As the night came, Anna started preparing to go out. Lyse was watching her as she changed her clothes to more alluring ones and got curious. "W-What are you g-going to do?" She asked.

"Oh, I am going for a meal. If you want, you can come with me. If not, you can stay here, too." Anna said to her, as she had just finished changing her clothes. She waited for Lyse"s response.

"I-I will s-stay here. T-Thank you for inviting me." As she said that, Lyse laid down on her bed.

"Okay then, I"ll be back in a bit." Anna smiled and walked out of the room, her body swaying in an alluring way.


Erin was jumping from roof to roof, looking for her prey. Richard was close behind her, watching what she would choose in the end. This was the first time for Erin to go for human blood with a clear mind. She was a bit uneasy but still was determined to do it.

As they moved from roof to roof, Erin saw a man in black clothes with a knife in his hand, blocking the path of a woman in her twenties. Even though she was not told anything, she knew that the guy didn"t have good intentions. Her movements accelerated and she got behind the man in no time at all, without even thinking about it.

The man felt danger from behind and tried to stab his dagger backward, but his hand was grabbed by a small, white hand. That startled him and he looked back, only to see an adorable little girl. That confused him a lot, but in his confusion, he saw her blue eyes and black hair changing into crimson. In the next moment, he felt pain on his hand, which was grabbed.

Erin broke the man"s arm as her canines grew larger. In the next moment, she bit the man at his neck, drinking his blood. The sensation of drinking human blood was still as good as ever. It was way better than the blood of other races. She felt as if in a trance as she drank more and more. The ecstasy from the blood going down her throat was really great.

After drinking his blood until nothing was left, Erin finally got to her senses. She still couldn"t understand how the blood could be sweet to the point to make her fall in a trance. As she looked forward, she saw Richard just finishing the girl from earlier. Her body was already dry and as he let her go, the body fell to the ground with a thud. Erin"s eyes widened as she watched Richard licking his lips.

"Why did you kill her?" She couldn"t help but ask, a bit frustrated from that.

"If I let her live, would she be so kind to you?" Richard asked. "The first thing she was about to do is to scream, then more people would come. Yes, we can move away quickly and let her live, but then what? Tomorrow there will be people looking for a vampire. The whole city will be alerted. What does that mean? You will be in danger. Well, I could just take you and leave. There won"t be anyone who can stop me from that. What about you? Will it be what you wanted? Would you be happy with that?"

Those questions made Erin drop her head down. She wasn"t thinking at all when she attacked the man, but Richard was right. It will most probably be as Richard had said. The city would be alerted and they would start searching for her. She felt guilty and at the same time, sad. Shaking her head to remove those feelings, she looked up, meeting Richard"s eyes. "Alright, I understand. Thank you for that. I"ll be more careful from now on." Her eyes were shining with new determination as she said that.


A man in his thirties was moving through a deserted street. As he walked, he hummed to himself. He was quite muscular with a lot of scars on his body. That was definitely a veteran warrior. As he walked, he saw a silhouette in front of him. His body tensed a bit, ready to strike in a moment"s notice. After all, those deserted streets were full of dangers. Focusing his eyes, he continued with his movements and waited to see who was in front of him.

The silhouette gradually came closer, and finally in front of him was a beautiful woman. She was tall, about 1.80m and had silver hair. Her figure was slim and her golden eyes were mesmerizing. She wasn"t wearing many clothes and some places were quite revealing, which made the man gulp unconsciously. This was the first time he saw such a beautiful woman. Her every movement was inviting him to tease her.

As he neared her, his face became a bit red and his body relaxed from tension. He was ready to probe her and see if he can be with her. If someone else was in his place, he would do the same. After all, she was too alluring. As he was pa.s.sing her, he tried to say something, but in the next moment, he felt pain in his neck. Caught off guard, he sensed that the woman was already clinging to him and biting him on the neck. He tried to separate himself from her, but she was too strong and he was losing his powers as every second pa.s.sed.

Finally, Anna drank all the blood from the man. Licking her lips, she smiled. "The males are really easy targets. They just can"t resist my charm. Well, I am a succubus after all, but still, the feeling of drinking blood isn"t bad. I should return to the inn, or else after master returns from her hunt, she might check on me and start worrying."

Anna started to walk away from the man"s body. A few seconds later, the street fell in silence, there was no one else around.

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