Stefan was leading the army. He stood there, gazing in the direction of the enemy. He could see the kobolds that were leading the enemy soldiers. These battles weren"t new for him; he was with the Lord for a few hundred years already. He had survived many battles so far. Thinking of those past wars, he couldn"t help but unleash his aura. Everything in his surroundings slowed down. His aura was as thick as blood.

"Let"s see if I am still good at this!" Saying so, Stefan stretched both his hands in front of his body. Magic power started gathering at his hands. The mana in the surroundings gathered at a single point between his palms.

"Shadow Annihilation!" As he said that word, the world in front of him suddenly darkened. The magic power in his palms shot straight and began to expand. Shadows covered the kobolds in front of the enemy. In those shadows, their life force was drained. That spell was truly ruthless. In less than ten seconds, more than three hundred kobolds fell dead.

"Seems like I got a bit rusty!" Stefan sighed. "Alright, orcs, forward!" He commanded. At his command, a war cry was raised from behind his back. The orcs charged to the front. There were no rules in those battles.

Everything was decided by numbers and strength. The orcs were created for the battlefield, so they charged forward vigorously.


"d.a.m.ned magician! We have to eliminate him fast! If he casts a few more spells, our army will be in trouble!" Lance was panicking a bit. He didn"t expect the enemy to have a magician. The magicians were really rare in this world. You could count them on the fingers of both your hands. And still, he had to meet one today!

"Bryan, take command of the army! I"ll personally go and kill that magician!" Declared Lance.

"Don"t worry, leader! I"ll ensure a victory for you!" Bryan got excited as he had been given the command. That was a great honor. That meant the leader trusted him and acknowledged his strength.

"Ogres, forward!" Commanded Bryan. Saying that he led them from the front.


Erin looked at the scene before her. She was scared from the killing all around the battlefield. There were corpses everywhere, you couldn"t even recognize them. It was such a gruesome scene! Her forehead was beaded with sweat. "I have to fight here? In this kind of combat? Would I be able to survive?" She started doubting herself. As her uneasiness increased, she felt a hand at her shoulder. Turning around, she saw Richard.

"Don"t be afraid. You can handle it. Get used to it and show no mercy, or else you will be the dead one at the end. Now, go!" As he said that, he pushed her forward.

Erin was actually calmer now. She entered the shadows and moved stealthily towards the battlefield.

She approached one of the ogres. Remembering how she had handled the first ogre, she attacked with her nails the joints of the ogre"s legs. This time, however, the wound was even deeper. The ogre cried out in pain, falling to the ground on his back. Erin moved even faster and destroyed its eyes. The ogre"s pained cry rang through the battlefield. A few moments later, as it was trying to move, its head was separated from its body. It was already dead.

Erin moved to the next target. It was a kobold. With a swift move, she severed the left hand of the kobold. Then she hurled herself on it and sank her canines into its throat, sucking in the blood. Now her desire to kill was fully awakened. She started rushing through the battlefield, killing one creature after another.

Richard watched as Erin went on a killing spree, like a skilled There were detached limbs, severed heads, torn intensities, brain and blood everywhere. She was already drenched in blood. As he watched her, Richard couldn"t help but smile as he followed her silhouette. She was like a war G.o.ddess.

"Let"s see what type of show those werewolves are going to put up for me!" Casting a glance at Lance, Richard murmured to himself and walked towards Stefan.

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