The temperature in the room dropped more and more.

"Freezing domain, Ice shield." Lyse murmured under her breath and the whole room was covered in ice. All the men inside started to turn sluggish, but she couldn"t freeze them completely. Their clothes were prepared to resist the cold. The attire might not protect them fully, but at least it helped them a lot against Lyse.

A thin sphere surrounded her to protect her from harm. That was her ice shield. She used her magic to sense the whole inn and discovered there was no one in the rooms. Only the men who are trying to capture her were here.

"What a hard task," one of the men said and moved forward with unimaginable speed, hitting the shield with his sword. A crack opened, but he was forced backward from the impact.

Lyse waved her hand again, and five icicles appeared in front of the man. He used his sword again and fully blocked the incoming attack. At the same time three others came from different directions and attacked the shield too, but they weren"t able to destroy it either.

Lyse took a deep breath and tried to a.n.a.lyze the situation. She didn"t know many skills and her magic was limited. If this continued, soon she would be defeated.


With her words, snowflakes started to appear in the room. A breeze came with the snowflakes and they started to spin faster and faster. In three seconds, it became hard to see anything in the room, the movements of the enemy became even more difficult as they tried to find and attack Lyse in this storm.

She tried to move out of the room and escape, but at that moment an attack came and her shield finally broke. She felt a slight pain in her back. Turning around, she thrust her hand against her enemy. As she hit him, his clothes started to freeze. The man staggered backward but in the end stabilized himself and smirked.

Lyse was almost exhausted from casting so many spells in such a short time. Finally, she managed to leave the room. Turning around, she cast Icicles again. Only that would work against their protective gear. A few thuds echoed from the room, but the man who was closer to her once again managed to defend himself.

She moved through the corridor, but her powers started leaving her. That was something she wasn"t expecting. Her vision became a bit blurred and that made her realize that she was poisoned. The attackers wanted her alive and their weapons most probably had some kind of poisons added.

She finally understood why they weren"t fighting too fiercely. She was just prey for the catch, not someone they wanted to eliminate. No wonder most of them weren"t so strong. Only the man who managed to inflict her injury and block her attacks was decent. She was sure if they were fighting one on one, she would be the winner, but in a group battle, she was helpless.

The poison was really strong. In no more than twenty seconds, she fell to the ground. Her body was now powerless and she lost consciousness.

The attackers moved next to her and tried to lift her when suddenly, a shadow engulfed their surroundings.


Erin and the others were just returning from their hunt when Richard felt his spell activating. "Lyse is under attack, go and help her," he said to Erin and Anna. Erin"s eyes widened. "Is she under attack?"

Richard nodded, and Erin finally realized he was telling the truth. She started sprinting towards the inn. Anna looked at Richard and he smiled back at her. Her intuition was most probably correct. Their Lord knew from the beginning that would happen, but he still decided to keep silent about it. At least, he didn"t wait for too long before saying something. He could have just let everything unfold and not care for Lyse, but he still said it in the end. It was only for the sake of her master. She smiled and started running after Erin.

Erin reached the inn and her eyes widened. Half of it was covered in ice. She saw there were two men in front of the inn, guarding the place and her eyes turned red. Merging with the shadows, she moved to one of them and thrust her nails in his neck. As she looked at her hand, blood started surging like a fountain. Before the other man could react, she was already next to him and bit him in the neck. His body shuddered and after a few moments, he fell to the ground.

Erin merged to the shadows again and entered the inn. Anna followed behind her and saw that there was a man a bit farther away. She grinned and disappeared from the spot. The man was about to run after seeing Erin, but when he turned around, Anna was already there. He couldn"t help but look into her eyes and in the next moment, he fell in a trance.

On the other end, Erin entered the inn and moved through the corridors, going for their rooms. She didn"t find anyone on the way until reaching their floor. A shadow was engulfing all the corridor and Erin could see at least ten men, blinded from it, trying to move through the shadow. Lyse was on the ground, with closed eyes. Erin lost control of her emotions and started to attack, moving to one man after another.

In a few seconds, the whole corridor was painted in blood. Erin came next to Lyse and checked her pulse. She sighed in relief after finding out that Lyse was just unconsciousness. After calming down, questions started surfacing in her mind. "Why was she attacked? What is happening here? Is she in some kind of trouble? I"ll have to ask her after she wakes up. And that ice, what is going on here?" She had a lot of questions that needed answers, but first Erin took Lyse and moved her to their room. She would wait until Lyse woke up.

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