Henry and Alfred were at the front, while the knights were following them close behind. They moved among the trees at a fast pace, trying to catch up with their target. Finally, Henry saw a few silhouettes in front of them.


As Henry"s right hand pointed to the front, eight fireb.a.l.l.s shot out with great momentum. The strange thing was that those fireb.a.l.l.s were actually not shot in a straight line, but they followed the silhouettes" movements.

Lyse turned her head back and pointed with her hand to the incoming fireb.a.l.l.s.


Ten icicles were cast from her, too. The icicles intercepted the fireb.a.l.l.s and were melted, but the fireb.a.l.l.s lost their strength and turned into smoke.

Anna glanced back and saw the enemies. Her heart skipped a beat as she recognized Henry and Alfred. After all, they were a part of the party that had attacked the castle. She turned her gaze back forward and maintained her speed At the same time, a clone identical to her appeared on her left side. After a moment, there were two more clones. She deliberated for a moment, but in the end, the three clones turned around and attacked the group that was pursuing them.

Alfred squinted. He was a bit at a loss after seeing the clones. He recognized Anna, but the fact that she was still alive caught him off guard. He unsheathed his sword and dashed forward to meet with the clones. A few seconds later, he slashed across and the sword cut through all three of Anna"s clones, but the sword hit nothing. The clones continued to run until they were a few steps away from Henry.


A fire appeared all over Henry. That fire suddenly exploded in all directions and engulfed the three clones. After the fire pa.s.sed, the clones were gone. Henry turned his attention forward again and started thinking of his next action. His right hand pointed forward again.


Although the spell was the same, the target was not. The fireb.a.l.l.s shot in front of the girls and crashed to the trees in front of them. The trees shook and started falling, blocking Erin and the others" path!

After seeing that, Seth increased his speed and moved in front. He unsheathed his daggers and wind started surrounding him.


He jumped forward and his body started to rotate, creating a tornado that blasted the trees away. The path was once again clear and the girls rapidly pa.s.sed through this hole created by Seth.


Snowflakes started to fall from the sky. At first, there were only a few of them, but suddenly a wind blew and the whole area turned white. More and more snowflakes fell from the sky. Finally, the whole area was caught in a snowstorm. Lyse"s plan was simple. She tried to delay their enemy and make the distance between them longer.

Henry snorted. Although that spell was strong, it was nothing to him.

"Inferno!" A huge wave of flame erupted from his body and all the snowflakes in the surroundings melted. A barrier was cast on the others in his group and the inferno wasn"t able to harm them. From a white world, everything changed to a burned region. Smoke billowed everywhere. Their vision was now obstructed.

Alfred grinned and a golden radiance shone from his sword. In the next moment, he slashed forward and the smoke separated like a door opening. Their target was now once again visible. His tempo increased. He could feel that the group in front of him was powerful, but not a match for him. That gave him more confidence. He wanted to exterminate those demons.

"Should we separate?" Seth asked from the side. He was now next to Erin. At the moment Erin was the one who was the leader of the group.

"No! We shall stay together! If we separate, it will be more dangerous for all of us!"

Erin was really uneasy now. Even the thought of separating from the others gave her a bad feeling. She couldn"t feel Richard"s presence now. If she separated from the others, she would feel insecure even more. If they were together, their chance might not really be bigger, but she just felt that was the right choice now.

Seth nodded and didn"t ask anything else. He looked back at the enemies who were coming nearer. His eyes flashed and he disappeared. He was now out of everyone"s vision, but Erin could still feel that he was on her left side. He was hiding but was still close to them.

Even though Erin wasn"t sure why Seth did this, at least he wasn"t running away. She didn"t say anything and continued forward.

Anna once again started to summon her clones. Even though they were useless against Henry, she could still use them to slow their enemy. She sent the clones once more against Alfred and the others.

"Ice domain"

The temperature started falling drastically. The surrounding trees became ice sculptures in seconds. Lyse was trying to increase her magic with her domain.


Snowflakes once again started dancing in the air, but this time the storm that came was even stronger than the last one. Anna"s clones charged along with the storm. This time their target was the knights.

All the knights were close to each other. Although it looked like they weren"t in any kind of formation, their positions were actually really well planned. With their positions, they could aid each other and cover their blind spots. As the clones came near, the knights unsheathed their swords and started attacking. Two swords slashed through two different sides of the first clone. At the same time, the two other clones faced a sword each.

The clones pa.s.sed through the swords and slashed with their nails against the knights. Even though it looked like the attack wasn"t real, that wasn"t the case. The knights tried to defend with their swords, but after slashing, their position was a bit awkward and the timing of the clones was really good. In the end, three other knights managed to slash at the backs of the clones.

Even though the swords. .h.i.t nothing, Anna"s clones weren"t able to attack, too. One of the knights sighed in relief and was preparing to engage against a clone once again, but in the next moment, his heart skipped a beat. A dagger pierced him in the back. His complexion changed and he spat out blood.

Seth kicked the knight and with that kick, he managed to escape in the forest again. It was like there was no one there a moment ago. His speed was just unbelievable.

Henry was already casting inferno again, but this time, his inferno wasn"t able to dispell the snowstorm fast enough. After the snowstorm was finally dealt with, only then he realized that one of the knights was already dead. His expression became gloomy and he looked in front of him again. "Those demons will be hard to kill ", he thought.

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