Richard was in his throne room, sitting at the throne and watching his subordinates as they debated about the war. The debate was more about whom to send forward, than the thought if they should act or not. After all, that world was ruled by the strong. Wars were a normal thing there.

Richard sighed. The image of Erin rushing into the castle with a blushing face was still before his mind"s eye. He couldn"t stop from raising his lips upwards. That scene was witnessed by his subordinates. Everyone there fell silent. Was the Lord smiling? That was the first time from who knows how many years that he smiled. Was he really that happy about the war? They wondered.

Richard came back to his senses. "Ahem, alright. Stefan, you will be the commander of the army this time around. Go and start the recruiting. We will act in 5 days." He said to an half-vampire.

"Yes, my Lord!" Stefan bowed and disappeared, already getting himself busy with the task at hand.

"The rest of you, if I need you for this war, I will call you. You can leave now." Richard said.

"Yes, my Lord!" Everyone there bowed and left.

Richard was now alone in the room. He would watch over this war personally and if needed, he would act. After all, he had to give some chances to his subordinates to show their abilities. Thinking of this, Erin"s face came to his mind. "This will be a great experience for you, Erin. I"ll watch you personally. Let"s see how well you grow from this". Thinking about that, his mood became better again.

He stood up and decided to visit Erin. Why was she so hasty when they came back to the castle? He started walking to her room.

As he neared the room, he saw Anna was waiting outside, trying hard not to laugh. She glanced at him and bowed. But as she bowed, he saw that her eyes had even more laughter in it. He started wondering what is going on.

Knocking on the door, he pushed it open and saw Erin in one of the corners of her bed, curled into a ball.

"What is going on? Why are you like this?" Richard asked.

Erin trembled for a moment. Slowly getting her head up, she looked at Richard. It seemed that she was lost in thoughts. But he could see that she was in pain too.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt somewhere?" As he asked, he came closer to the bad.

"I-I am not! It"s not a wound, please leave!" Erin said.

Richard paused in his steps. What was wrong? He couldn"t get it. He started thinking for all kinds of possibilities but still couldn"t think of anything. He started walking again and came next to Erin, trying to check if she was saying the truth or lying.

As Richard tried to pull Erin up, she frowned from the pain. He started to check her body for wounds and she panicked! "G.o.d d.a.m.n, this guy has no shame! What is wrong with him? Why doesn"t he leave me alone!" As Erin thought that, she kicked on instinct.

"I told you I am fine, leave me alone, I need some time to think about something!" She said that with blushing face, taking Richard"s arm and escorting him out of the room.

As Richard was shocked by the sudden eruption of Erin, he was already at the door. He was just about to ask something, but in the next moment, the door was shut in front of his eyes. He felt helpless. Was this girl in a bad mood or something?

He shook his head and turned to leave. Then he saw Anna again, her mouth twitching and trying with her whole power not to laugh. It finally dawned to him, it was that time of the month! And he just had to act like a fool!

"Laugh or you will die from trying to suppress it." As Richard said that, he strode away.

In the next moment, Anna"s laughter could be heard in the whole castle.


5 days later, an army of 3000 creatures left the castle. They were going to intercept the invading army. The leader of the army was Stefan. At the back of the army, Richard was walking leisurely. Next to him, walked Erin with a frown on her face. "So he really brought me to the battle! I hope I can survive this." As Erin was thinking, she cast a sidelong glance at Richard.

The speed of the army was quite fast. After all, they weren"t humans. There were some orcs and even dark elves, as well as the half vampires and other lesser races. The army was truly a scene to behold. The forest was like a flat ground for those creatures.

The forest was gloomy, there was mist everywhere. You could hear wolves howling, and the marching of the armies from a long distance. That night would be b.l.o.o.d.y. The two armies would soon meet and the battle for dominance would begin.

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