Stefan"s forehead was already beaded with sweat. That battle had continued too long. He didn"t have much mana left. His opponent was too strong and tenacious. He just couldn"t finish him. Even after he wounded him, Lance was still energetic. It was like he never had a wound. His Dark Knight would soon disappear. After all, those summonings had a time limit, or else he would have an army of them already at his disposal! He started getting uneasy. Could he win this? He started to think seriously.

Lance was quite frustrated as well. Whatever he tried, it just didn"t work. He was close to death a few times, and still, he couldn"t find a gap. But as he saw the magician sweating, his energy came back. "It seems like he is at his limits, I lasted for so long, if I wait a bit more, there would be opening for sure!" Thinking about that, he started changing his tactic to a battle of attrition.

Bryan continued with his a.s.sault. He led all the werewolves forward. But they got a bit of a problem there. In front of them was a defensive line of dark elves. They were shooting arrows incessantly. Even worse, each dark elf was protected by two orcs. It was quite hard to go through them. He sighed. It seemed that the battle wasn"t going to end soon. Those types of battles were actually pretty fast. You might say it was war, but it wasn"t like the wars with the humans. Depending on tactics and tricks. It was more of a power battle. The stronger will win. But of course, the numbers were important too.

From the start of the battle till now, more than seven hundred of Richard"s troops were dead, as for Lance"s army, they had lost two thousand of them already. The beginning wasn"t good for them at all, at least with that magician there. The good news was that the tide of the battle was starting to turn in their favor, but now with that statement, there wasn"t anything that suggested the final winner.

Bryan looked again at the direction of Erin, but this time he saw only two werewolves" corpses. He cursed. "d.a.m.n, I"ll let the brothers fight here, I really want to get that beauty. I wanna see the despair in her eyes at the end." Thinking of that, he started looking for Erin, licking his lips.

Erin finally caught up with the dark elf and werewolf. But the last scene she saw was the dark elf finishing the wolf with an arrow aimed at his head. It seemed that she was worried about nothing. She smiled at the dark elf. The elf saw her and bowed slightly, but as he let his guard down at this moment, another werewolf attacked him from behind, severing his head.

As Erin saw this, she couldn"t help but scream. Her scream and the sudden aura that she unleashed froze the wolf in the place. He was totally stiff, his fur erect. He couldn"t help but shiver. Why is it that he detected something frightening? How is this girl"s aura so powerful? He didn"t know, and he didn"t have the time to think about it later, because the second Erin unleashed her aura, she had already beheaded him. She was in a berserk state. Looking around, she started attacking everything in her path.

The Dark Knight finally started to fade. Looking at that, Lance couldn"t help but smirk. His eyes focused on Stefan, like a predator finally catching its prey. He licked his lips and prepared to make an attack.

Stefan was casting a spell at the moment. That spell needed more time to be finished, but he had to risk it, or else he would be doomed. As he was about to finish his spell, the Dark Knight finally disappeared. Lance didn"t wait at all and attacked at full speed. He didn"t want to give Stefan another chance of escaping.

As Stefan was just about to finish the spell, Lance finally got in front of him. He struck with his claws. As Stefan was still murmuring the incarnation, he started moving to dodge. But he was a bit slow there. In the end, he lost his left hand. He gritted his teeth from the pain, saying the last syllable of his incarnation. Finally, the spell was activated. All the surroundings in a 50 meters radius became pitch black. You couldn"t see anything at all.

As Lance lost his vision, he heard a voice.

"Welcome to my world, the shadow domain. Enjoy your suffering here. Let"s see if you are able to survive this?" As the voice echoed, Lance felt that he was being restrained. There was suddenly a stabbing pain in his right palm. That was bad, he had to escape this place!

Bryan finally found Erin. She was still slaughtering creatures, not in her sanity. He enjoyed watching the beautiful girl killing like that, her whole body covered in blood, her red eyes, and hair. It was a magnificent scene. "It will be even better after I start playing with her," he thought. His eyes suddenly changed into those of a mad man. He charged at Erin.

Erin felt the danger all on a sudden. That brought her sanity back. Though she managed to dodge the attack, part of her left sleeve was separated from the rest of her leather armor. Checking in front of her, she saw another werewolf, but this one gave her a really dangerous feeling. His eyes were golden. As she saw his eyes, she couldn"t help but shiver. She felt like every part of her body was being licked by this gaze.

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