Erin was in the garden now. In front of her, there was the tall man, with a sarcastic smile on his face. "Let"s start with introductions, shall we? I love to share my name with the people I am about to kill. At least that way they know in whose hand they died. My name is Seth."

Erin frowned a bit. Her opponent sounded too arrogant. "Erin," she said and merged with the shadows, preparing to attack her enemy.

"Oh, Erin, that"s a good name. What a pity I"ll have to kill such a beautiful girl like you. You should hate the fact that you were born a vampire and met me here."

Seth didn"t move from his spot. His posture seemed unguarded from any direction you were looking from, but at the same time Erin had the feeling whenever she attacked, it wouldn"t work. Finally bracing herself, she moved behind him, thrusting her hand at his back. That was her starting move in most of the battles anyway, so she thought it was better to just use it and see how it worked out.

"Ugh!" She was not even able to get near Seth"s body, but her hand was blocked by a dagger. Blood dripped from the spot where the weapon grazed her skin. That wasn"t a good start! His reflexes were really fast. Seth moved his other hand backward and another dagger rushed at Erin"s abdomen. She hastily moved back and returned to the shadows again.

"Haha, not bad, your reflexes aren"t bad as well, but you will lose at the end." Seth laughed light-heartedly at that moment, his body fully relaxed again. It was like he never was engaged in the battle. Once again he invited Erin to attack him.

"That"s troublesome. His reflexes are insane and his movements are too fast. I should be careful of him. I feel if I make one wrong move, he will take advantage and the outcome won"t be any good for me." Erin looked at him, fully alert. She felt her back getting cold and shivered. The pressure was really big; even though her enemy looked relaxed and nonchalant, she was sure there was no advantage at the moment which she could use.

"Are you going to attack or not?" Seth asked with a mocking smile. He enjoyed this kind of battle where he could wear out his opponents little by little, waiting for them to make a mistake.

"I really want to remove that smile from his face. He is so self-centered!" Erin was irritated from all of this, though she wasn"t even aware of its reason. She just couldn"t stand that low provocation and that smile.

She approached his leg and tried to pierce it, her body almost touching the ground when she left the shadows. At that moment, Seth kicked the ground, jumping from his spot. He spun in the air faster and faster. In less than a second, a whirlwind surrounded him and his silhouette blurred. Finally, from the build-up inertia, he came down crashing at Erin, with a dagger pointed at her direction.

Erin felt a sharp pain in her right shoulder. Not even a moment later, a force weighed down her body and she hit the ground, her eyes refusing to focus. Her breath abandoned her after that strong impact and the pain coursing through her body made her confused.

"This is the end." Hearing the low whisper, she tried to look up, her vision finally focused, but that made her panic. Seth was swinging his dagger in her direction. He was pinning her down with his body to the ground, using one hand to pierce her shoulder with the dagger and stabbing towards her neck with the other. Her eyes widened with the shock which was clearly written all over her face. She could only see the gleaming blade of the dagger and that frustrating smile of her enemy.


"Hehe, a succubus, aren"t ya? A unique race indeed. Maybe I"ll make you my personal slave and spare your life, what"cha say about that?" The short man walked slowly towards Anna with a mocking smile on his face. Still, he kept his guard up all the time, moving step by step. He prepared himself for the incoming battle.

"Oh, a slave, is it? I am really sorry, I already have a master. You don"t need to worry about that now, I"ll still play with you." Anna smiled at him, stepped forward and started approaching his opponent. She was quite relaxed and every step of her exuded charm and desire.

The short man entered a trance-like state for a second, but soon he regained his senses. "That charm of yours won"t help ya against me, I"m gonna show ya the reality in which you are. In the end, ya will kneel before me and call me master." He drew the broadsword, which was on his back, ready to attack.

"Let me perform in front of you since you want me so much. I should advertise myself a little, no?" Anna"s silhouette started to blur and a few moments later, there was one more copy of her, fully identical. The aura she gave, the charm that was coming from her, her existence- everything was the same. The short man became even more on guard. It was a tricky situation. He couldn"t tell who was real and who was not.

"There is no point in looking for the real one. Even if you try, you won"t find her." Both of the girls talked at the same time. After another step, their bodies blurred yet again and four of them showed before him.

"f.u.c.k!" A curse escaped his trembling lips as he found himself in such a disadvantageous situation. The only option, for now, was to defend himself and wait for a chance to counterattack.

"Let our game begin. I hope you enjoy it in the end." All the clones smiled and started increasing their pace, surrounding the man in the middle and circling around him. They were ready to attack him at any moment. The man felt a stream of cold sweat running down his spine. His opponent was just too strong. The battle would be a lot harder than he had expected.

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