After breakfast, they continued with their journey through the forest. They silently moved between the trees. It was already midday, but the fog and the big trees in the surrounding made it look like it was still night.

The group traveled with unimaginable speed, and even though Lyse was stumbling from time to time, she managed to follow without any problem.

Erin was thinking about last night"s events. She remembered the feeling when she fought against Seth. Thinking about it, she couldn"t help but glance at him. Making him blood-slave was a critical decision on her part, but he was strong.

Seth was still unused to be with them, but that would change with more time spent with the group. After thinking about that, Erin"s eyes widened for a moment. No wonder he was still a bit stiff around them. He didn"t know even their names! The only name he knew was that of Erin. Thinking about it, she slowed down and came next to him.

"I forgot to introduce you to the others." Erin"s face was a bit red with embarra.s.sment.

Seth glanced at her but said nothing. He didn"t care about that, but Erin was his master now. If she wanted to talk to him, let her be.

"This is Lyse. She is a magician. She is good at ice-magic." Erin pointed at Lyse and looked back at Seth. He nodded. Even though he didn"t care, he still had to give some answer.

Erin looked at his indifferent face and sighed to herself. His reaction wasn"t strange. After all, she had made him her follower without giving him a choice.

"This is Anna. She is a succubus and my first blood-slave, but I think you can feel that." Erin continued with the introduction. Seth nodded once again.

"Finally this is Richard. You may know him as the Shadow Lord." Seth almost stumbled after hearing that. The guy in front of him was the Demon Lord? No wonder he felt danger after looking at Richard. So the Demon Lord was showing the world to his princess? What was this logic? Shouldn"t he just sent some guards with her and let her play around?

Seth"s face lost color. He almost turned around to flee. His hands were trembling from the shock he had received. His mind was in turmoil. What was he supposed to do now?

"Are you alright?" Erin saw his pale face and was a bit perplexed. After a few moments, she finally realized why he was like that. Richard was a Demon Lord after all.

"I-I am fine." Seth finally came back to his senses. After knowing Richard"s true ident.i.ty, he made a quick decision. He would follow Erin"s commands for now. Any tricks in front of the Demon Lord were useless. He would wait for a chance in the future and escape. After all, he didn"t want to be a slave for the rest of his life.

Erin saw that he didn"t want to talk and sighed again. There was no point to rush things on. He would get used to them after spending more time with them. She moved forward once again. The castle was still far away. They would need a few weeks before they could arrive there.

After traveling for a few hours more, the group finally stopped to rest. It was already late afternoon. Anna started preparing a meal with Lyse"s help. Richard looked at Seth and smirked. He had heard the conversation earlier. Even Seth"s reaction didn"t escape his notice.

"Let"s have some sparring. I want to see all of your abilities." Richard looked at Seth, his eyes narrowing. Seth shivered for a moment. He knew that it wouldn"t be simple sparring after looking into Richard"s eyes. He stood up, preparing for what was to come.

"Wait a moment." Erin couldn"t help but say. She remembered the fight from last night.

"I want to spar with him." Her eyes sparkled as she looked at Seth. Richard frowned. Why was she so excited?

"No, I will..."

"Richard!" Erin pouted. She looked straight into Richard"s eyes. She knew Richard wanted to make Seth regret his fight with her from last night. He was really like a child. Now it wasn"t the time for such things.

"I want to spar with Seth," Erin repeated herself. "I have a feeling that this spar will give me a breakthrough."

"Oh," Richard nodded, finally understanding. "Go ahead then."

Erin couldn"t help but smile from those words. That smile captivated Richard for a moment. His heartbeat increased for the first time. Why did he have such a reaction from a mere smile? He shook his head and recollected himself. That wasn"t important for now.

Seth finally sighed. It was better to spar with Erin. He stood up and moved to a nearby clearing. He unsheathed his daggers, preparing to fight with Erin.

Erin"s smile widened. She didn"t enter the shadows this time. Her eyes and hair changed to crimson red, her aura bursting out of her body. She kicked the ground.

In the next moment, her silhouette blurred. Sparks flew from behind Seth. The speed of their fight was unimaginable. Nails and daggers collided, kicks were sent from time to time. In only a few seconds, they exchanged more than twenty blows.

Erin"s grin widened. She didn"t know why, but she started to like battles. The feeling of getting stronger. The smell of blood. All of that made her excited.


"In most a day, we will be able to catch up to them," Henry said.

"Alright, we will continue for a few more hours and then stop to rest for the night," Alfred answered him.

They were getting closer and closer to their target. After one more day, there would l be a battle. The atmosphere was somber, with no one talking much. . The group of twelve people silently moved through the forest. Alfred antic.i.p.ated the moment of their meeting with the vampire. After so many days, he would finally have the chance to see his enemy face to face

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