Erin was finally alone in her room. She got to the bed and curled herself in one corner. The scenes from today running through her mind, her eyes started getting dull. As she fell into a trance, suddenly her body started trembling. She hugged her knees tightly and tears started flowing from her eyes.

Today she was almost raped, that really scared her to death. Thinking about the wolf and his actions made her tremble even more. "Why... why is this happening to me? Why.." She started repeating this.

Erin was really scared back then. A little bit more, and she would be violated. Remembering the feeling of the hands of the wolf, Erin shuddered. She got up with unsteady posture, slowly walking to the pool. She submerged in it and started forcefully washing, but that didn"t help her. She continued like that for about ten minutes with tears in her eyes. Finally, she exhausted herself. The silent tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.

Next, she remembered Richard. "That b.a.s.t.a.r.d, he had to kiss me in a time like that!" She punched the water with all her strength. "What should I do? What should I do? He, he... He saved me before and helped me, I am really thankful for this, he is my savior. If it wasn"t for him, I would be dead in the forest, killed by those hunters, but, but..."

Erin was really confused. She was attached to Richard since he was her savior, she could even feel the closeness from their bloodline. She was sure he wouldn"t hurt her and he had only the best intentions for her, but he just crossed the line. She couldn"t show it in front of him, that"s why she tried hard to suppress her feelings, but now that she was alone...

"Richard, he... What did he really mean with that kiss? Did he have some feelings for me?" Erin"s struggles continued like that. She didn"t have any idea how she should feel about that. Her mind was in turmoil. Finally, a determined gaze replaced her confusion. "I should try to ignore him, I have no feelings for him, and that kiss, he had to choose that moment..." Thinking about the kiss, she couldn"t restrain herself from hitting the water again.

"And Anna, I almost lost my only support in this world." Her eyes started getting moist again. What if Anna really died? Erin was sure if that happened, she would have a mental breakdown at the spot. Her body trembled again. She took a deep breath to calm herself, dragging her body out of the pool. The water was dripping on the floor.

She used a towel to dry herself and crawled back to the corner of the bed, curling herself. Her eyes were shining in the deep night as she was still thinking about today"s happenings.


Richard came to the throne room and summoned his subordinates, giving orders. "Start treating the injured, prepare for the reconstruction. We should increase our defense, I don"t want to see something like that happen again!"

"Yes, my lord!" Everyone answered as they bowed. They then turned around and started getting busy.

Richard, on the other hand, started thinking about Erin. " This girl"s mind is too weak, I need to make her stronger. Those humans, that would be a good chance for her to experience some more setbacks, I should bring her along and let her taste some human blood." Thinking about that, Richard nodded to himself. He didn"t need a weak girl. She had to accept her fate.

"Hmm, am I pushing her too much?" He remembered Erin"s face, but thinking about her calmness after that, he shook his head. "No, she can handle that. Her mental power is strong enough." He smiled to himself. Thinking about the kiss, he couldn"t help but touch his lips. Those soft lips of her were just too sweet. He really wanted to kiss her again.

He shook his head. "No, I should restrain myself, or else I"ll just scare her." He sighed. "Maybe I was too impulsive back then, but after seeing that scene, why couldn"t I control myself? I hope she doesn"t see it in a bad way."

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