As Richard was about to go and help Stefan, he had a bad premonition. It looked like something had happened in the castle. A hole had appeared in the barrier he created there. He could feel it.

Richard looked at Stefan and Erin. After hesitating for some time he finally said to Stefan, "Take the full command, I am going back to the castle!"

Stefan was taken aback for a moment, losing focus on his battle, but he managed to come back to his senses fast enough. He nodded at Richard and continued preparing spells to target Lance. His Dark Knight was still fighting with Lance.

From Richard"s back suddenly something started to grow. In a few seconds, he spread bat-like wings and flew away in the direction of the castle.

Looking at Richard flying away, Bryan stopped in his attacks and started wondering. "What is going on? Is this a trap? But it doesn"t look so. This is a chance for us!" As he thought about this, he turned to Erin. "Seems like I won"t be able to personally catch her. It"s a pity!"

"All werewolves, listen to me! Charge into the battle! It"s time to show the enemy our true strength!" (Bryan)


All the werewolves charged with vigor, antic.i.p.ating the feast to follow soon. They were like hungry predators, killing everything in their path. The orcs tried to resist, swinging their axes and clubs, but the werewolves were too fast. The casualties in Richard"s army started soaring.

Stefan tried to issue a command, but he was too busy with Lance to do that. That werewolf was too troublesome. "I hope our troops can handle this situation," he thought. Then he concentrated in his own battle.

Sending one more shadow spear to Lance, he managed to slightly wound his left side. He sighed again. "I am really getting too old for this. Well, that kid isn"t bad either. He will be really hard to handle." Muttering to himself, Stefan once again started preparing a spell. This time it was the shadow binding.

Lance was already irritated to no end. He was fighting with the dark knight, who was really fast with his spear. It had started to give him a headache. As he was trying to find a weak point, that magician once again cast a spell, ruining his rhythm of the battle. That shadow almost caught him off guard. It was good that he had a good sense of danger, or else, he might be finished already. He had to think of something, or else, it would be the end for him.

He checked the magician with his peripheric vision, and sure enough, he was casting another spell. Grinding his teeth, Lance charged once again at the knight, trying not to be in the line of sight of the caster. That way, he could win a few more seconds and think of a plan.

Bryan called out for 3 werewolves to come by his side and commanded, "Go and bring me that girl. I want her alive. She will be the perfect plaything!" Saying so, he pointed to Erin. The werewolves nodded in acknowledgment and charged in her direction.

Erin at this moment was fighting with two ogres, moving in between them and constantly injuring them with small wounds. Her hit and run tactic was quite effective. Little by little, the ogres were getting weaker and weaker. Seeing an opening, she thrust her hand at one of the ogres, severing its hand. With a jump, she started climbing the ogre and finally pierced its neck.

Jumping again, she avoided the attack of the other ogre. Now that there was only one left, she could finish it fast. She swiftly charged at it, and in a few seconds, the ogre"s head was already detached.

As she was about to continue with her fight, she heard a howl next to her. In the next moment, three werewolves surrounded her. Seeing that, Erin frowned. That would be quite a difficult fight. She wasn"t sure about winning there, but she had to try. That was the battlefield, not a playground. If you surrendered, only death would await you.

Erin took a deep breath and merged herself with the shadows, Her next battle was about to begin.

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