Erin was now alone in the room. The bath was refreshing and helped her relax to a great extent. Especially that ma.s.sage was something she experienced for the first time. Now she understood why back on Earth people were paying for it. Thinking about Earth, she remembered her dream and family. That made her heart squeeze in pain.

"No, no, I shouldn"t think about that." Shaking her head, she looked at the mirror. The reflection was once again of that beautiful girl. The black hair that cascaded down to her b.u.t.t and those blue eyes. Reaching with her hand to her hair, she moved it a bit and looked at her pointy ears. Her hand paused and she lost herself in thoughts. Finally, she moved her gaze downwards. Now she was wearing a ruffled floor dress in a pale blue color. The dress was a perfect fit for her, though she felt that red or black color would be better.

"Something is missing". She had that feeling. She stared at her reflection and tried to find out what was missing. "Oh!" With a sudden thought, she reached for a box in front of her. She opened it up and saw the item inside. It was a golden necklace with a crimson ruby in the middle of it. That was the same necklace Richard gifted her before. Hesitating for a moment, she finally put it on.

"Now it"s complete." She smiled to herself. She couldn"t help but reach for the necklace and touch it. Thinking about it, she still didn"t know how Richard was able to find out and gift that necklace to her. Though, she didn"t care anymore about that.

*knock knock knock*
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"Master, it"s me." Anna"s voice sounded from behind the door. She opened it up and entered with a tray. There were half-cooked meat and a cup of blood. Though it looked a bit gruesome, she was already used to those meals. And those were the only things she could eat anyway.

Anna walked to the table and put the tray down. She arranged the dishes and moved to the side, ready to help Erin if required.

"Thank you, Anna. There is no need to wait for me. I would like to be alone for now." Erin moved to the table and sat on the chair, which Anna had prepared for her.

"Are you sure, master? I still can give you some company." Anna insisted. She was still worried about Erin. If she left her master alone, who knew what she would think and do.

"There is no need for that. I want to be alone for some time." Erin didn"t budge this time. She wanted to sort her thoughts and to do that, she needed some time alone.

"Alright then." With a sigh, Anna left the room. Erin looked at the meal on the table and reached out for the cup. Bringing it to her lips, she drank it all at once. A bit of the blood leaked from her lips and she couldn"t help but lick her lips. "As good as always." She sighed.

"Guess I"m already used to this life." She didn"t feel regret that she was a girl or a vampire now, but she still missed her family. Even until now, she wasn"t sure if it was a good or bad thing to find that site that brought her here.

While she was thinking about that, Richard"s face emerged in her mind. Her cheeks slightly blushed. "Why am I thinking about him again?" With a shake of her head, she concentrated on the meal.

"Now what should I do about Lyse?" After finishing all of the dishes, she started pondering again. "Should I sacrifice so many people and bring her back to live?" Although Lyse wasn"t dead, she was on the verge of it. Erin remembered all those scars on Lyse"s body and couldn"t help but shudder. That girl had a tough and miserable life, that was for sure. Erin even sympathized with her. But could she bring herself to sacrifice thousands of people for the sake to give a happy future to Lyse?

"I don"t know." Erin sighed. "Maybe some walk will help me to clear my mind." Thinking about that, she stood up and walked to the door. Opening it, she looked around in the corridor, but there was no one.

She started to wander around with no destination in her mind. There were some guards that she met from time to time, but they stood on their spots like statues. They only bowed to her whenever she pa.s.sed. That made her a bit uncomfortable, but she was still the princess in the castle. Everyone must give their respects to her whenever they met her.

"So this is the life of a princess, huh...So tiring." She turned a corner and saw a familiar silhouette, but she wasn"t sure who it was, because she could see only his back.

"Hey, do I know you?" She asked, a bit curious as to who exactly was the man.

Henry froze in place. He heard a female voice behind him and felt that it was a bit familiar. Turning around slowly, he saw Erin and his whole body shivered. His eyes darted to the sides, as he tried to find a way out of this situation. He wasn"t sure if she knew about him. When he remembered her outburst in the forest, his back became cold. "Hope you know about me, hope you know about me." That was the only thing running through his mind.

"Princess" But still, he bowed his head to her.

Erin was in a shock, frozen in place. The scenes of the last battle once again played in her mind, but this time she remembered everything. Her transformation and the wound she sustained from Alfred. She remembered the commands she gave to Anna and Seth and shared their feelings and senses at that time. She felt Anna"s pain when she fought against Henry. Everything became clear in her mind.

"You-" Her eyes and hair turned crimson red. Her canines and nails became longer and sharp. A pair of wings grew from her back and a strong aura burst out from her body. Her bloodshot eyes looked straight back to Henry.

"s.h.i.t." Henry"s hopes were ruined. It was obvious that she knew nothing about him. But of course, why would she know him? He was just a subordinate and a slave for Richard. That was a fact he couldn"t change. Taking a deep breath, he prepared himself for a battle. The only thing he could do now was to stall for time. If he hurt Erin in any way, he believed that his life would end there.


Richard was still sitting on his throne, making plans for the future. He was thinking about how hard of a lesson he was going to give to those humans. The army that would come must be annihilated. But after that, should he attack some of their cities? Or overrule the whole human empire? Even though the latter was a bit hard, it wasn"t impossible. The humans first attacked his castle, then they tried to kill his girl. Remembering that man who called himself a hero, Richard spat. It was more like a clown in his eyes. "I will crush him once and for all." Killing intent started to surround him, even just thinking about that guy.


"What was that?" Richard stood up from his throne. The explosion just now came from inside the castle. "Who dares to fight in the castle? Who has such guts?" Enraged, he flew away from the room.

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