Erin was still fighting with the 2 kobolds and 2 ogres. She tried to dodge one more attack from the ogre, which was still on the ground, as she jumped in the air. That was when the other kobold threw a dagger at her and wounded her right tight. She hissed in pain.

Four opponents at once were more than she could handle. As she was despairing, an arrow pierced the head of one of the kobolds. A dark elf from the side killed the kobold and nodded at Erin. Erin nodded back, trying to suppress the pain, she came to the wounded ogre and finished it off as she pierced her nails through its eyes. Some sticky substance was now on her hand, but she didn"t care. That wasn"t her first time killing. She straightened and hurled herself at the other kobold, as the dark elf was firing arrows at the ogre.

Bitting the kobold, she started to regenerate her wounds. That was truly incredible ability. Her wounds started healing at an incredible speed.

Finishing the kobold, she threw the body to the side and looked at the ogre. The ogre shivered as it felt Erin"s gaze. It tried to back down and retreat, but Erin was fast. Going next to the ogre, she cut its joints. The ogre falls down and she beheaded it. Drinking some of the ogre"s blood, she finally healed and was full of energy.

Checking the surroundings around her, she rushed for her next prey. Erin was like a child finding a box with candies. She just couldn"t stop her thirst for blood. She was fully awake, but just too excited. Now she was like a true vampire. Continuing forward, she killed more and more, drank blood and enjoyed the feast before her eyes. The little girl finally grew up to an amazing vampire.


A squad of knights was walking through the forest. They were nearing the ancient castle of Richard. Those knights came from the east. From the only human empire. Their leader was one of the strongest magicians in the continent.

"So, Sir Henry, you said there is a demon lord here?" Asked a man, about 25-26 years old, who was next to the magician.

"That"s right, we are really close now. I can feel the barrier that protects his territory. You will have to prepare yourself for the fight, Alfred, our Hero and proud of the human empire" Answered Henry.

"Don"t worry about this. My whole life was spent in training, I won"t lose to some demon lord. So, who was he again?" Asked Alfred.

"Richard, the last pureblood vampire, also known as the Shadow Lord" Henry started explaining.

"I see, you can stop, I don"t need to know more about him. Let"s start our operation" Said Alfred.

"Yes, Hero! I will make a hole through the barrier so we can attack!" As he said that, Henry started casting a spell. In the next moment, the path before them opened. Alfred draws his sword and started galloping forward. All the knights followed him.

"Don"t leave anything alive! We will eliminate that Demon Lord today!" Commanded Alfred.

Henry wasn"t in the least offended to give him the commanding rights. After all, Alfred was born with great potential and after so many years of training, he was now the strongest human. All the people respected him as the hero of the human race. He will lead them to the bright side and eliminate all evil. That was his oath when he accepted that t.i.tle.

"We obey your command, Hero!" Answered the knights as they charged even faster. That day will be a day of the ma.s.sacre. The castle was in grave danger, but Richard wasn"t here. That was really a big problem if the creatures wanted to fight those knights and the Hero.

As Alfred saw the first creature on his way, he beheaded it in one strike. Continuing forward, the ma.s.sacre began.

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