The man was trying all his might to endure the attacks coming from Lyse. Icicles, broken pieces of Ice, snowflakes were making his vision restricted. The whole corridor was like an icy h.e.l.l. His energy was almost exhausted, his breathing already rough.

He already had small scars all over his body. His clothes now looked more like rags. , He barely managed to focus and saw more icicles coming. How could this girl have so much magic power? That wasn"t the case in the inn! After all, he had been watching from the side back then.

Lyse was fully focused on attacking. She used spell after spell. For the first time in her life, she felt like she had an endless source of energy within her. She didn"t know where that energy came from, but she had her doubts. The only time that could happen was when she would be unconscious. Richard cast a spell on her and healed her. Maybe the spell was still in effect? Or was it something else? She wasn"t sure, but either way that worked in her favor now.

She started observing her enemy once more. He was already tired, trying to defend all the time, but some of her attacks still got him. She then looked at her surroundings. The human sculptures, the snowflakes all around, the ice in the whole corridor. Everything was in her control.

"It looks like the time for the last attack has come." A slight smile appeared on her face, and she pointed with her hand once again.

"Ice Spike!"

An icicle came from the floor behind her opponent and pierced through his back. That took him off-guard and the icicle managed to impale him.


His face was full of shock as he looked at Lyse. He vomited blood and finally, his body stopped struggling on that spike and his hands hung down.

"F-finally, I killed him. I h-have to help the rest." Lyse started to walk to the room where they all were before, looking for Anna and Erin.


One of Anna"s clones attacked again, slashing with her nails. Before she could touch her opponent, the sword once again was thrust at her, going through her body. This time she continued forward. When the sword fully pa.s.sed through her, she slashed and the man"s barrier trembled for a second. He kicked, but his leg once again moved through her.

"What is going on here? She can attack me, but I can"t? Why? There must be something wrong. She can"t be that strong. What is the trick of that skill?" He tried to injure her a lot of times already, but it was meaningless. All attacks missed. The demon before him was like a real ghost, his blade just couldn"t touch her.

Even more irritating was that red mist, which confused his senses. He had to injure himself to remain sober. That mist was really strong. The worst part was the charm those clones had. He was attracted by that but tried to resist all the time. Once he gave up resisting, his life force would be eaten. He knew this fact.


Once again, he started spinning, making the clones retreat. That gave him a few seconds to prepare himself. He sighed, at least his defense was solid and the woman couldn"t break it. That was his only advantage so far.

"Why the gloomy look? You should be happy to have the chance to play with me." Anna"s bright smile was something he really doesn"t want to see anymore. That charming face was just like a curse. He focused again, trying to block that mental attack.

"You think your trick will work forever? Sooner or later I will see through it!" He gritted his teeth and prepared to defend once again. The clones danced around him, not hasty to attack. That frustrated him even more, he had to be fully focused all the time and wait for an opportunity to attack. Even if he attacked, the outcome would be the same. He would miss. He tried that already.

Anna watched her opponent with amus.e.m.e.nt. His defense was really strong, but she could slowly exhaust him until he fully crumbled. This spell of hers wasn"t really unbeatable, but it was really hard to be broken. The concept behind that illusion magic was quite simple. What was real was fake, and what was fake was real. She could move to any of her clones at any moment. The clones were just illusions. But when she moved to one of the bodies, the illusion became reality.

In the battle so far, she attacked only with three clones, never using the fourth one. If she attacked with all her bodies, the man would l be able to injure her, since she wouldn"t be able to escape to a safe place. Even so, that spell had worked pretty well so far. The problem was if this kept going on, he would eventually find out what the trick was and would be able to break away from those attacks.

She was thinking about how to attack next when she spotted Lyse at the door, coming into the room. She smiled at her and pointed at the man, making a sign with her hand. Lyse nodded and extended her hand forward. She was in the blind spot of the man, which made it the best surprise attack.

The man was still waiting for Anna to attack. Finally, three of the four clones attacked him. One in front and two from the sides. He prepared his sword to defend with it, but a bad premonition overcame his senses. He moved forward to evade the attack from the back, expecting the other clone to be there.


He felt a great force hitting his body, his barrier shattering and something cold piercing his back. That force sent him flying forward and he fell face first. He felt pain at first, but for less than a second only. Then it was replaced with numbness from the cold.

"W-What happened?" Blood started sipping from his lips, while he tried to comprehend what was going on. He turned his head in the direction of the attacker and saw the half-elf girl there. Now he understood, his partner was already dead and the girl came to help her companion.

"What " He couldn"t finish his sentence. The world in front of his eyes got dark and his senses became dull. His body spasmed for a second and then relaxed. He was now lying dead on the floor.

"Let"s go and help Erin." Anna started walking towards the window, ready to move to the next battle. Lyse nodded and followed her from behind.

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