Richard was at a loss. He looked at the girl in his embrace, not sure what to do. She was crying for more than an hour. Everything was fine a few hours ago. Erin was still peacefully sleeping. Then she frowned. He thought she had woken up, but he was mistaken. Tears started to fall from her closed eyes and she started to call for her parents. "Did she remember her past?" That"s what he thought. But looking at her pained expression and her cries, he couldn"t bear it. His hug tightened.

"Mom, Dad, don"t leave me!"

Her voice was like a clap of thunder in his mind. Her whole body was trembling. Richard"s heart tightened. He had to wake her up. He had to stop this nightmare.

"Erin, Erin, wake up, Erin!"

He shook her body and called out to her. All in the hope that she would wake up from that nightmare. His hope wasn"t in vain. She woke up almost immediately.

"You are finally awake, phew~."

Before he could finish his sigh, Erin embraced him with all her strength. He stiffened for a moment. Looking down at her, he saw her silently crying. He didn"t know why, but he felt scared. After so many years and constant battles for survival and dangers, that was the first time in his life that he was so scared.

"Calm down, Erin. Take a deep breath and calm down."

He felt her body trembling in his arms.


With a sudden cry, more tears burst. He couldn"t help but tighten his hug. What could he do in this situation? Was it enough to hug her? He wasn"t sure.

"Calm down, Erin, everything is fine."

He could only try and talk to her. To let her relax. He started patting her back. Though that wasn"t enough to calm her down at all. He felt like she got only more irritated. He wasn"t sure how long she had cried, but at some point, the sound of her crying finally stopped.

He could feel her ragged breathing. Her heartbeat was still fast, but at least she had stopped crying. That was a good sign.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Erin froze. After that dream, she was in a total mess. Her emotions took over her and she started to cry. Now she felt a bit awkward. Though she cried until now, she felt a lot better now.


She answered in a small voice. Her face felt hot for some reason. She wanted to dig a hole and hide in it. How did she end up in that situation? It was all because of that dream! Now she wasn"t sure what to do. Should she separate? Though she wanted, she didn"t want Richard to see her embarra.s.sment either. In the end, she couldn"t decide what to do. While her mind was preoccupied with thoughts, her body didn"t move at the end.

Richard took a deep breath. She had finally calmed down. That outburst of hers had scared him to no end. He put his hands on her shoulders and slowly separated her from him. Something twisted in his gut when he saw her tear-streaked face. He reached out to wipe them away, only for his hand to be slapped away. His eyes widened for a moment, but he quickly collected himself.



Erin focused her gaze on him. Though her eyes were full of tears, he could still feel their serenity. "How can she be calm like this", he thought anxiously.

"Can you please leave? I need some time to be alone."

Richard blinked. His brows furrowed. In the end, he sighed and stood up.


He turned around and left the room, though he wanted to stay that it was better to leave for now. The only worry he had was that Erin was too abnormal now. Hopefully, after she sorted her thoughts out, she would be back to normal.

Erin couldn"t help but stare at the direction he"d left, her gaze losing its focus as her mind started to wander once more. That dream... The words her father had said at the end. Was it only a dream? It was too realistic to be. But she couldn"t think of anything else. If it was real, why was she in a girl"s body in that dream? But if it wasn"t real, why could she feel everything in it?

"To don"t think for the past, huh..." She murmured under her breath. The confusion in her mind only grew bigger.

"I should stop thinking about that." Shaking her head, Erin tried to clear her mind. That dream was just too confusing. There was no point in thinking about it.

"Haa...Alright, I need to think about something else, let"s see...What happened before I fell asleep?"

Asking herself, she concentrated. The last thing she remembered was...

"Right, the battle! We were fighting with humans. What happened?" Erin tilted her head, trying hard to remember everything. She couldn"t feel Richard"s presence at that time. He was just here now, so that wasn"t something to worry about anymore.

"That hug just now!" Thinking about it, her face became hot.

"What am I thinking about?" She shook her head once again, trying to forget about it.

"Focus, focus, what happened afterward?" The scenes in her mind played one by one. First, they were chased, then they started to retaliate. A few knights died. Afterward, she headed for Anna and Lyse to help them, and then...

"Lyse!" Her body shuddered. Lyse was stabbed from the back. Then Erin tried to make her a blood slave. But the contract failed. Lyse wasn"t breathing. Her body was getting colder.

"Is sh-she...dead?!" Erin jumped up from her bed and walked at a fast pace towards the door. She almost stumbled but managed to recover her balance. Reaching for the doork.n.o.b, she opened the door with force.



She almost collided with Anna.

"Anna, what happened to Lyse? Where is she now?"

"This...I think it will be better if you talk to our lord about that." Anna"s eyes darted to the side, not willing to look at her.

"What do you mean? Is Lyse dead?" Erin panicked. Even though she hadn"t known Lyse for a long time, she already felt very close to her.

"No, no, she isn"t dead, but..." Anna wasn"t sure how to explain everything. She hesitated for a moment.

"But what?!" That only made Erin even more nervous. What happened? Could Lyse really be dead? Is Anna telling her the truth? After all, she saw Lyse. At that time, Lyse wasn"t breathing. Her body was totally cold.

Anna put her hands on Erin"s shoulders. "Master, look into my eyes. You need to calm down. Lyse isn"t dead."

"Isn"t dead. She isn"t dead." Erin repeated that, trying to convince herself with those words.

"Yes, she isn"t dead. You need to calm down first. If you want to know the details, you need to find the Lord."

"To find Richard...I"m going to find him now!" Erin tried to rush past Anna.

"Master! Calm down first!" Anna grabbed her hand, trying to stop her.

"Anna, let me go. I need to know the truth, now." Erin looked at her. Her eyes blazing with fury. Why was Anna trying to stop her?

"Alright, the Lord is in the throne room. You can find him there." Finally, Anna gave up. There was no point in trying to calm her master anymore. That wouldn"t be possible. If she continued to insist, it would become only worse.

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Erin walked in the direction of the throne room. Her mind was still in chaos. Only bad things happened one after another. First, it was that dream, then she remembered about Lyse. Her pace increased even more. But just before she entered the throne room, she remembered something.

"How am I back in the castle? Weren"t we a few weeks away from it? For how long was I asleep?" She halted her steps, trying to remember what happened after Lyse was stabbed. After that...everything turned red. She couldn"t remember anything else.

"Haa. Anna was right. I need to calm down. First, let"s ask about Lyse. After that, I will ask what happened afterward."

With a calmer mind, she stepped into the throne room. There weren"t any lights on it. Only the darkness greeted her, but she was already used to it. She looked at the throne and saw Richard there, sitting. His eyes were closed and his fist propping his chin. He was sitting there with a lazy posture, immersed in his thoughts. Erin"s heart skipped a beat and she halted once again. What was going on? Why was her heart beating faster all of a sudden? Shaking her head, she concentrated.

"Richard, we need to talk."

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