Erin"s eyes focused again. She looked at Bryan, who was slowly walking to her. She couldn"t help but start stepping back. She was really scared now. She had no more strength to fight, there was no one around who could help her either.

Bryan walked slowly in her direction, enjoying the girl"s despair. He could sense that she was scared, and that made him even more excited. Finally, he came near her and grabbed her hands. Erin tried to struggle but in vain. "What are you doing? If you are going to kill me, just kill me!" She screamed in panic.

Bryan laughed out loud. "Don"t worry. I"ll kill you, but slowly. First, I"ll enjoy you fully." As he said that, he pinned her at the ground.

Erin"s breath was forced out of her lungs from the collision. Bryan was pressing her to the ground. She panicked even more. She tried with all her might to struggle, but Bryan forcefully stopped her struggles.

"Even if you struggle more, there is no point. Just relax, enjoy your last moments." Saying that he licked her neck. Erin"s whole body trembled from that. She tried to kick him, but he stopped her struggles once again.

"You are quite the fierce girl, aren"t you? I"ll teach you how you should react in front of me." As Bryan talked, he started slowly caressing her body. He first removed the hair from Erin"s face. "Quite a beautiful face you have there, I like it!" Saying so, his hand moved to her neck.

"Just kill me!" Erin screamed once again. She couldn"t restrain her emotions anymore. Her eyes got teary. Why? Why something like that was happening to her?

Bryan, on the other hand, enjoyed himself. His hand started moving downwards, caressing Erin"s body. Erin became stiff from those touches. "Don"t be afraid, the show is just about to begin. I"ll show you what true bliss is." Bryan whispered in her ear. Erin shivered once again from that whispering.

"Stop, please, stop!" Erin said as she started crying. Was there not a way out from this? "Richard..." She murmured, Richard"s face slowly coming in her mind. Tears were flowing down her cheeks. In a moment, she would really be violated! She just couldn"t accept such an ending!

Suddenly, Bryan"s body flew away from Erin. Blood splashed on her. She blinked. What happened? Trying to focus her eyes, she saw Richard in the distance, with the dead body of Bryan. She couldn"t help but blink again, still not believing what she had been seeing.

"R-Richard?" She stammered a bit as she uttered his name. In the next moment, Richard was already by her side, putting a cloak over her body. As Erin still didn"t know what was happening in front of her, she failed to react. In the next moment, Richard embraced her and lifted her up. Her eyes started getting teary again. Her feelings were in dismay. As she was about to say something, her mouth was occupied.


Erin released a small moan, she was still unable to comprehend what in the world was happening. As Richard enjoyed kissing her, Erin"s mind finally caught up. She used all her strength to try and separate herself from Richard.

"Don"t struggle, I might drop you down if you continue." Saying so, Richard still held her in his embrace and played with her hair.

"I-You..." Erin was at a loss for words. What just happened? Did he just steal her first kiss? Her face flushed red. She hit Richard at the chest. "You bully, how dare you steal my first kiss at a time like this! No, that"s not the point, why are you even kissing me!"

Richard laughed out loud. It seemed like his girl was fine, only a bit scared from what happened earlier. He couldn"t help but look back to Bryan"s corpse. Moving next to him, he smashed his head with his leg. Erin was startled from the sudden movement. She couldn"t help but hug Richard for support so that she would not fall down. She peeked and saw the werewolf. "I-I am finally safe. T-that was just, just..." Her feelings were in dismay once again.

Richard hugged her even more tightly. "Don"t worry, everything is fine now, you are safe. " He patted her as he comforted her. Erin couldn"t help but start crying, burying her face in Richard"s chest.

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