Erin was getting used to the battlefield. She attacked one creature after another. She went in the shadows and then emerged at another place. She was a silent and stealthy killer. That feeling made her excited. When did she change like that? Why did she start enjoying killing? She didn"t know. It might be the reason that she was a vampire now, or it might be because of something else, but she had no more doubts. In this world, you had to kill, or you would be killed. That was the rule.

Having accepted it, she began to transform little by little. The color of her hair changed from black to crimson. Her eyes turned red too. Her nails were sharper and longer. Her canines were itching for more blood. She felt like she had some sort of awakening. It was really a good feeling. She became faster and more precise. Stabbing the next ogre into the neck, her hand just pa.s.sed through it, killing it on the spot. Then she pounced upon a gnoll, bitting it. She was thirsty for more blood.

Richard"s attention was fully on Erin. He neglected everything else. "Finally, the second awakening. So she has accepted her role! That"s good." He smiled and nodded to himself. That was the girl he wanted to see. The aura around her was b.l.o.o.d.y. That was a good sign. She would become really strong in the future. After the war, he could teach her other skills and techniques. Reluctantly, he shifted his gaze to Stefan. After all, he was the Lord, he had to keep the balance in this battle. His a.s.sistance might be needed at any moment.

Stefan saw that Lance was coming nearer to him. He extended one of his hands and pointed it at Lance. "Shadow Bind!" As he said that, shadows started trapping Lance.

"Hahahahaha, you think you can stop me with this?" Lance smirked. He let the energy of his body explode. In the next moment, the shadows were removed. He started moving in Stefan"s direction again.

The shadow bind slowed Lance only for two seconds, but that was enough for Stefan to plan his next attack. "Shadow spear!" As he said that, the shadows around Lance extended like spears trying to nail him on the place.

Lance didn"t panic. Those shadows were dangerous, but he could handle them. He started dodging them by moving in between them at a great speed. His footwork was amazing. His eyes as he watched Stefen, were full of contempt.

"Sigh, young people these days don"t have any respect to their elders.

Guess I"ll have to teach that lad a lesson!" As he muttered that, Stefan started preparing his next spell, but this time the spell wasn"t a shadow spell. A great amount of magic power gathered around him, as he started to chant in some old, forgotten language. In the next moment, a portal came to existence behind him. From the portal, a knight started emerging. "COME FORTH, DARK KNIGHT!" Stefan bellowed.

The dark knight had a majestic armor, it was all black. He had a spear in his right hand and a shield in the other. There was also a sword hanging. His horse was also fully armored. As the knight entered the battlefield, the surroundings dimmed. All the creatures instinctively moved backward. That wasn"t something you would want as your opponent.

Lance"s face changed abruptly. His mocking gaze now was serene. He started inspecting his opponent. That would be a tricky battle! He would have to deal with the knight, but the problem was, if he did so, he might allow the magician to cast more spells. That would be his doom then. His situation wasn"t looking good at all!


Erin was still crazily fighting. She felt like she had an endless power. As she was busy catching more prey, there were the wolves" howls resonating through the battlefield. Apparently, they had joined the battle as well. But she didn"t care. That was just more prey for her.

An ogre and two kobolds attacked her at the same time. She managed to avoid the attacks and got to the back to the ogre. She slashed with her nails in the ogre"s leg. The leg separated from the body, and the ogre fell down. As Erin was about to finish it, one of the kobolds attacked her again. She tried to dodge the attack, but in the next moment, a shadow was cast over her head. There was actually one more ogre, and it was just swinging its club, trying to smash Erin.

Erin managed to escape the attack on time, but a dagger got through her shoulder from her left side. The second kobold had managed to strike her. The pain made Erin even crazier. She kicked the kobold in between its legs. There was suddenly a pitiful cry through the forest. That cry made everyone shiver as they heard it.

Bryan looked at its direction and couldn"t help but cover the most important part of his body. "d.a.m.n, that girl is fierce! Wait, isn"t she a vampire too? Wasn"t there only one vampire left? Haha, that is interesting! She is a beauty too." As he thought that, Bryan started to move slowly through the battlefield in Erin"s direction.

On the other hand, as Richard saw this, his mouth started twitching. "Was it really necessary to do that? Well, that kobold managed to make a wound on her body. I guess I can understand how she feels, but still..." Richard was speechless. He swore to himself never to make Erin angry. Although he was stronger than her, he couldn"t be sure he would continue to be so in the future. After all, she was a genius!

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