Lance looked at the battlefield in front of him, it was a mess everywhere. He can"t see where Bryan has gone, but he can see that the war was going badly for them.

"Looks like I"ll have to take the command. That Bryan, what is he doing? I was wrong at giving him the command." Thinking about this, he started walking forward again. He was wounded and quite exhausted, but he had to continue forward. That was his path as the leader.

"All werewolves, follow my lead! Let"s end this battle!" Saying so, he charged at front line, engaging again in that fierce battle.


"Look what we have here! A little lost lamb on the battlefield! Haha, little one, you have some charms, let me enjoy you!" Bryan said as he licked his lips again.

Erin shivered from that. Seems like she met a pervert, what bad luck! She concentrated and merged with the shadows. This opponent would be quite a challenge. Erin had that uneasy feeling, that she wasn"t a worthy opponent to him, but she had to try anyway. She didn"t have a choice there.

Bryan watched as the girl merged with the shadows. He smirked. "Do you really think you can hide from me? Let me show you the reality!" Saying so, he extended his arm and caught Erin, then he threw her five meters away.

Erin crashed at a tree. She felt a bit dizzy. "How is this possible? He forcefully removed me from the shadows! What is going on here?!" She was at a loss, not knowing what to do.

Bryan watched as the girl panicked. He really enjoyed that scene. He wanted to play slowly with her. That would be really amusing. He was waiting to see the next move of the girl. "Let"s see how much you can make me enjoy you, don"t disappoint me!"

Erin finally came back to her senses. She looked at the werewolf in front of her. He was watching her, as if she was something amusing. She got a bit annoyed. This one was really weird. What was he waiting for? He could have continued with the attack, why was he stopping now? She really couldn"t get his thoughts. But that just made her more uneasy. What would happen to her in the end?

She took a deep breath and decided to attack. Going forward, she used her nails as always to strike at the wolf. He managed to dodge her attack. In the next moment, she felt a slight pain on her left hand. There was a small wound, and her sleeve was removed. She was even more confused. What was this guy trying to do?

Pushing up her aura to the max, she started a second attack, but the same thing happened. This time with her right hand. She finally understood what he was trying to do. He was undressing her in the open! Really a big pervert! Erin was furious, but a little afraid too. She could tell that he was a lot stronger than her. Could she escape from him? Thinking of that, she decided to try and run.

Seeing Erin start running, Bryan moved at once, standing again in front of her. He was faster than her after all. "Where do you think you are going? We"ll have a lot of fun together. Stay here, let me show you what a true enjoyment is!" As he said that, Bryan once again threw Erin. She landed hard on the ground.

Erin was panicking by now. "Please, let me escape from this weird guy. I don"t want to fight him! Someone, help me! That one is a pervert! Who knows what he is going to do with me!" She screamed in her mind. Trying to focus again, she slowly stood up. "I have to find a way and defeat him, otherwise, I am afraid that would be my end!" With a new resolve, she attacked again, looking for any kind of opportunity. She couldn"t run away; the only way was to fight her way out!


After Lance joined the battle again, they started to push Richard"s forces bit by bit. Orcs and dark elves were dying one after another. The battle was changing once again. The werewolves took the upperhand and started their ma.s.sacre. With Lance leading the werewolves, a new crazy slaughter began.

As he was leading the attack, Lance started wondering again. "Where in the world has Bryan gone? Is he dead? Why is he not here?! Leaving his post as a commander, that"s not acceptable!"


"Erin, Erin, be safe! Please be safe! I hope I am wrong! Faster, I need to be faster!" Richard repeated that all the time as he was flying towards the battlefield.

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