Erin was flying at a low att.i.tude close to the top of the trees. The scenery was constantly changing in front of her eyes, but she was absent-minded. "Our Lord loves you!" Those words were still playing in her mind, like a melody. Her cheeks were flushed red. "What should I do now?" She wasn"t sure. The only thing she knew was that she needed to get out of the castle. But now Richard was in her mind all the time.
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His smile, his scent, she could feel everything like he was in front of her. "No! I won"t go back! He already betrayed my feelings!" Erin screamed in her mind, but even she couldn"t believe what she was thinking. He didn"t betray her in any way. The only thing was that she couldn"t accept that magician to be part of them. "Should I accept him? After all, he wasn"t the one who stabbed Lyse." She felt a slight pain in her chest, thinking about Lyse.

"No, even if he wasn"t the one, that didn"t mean he had good intentions when they attacked us!" Erin"s eyes flashed with killing intent. "But then, Seth was like that too, but we spared him. And Richard didn"t like him either, but he accepted it." That made her only confused. His acceptance of the magician as a follower should be excused. She did the same in the past.

"If that is the case, why do I feel wronged? Why can"t I accept it?" She thought about it, and the answer came to her mind almost immediately. "It is about Lyse. I can"t accept him because of her!" Erin felt so sad that tears could pour out at the next moment.

"I...I just ran away, didn"t I? I had to make a choice, to directly face everything, but I ran away." She felt depressed. The choice about Lyse, her feelings for Richard, the dream about Earth, everything came too fast for her to accept. She took a deep breath to calm her mind. She looked below her, only to see the top of the trees and that mist covering everything else.

"Let"s just walk for now." Erin decided. She went between the crowns of the trees and slowly landed on the ground, retracting her wings. The whole forest was silent, desolate. The wind brushed past, making some of the leaves fall and the shrubs dance. That was the only sound accompanying her thoughts. The contrast between the trees and their red leaves, engulfed by the mist were like a perfect reflection of her feelings. Erin"s vision blurred.

"Eh?" She brought her hand to her face and felt something hot. Looking down at it, she realized it was her tears. " I crying?" Erin tilted her head. Taking a deep breath, she wiped off her tears and started walking forward again.

"You have to remember to live your life for the future. Don"t think about the past. We are fine here, don"t worry."

Erin staggered, almost falling to the ground. The voice of her father from the dream came back to her, like a whisper in her ears. "Father." She murmured, clutching her chest with her hands. The pain she felt made her almost fall to the ground. Taking a few deep breaths, she stabilized herself and started to walk forward.



A snake jumped in front of Erin. Out of reflex, her nails grew and she slashed at it, making the snake drop down, severed in two parts.

"Phew-! That startled me." She murmured, looking at the twitching snake on the ground. With one more sweep, Erin severed the snake"s head. She turned around, ready to walk forward, but a sweet scent came to her nose. That made her stop. She looked back at the corpse on the ground and came next to it.

Taking the tail, she sniffed it, only to realize that the sweet scent was coming from the blood. Her stomach rumbled. Erin finally realized that she hadn"t eaten anything from the morning until now. Looking at the sky, she found that it was already getting dark.


With that chilling sound, the blood from the snake vanished in no time at all. The ecstasy from drinking it brightened Erin"s eyes. She never expected the snake"s blood to taste so good. She couldn"t help but reach for the other half. In less than a minute, the corpse was fully dry and Erin licked her lips, hungry for more. She looked around, but there wasn"t anything she could catch.

Standing up, Erin started to walk again, her steps wavering. Thoughts about Lyse"s miserable state crossed her mind. She felt a sharp pain in her heart and crouched down, her hands on her chest.

"Ha, Ha"

Taking a few deep breaths, she tried to calm down. "Why...Why am I remembering all of this?" She bit her lips. The pain in her chest only grew stronger. "Why is all of this happening to me? Why?!" Her shoulders trembled. Her vision once again blurred.


A wolf"s cry made her whole body shiver. She looked to her left side and saw golden eyes between the shrubs looking back at her. The scene with Bryan played in her mind, giving her even more pain. She clutched her chest harder.


More wolves started to emerge, surrounding Erin. They started circling her, ready to pounce at any moment.


A weak whisper came out from her lips.


Her hair became crimson, her eyes bloodshot. The wings on her back sprouted again. A b.l.o.o.d.y aura started to surround her.

The wolves started to step back, their instincts for survival kicking in. Their pace was slow like they were trying not to provoke her.

Erin slowly stood up from the ground, her eyes focusing on the wolves. In the next moment, her aura spread out. The pressure from it made the wolves" legs to stop working. They directly fell on the ground, unable to even let a sound out. Their whole bodies trembled from fear.


Erin screamed. Shadows spread out from her body and fully trapped the wolves in darkness. She pounced on the nearest wolf and started to tear it apart. In only a few seconds, just a b.l.o.o.d.y mess was left in its place.

"I need to kill them all."

She murmured once again, pouncing on the next wolf. Her nails pierced its spine.


The sound of broken bones echoed through the forest. Erin took out her hand and looked at it. She brought it to her lips and licked the blood on it. In one more minute, there were five corpses. Only one more wolf remained. Erin could see only red in front of her. Everything was red. She had to kill everything. Her gaze locked on the last wolf. She saw it trembling on the ground.

With one step, she was next to it. She opened her mouth and bit the wolf in the neck. Blood started to pour in her mouth. In the end, only a dry corpse was left.

Erin looked at her surroundings. There was nothing left, only the unrecognized corpses. As she couldn"t find anything more, her vision started to return to normal. Her wings retracted and she transformed back to normal. Her mind was blank.

"I…" She looked once again at her surroundings. The b.l.o.o.d.y mess that she had made was next to her. "What did I…" Erin felt confused. What did she do? She tried to remember what happened just now and the scenes played in her mind. "I...lost control of myself?" Erin murmured, her eyes vacant.

"What is happening to me? Why did I lose control?" She panicked. Bryan"s face crossed her mind once again. She felt her chest hurt again. Staggering, she fell to the ground.

"Why…" Erin couldn"t finish her sentence. She felt choked up. More and more scenes started to play in front of her eyes. The war with the werewolves, her family, Lyse, even the man that was her first prey, Sam.

"Waah!" Erin couldn"t bear it anymore. All the sadness and despair that she felt until now poured out at once. Her tears couldn"t stop. She curled up in a ball and started crying. Only her sobs could be heard in the silent forest.

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