Erin was still struggling against Bryan. She had some small wounds on her legs and arms. Looking at the wolf in front of her, she renewed her determination. "It"s hardly likely I"ll survive this. But I"ll fight to the end!" Thinking about this, she attacked again.

Bryan was happy that the girl was still fighting, or else it would be too boring. He avoided the attack, and once more struck at Erin, this time damaging the clothes in front of her, undressing her slowly.

Erin"s belly was exposed, but this time she didn"t panic. Calmly, she used this chance to attack again, finally able to injure the werewolf"s hand, which he had used to remove her clothes. Bryan jumped back and looked at his hand. He licked it and smiled. "This girl"s fighting spirit is quite admirable. She has collected herself, which is not bad at all! But she is still not a challenge! In the end, she will be like the others, a mere toy I enjoyed playing with."

He attacked once again, removing the clothes piece by piece. Finally, Erin was with only her underwear on her. Her face was flushed red. This was really a bad experience for her. She was now more angry than afraid. That pervert just kept undressing her! That was truly outrageous! This was a battlefield, not a playground. And still, he acted like he just found a new toy. That really annoyed her to no end!

After ten minutes of fighting, Erin was finally fully naked. She used one hand to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Now she understood how the other females were feeling when they were naked in public. It was quite a frustrating feeling to be forcefully undressed. "What will he do now? Is he going to **** me?" Thinking about that, Erin shivered. She really didn"t want to experience this!

"A perfect body, what a rare thing! You are just a feast to the eyes. Now, I"ll enjoy you slowly". Saying that Bryan attacked again, but still not using his full power. He wanted first to exhaust her, so her struggles wouldn"t be that big.

Erin was finally exhausted after ten more minutes. It was hard for her to take a breath. Her body was full of small cuts everywhere. Her eyes started getting dull. The hope to survive this battle was getting smaller and smaller. She was barely even able to move now.

Seeing this, Bryan"s smile got wider. "Finally, it"s time to enjoy you." Saying that he started walking slowly towards Erin.


Richard was measuring Lance"s strength. He was waiting to see how strong Lance was. After that, he would finish him up. He was sure that Lance wasn"t strong enough to defeat him. Still, he was careful. After all, you never knew what would happen in the battle until the end. Better be safe than sorry.

Lance was quite frustrated. He had already been wounded before and was exhausted from the last battle. Now he had to fight even more fearsome opponent. He regretted starting the fight. That magician was right, he wasn"t a match for Richard, and he could clearly see that. Lance was struggling to fight him. He gave his all, and still, that wasn"t enough.

Fighting with Richard for about ten minutes, his tempo started to get slower. It could be seen that he was at his limits. Richard, of course, saw that and chose to attack now. Using his left hand, he managed to pierce Lance"s thigh. Lance lost his balance and fell down. Richard didn"t miss his chance. He pierced Lance"s heart with his bare hand.

Lance"s body trembled. He was starting to lose consciousness. With his last strength, he said. "It was a good fight. You are a lot stronger than I thought. My dreams..." After those last words, he died. Was he regretting at the end? No one would know for sure.

Richard slowly stood up and beheading Lance, he started walking forward. All the creatures that saw this scene and Lance"s severed head started to run away or just stopped fighting. There was no meaning in this war anymore. Their leader was already dead.

All the creatures on Richard"s side bowed to him, expressing their loyalty. They slowly started looking for the wounded and help them. The war finally ended. Still, there were still some creatures fighting inside the forest, not knowing about Lance"s death. But the news would soon reach them, too.

"It"s finally time to find Erin." Thinking about that, Richard started heading in her direction.

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