. In front of him was a tall man, about 1.90m in height. He had short, blond hair and green eyes. If you looked at his eyes, you would be sucked in them. There was something unfathomable in them. He was slim, with sharp features. His aura gave you the feeling that before you there was someone very dangerous. He had a well-trained body, but he wasn"t too muscular. You could say that he looked like the ideal model from a TV show.

Still, as Erin watched the man, he felt a kind of familiarity which puzzled him. Did he know this man? But that was impossible. He just came to this world, there shouldn"t be anyone whom he knew beforehand. He had the feeling that the man in front of him would never hurt him. Even worse, he felt safe in his presence. He started wondering why it had to be that way.

"I can see that you are quite confused. You feel familiarity with me, right? Don"t think about that, you are seeing me for the first time. It"s in our blood to feel one another. We are from the same race after all. Come, let"s sit and talk." As the man said that, he helped Erin to sit down.

Erin felt a bit awkward. His movements were mechanical. He didn"t know if he should be happy that the man was like a gentleman or sad in the fact that he was being treated like a girl. Still, he calmed himself down. He sat down and waited for the man to start talking first.

"So let"s start with introductions first. My name is Richard. Demon Lord Richard. People also call me The Shadow Lord. What is your name?"

"Oh, my name is Erin! N-Nice to meet you, Richard." Erin stuttered a bit.

Richard frowned. The girl was like just a kid, still not knowing what was happening around her. But that was fine too, he could train her in the future. They had all the time in the world. Thinking so, his facial muscles finally relaxed a bit.

"So you are Erin. Don"t be so nervous. It seems like you have just awakened. How old are you?" Richard asked.

"I"m 16 years old, I think." Answered Erin.

"What do you mean by that? You are not sure of your own age?" (Richard)

"Well, I lost my memories. The things I remember are that my name is Erin and that I am 16 years old." (Erin)

"I see, so you don"t remember your past! Well, it doesn"t matter anyway." Saying so, Richard thought to himself "You will be my future wife, it doesn"t matter what your past was."

As he thought about it, Richard curved his lips. It was a charming scene, though unfortunately for him, Erin wasn"t in the mood to appreciate it. After all, he was still a boy in his soul.

At this time, there was a knock at the door. Anna came in with a trail and brought the food on the table. There was meat, which Erin couldn"t recognize. The meat was half cooked, still dripping with blood. The strange thing was that Erin got his appet.i.te up. It looked disgusting, but the smell was just too good to ignore. And for the drinks, they were definitely blood.

"You can leave us alone, Anna. If there is anything, I"ll call you. I need to talk with Erin."(Richard)

"Yes, my lord!" Anna bowed and left the room. The conversation that would follow, wouldn"t be something that she could partic.i.p.ate in.

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