"What did you say? They are dead? How could"ve such a thing happened?" A chubby man with luxurious clothes asked the man who had run away from Lyse.

"T-They tried to catch a half-elf, b-but.." The man couldn"t finish his words.

"But what? They couldn"t even catch a slave? Those were the best slave hunters we had and you are saying they are dead?!" The chubby man roared at his subordinate.

"B-Boss, please calm down first. The half-elf was a magician!" The man started explaining again in hopes to be pardoned and not getting himself killed there. His back was already drenched in sweat.

"Magician? Did you say, magician? Are you sure?" The chubby man"s eyes shined, his anger already gone. He stood up from his chair and, grabbing the collar of his shirt, lifted his subordinate in the air with just one hand.

"Y-Yes, I am sure! She froze them to death!" The man"s face turned red, trying to explain while he was suffocating. Fortunately, the chubby man let him go and patted him on the shoulder.

"Good job! We"ll be rich! A magician, haha, I never expected to find a half-elf magician here! That"s great luck!" The chubby man was so excited that the tires of fat all over his body started to tremble as he walked back and forth.

"Did she have any companion? Or was she alone?" He asked to understand the situation better.

"She was alone. There wasn"t anyone with her when we saw her." (Subordinate)

"That"s good. Call everyone. It"s time for a meeting! I want every man of our organization to be here in half an hour!" The chubby man roared. Hearing him, one of the guards standing out of the room ran to call others.


Erin entered her room but saw no one. She sighed in relief after recalling the last conversation with Richard. Lying down on the bed, she started thinking about the hunting for food that was to come. Either she would have to kill someone or starve.

"I am a vampire now, I have to get used to it sooner or later. It won"t be my first kill either. Can I do it?" She asked herself. Surprisingly, the answer came swiftly. Yes, she could. Her feelings for the humans weren"t really good at the moment, as she remembered how they had tried to kill her when she teleported here to this world. Next, the memory of Anna lying in a pool of blood surfaced in her mind.

As those scenes crossed her mind, her eyes started getting redder and redder, until they became crimson. But Erin didn"t realize that. She was too preoccupied with her memories and experiences in this world, immersed in it with all her mind, as she tried to forget everything else. That included her feelings from her previous world. She even started to doubt that she really had come from another world. Was it true? Or just this body had lost its memories and had some long dream of experiencing another life?

"Alright, I"ll do it, I"ll detach myself from the humans. There is no point suffering from that. If I continue like this, my mind won"t take it. I need to adapt to this." She was saying that to herself, but a tear was slowly going down her cheek. Wiping it with the back of her hand, she stared at the wet spot on her hand. Where did that teardrop come from? Was it because of discarding her past as a human?

"So you came back." Erin was startled from that sudden voice. Jumping from the bed, she saw Richard two meters away from her. He was already in the room, but she wasn"t aware of that. She forgot about what she had been thinking and started at Richard, wide-eyed.

"Do you really have to scare me like that?" She complained, releasing the tension from her muscles and sitting down on her bed.

Richard didn"t say anything. He moved in front of her and put down a box next to her. She looked at him with questioning eyes, but he only pointed at the box. The meaning was clear, she had to open it.

A bit curious, Erin opened the box. Her mouth parted slightly in astonishment as she looked at what was inside the box. Then she looked back at Richard with confused eyes.

"It"s a gift for you, use it if you like it." Saying so, Richard sat down on his bed, watching Erin"s shocked face. She was as adorable as ever.

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