After a few minutes, Anna finally left the shelter. She bowed slightly to Richard, who was standing next to the entrance and moved to the side.

Richard"s focus now turned to the interior of the shelter. Erin was now wearing a blue dress. Her cheeks were a bit rosy. Her breath was even. There were no traces of any wounds on her. Her posture was like a sleeping cat. He couldn"t help but be immersed in her peaceful sleeping.

"You can eat and rest for the rest of the day. We will move tomorrow."

After saying that, Richard didn"t even look at the others. Even before his words were finished, he was already in the shelter. He couldn"t help but slightly frown. There wasn"t anything good there which could be made into a bed, so Erin was on a few blankets. Although her sleep seemed peaceful, he couldn"t help but reach for her. He put her on his lap and started to play with her hair.

Outside the tent, the atmosphere was a bit awkward. First, Henry who was their enemy earlier was one of them now. Though it was a bit awkward, Anna and Seth still could accept it. The bigger problem was with the shelters. Richard and Erin were in one of the shelters, which meant that only one more shelter remained. It wasn"t really good to make Anna sleep in the same shelter with Seth and Henry.

"I will go make one more shelter."

Henry turned around and started to walk with the intention to find materials for one more shelter.

"There is no need. Seth will sleep in the same shelter as me. You are gonna stay awake and be the guard for tonight."

Henry"s movements stopped. He turned around and looked at Anna. After seeing the fire in her eyes, he sighed. It wasn"t possible to forget the grudges from the battle so fast. Even though Anna was hiding it well, she still had some grudges against him. He nodded his head, feeling helpless in this situation.

The one who was more surprised in this situation was actually Seth. He wasn"t expecting Anna to say something like that. He looked at her as though he was trying to understand her intentions. Why would she allow him to be sleeping at the same place where she was? Anna returned his gaze. Her golden eyes were especially clear. He had the feeling that if he continued to look at her eyes, he would be sucked into them. Finally, he moved away from her gaze. Seeing that, Anna curved up her lips.

After the arrangements, they sat to eat. The atmosphere wasn"t really good. First, Henry was their enemy only a few hours ago. Second, Seth wasn"t the type who actually liked to talk a lot. Anna wasn"t in the mood to talk, too. The meal pa.s.sed by in silence like that.

Anna stood up from her spot and looked at Seth. After a few seconds, she turned around and entered the shelter. Seth was now a bit confused. What was the meaning of that look? Was it a warning? He shook his head. That gaze wasn"t a warning for sure. She still had her smile when she looked at him. It was more like a predator looking at his prey. That gave him gooseb.u.mps. What was she intending to do? He stood frozen on his spot. Would he enter or not? Seth closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He was one of the best He had killed countless people and survived a lot of dangerous encounters. But now, he was actually scared to enter the shelter. After calming himself, he opened his eyes. His look was resolved. Finally, he stepped into the shelter.

Henry was now alone outside. He looked at the two shelters and shook his head. Turning around, he threw a few branches into the fire. The night was just starting now. He would have to guard for the whole night, but the problem was, what was he supposed to guard against? After that battle, the magic and auras of all of them that clashed were still all around the place. There was no point in guarding at all.

He closed his eyes and started to think of the things that happened today. First, they sealed Richard. After that, with Alfred and the other knights, they attacked Erin and the others. Everything was going as to how he expected them to be. At least to the moment when Richard broke the seal. The fact that he could break the seal so fast wasn"t in Henry"s calculations. After that everything turned chaotic. The knights died. Alfred barely managed to escape with wounds all over his body. Henry was now in a situation that he never expected to be. A follower of the Shadow Lord. What was waiting for him in the future? Even he didn"t know this.
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All sorts of scenarios pa.s.sed through Henry"s mind. What would happen to the empire after this? Would the Shadow Lord attack them? Or would Alfred do something stupid? He really hoped for Alfred to wake up from his dreams and look at the reality. His old friend was really a stubborn person. He had a lot of shortcomings, but Henry knew that Alfred was a good person inside. He was always thinking of the human race as a whole. He was always the first person to go forward and brace all the dangers. Until now everything worked for him, but then he had to provoke a Demon Lord.

What would happen to Alfred and the human race from now on? Henry was really anxious. He wasn"t sure what Richard would do from now on after they almost killed Erin.

"I can only hope that the Shadow Lord will show some mercy."

That was the only thing that he wished for. After he saw how strong Richard was and how important Erin was for him, that hope of his was like wishful thinking, but it was still there. Henry finally opened his eyes. The forest was silent. The ashes from the battle were still here. The fog wasn"t really thick now, so he could see a bit further. The first rays of the sun were illuminating the surroundings. It seemed like he had spent all night in his thoughts.

At that moment, Seth was still inside the shelter. The problem was with his posture and eyes. His whole body was stiff and his eyes were slightly twitching. He had blue circles under his eyes. Even though he was a half vampire now, the fatigue was still acc.u.mulating inside him. He was first guarding for a few nights, after that he fought a hard battle and now... He moved his gaze slightly to the side. Anna"s face was all he could see from there. Her head was on his chest. Her cheeks were rosy like she had a really good dream. At the moment, she was hugging him and sleeping on top of him. It was a really awkward situation.

He was still like a statue from the beginning. After entering the shelter, Anna just said it was time to sleep. After that, he didn"t know how it happened, but she moved next to him and hugged him. At first, he tried to separate, but it was impossible. She was clinging on to him like an octopus. Finally, he gave up, but the scent from her and her loose clothes were really tempting. He wasn"t sure how to act in this situation. She was already asleep, so she might just hug him with no intentions, a reaction from her body. But, what was he to do? After suffering like that for the whole night, without anything that he could think of, his body finally became stiff. From all the nervousness, he wasn"t able to sleep at all.

Finally, Anna"s eyes slowly opened. Her eyes met Seth"s. At this moment, he didn"t know why, but his heart jumped for a second. She looked at him for a few seconds and smiled. Seth wasn"t able to turn his gaze away from that smile. It was really captivating. And with those eyes of her that could suck his soul out of his body only by watching them, he couldn"t help but gulp. Seth felt even more awkward at the moment. He turned his gaze away from her face. He could feel that his cheeks were burning at the moment. This was a feeling he didn"t have in years. How could he be embarra.s.sed from something like that?

Anna"s smile became even wider. She couldn"t help but to want to tease him a bit. After pondering for a moment, she moved her head next to his ear.

"You smell nice."

After that whisper, she weakly bit at his ear. Seth"s whole body shuddered from that teasing. He couldn"t help but look at her again. He saw that bright smile of her and was lost for words. Before he knew it, she stood up and took a dress from her bag. She turned her gaze to him again. He was still confused as what was happening, so he didn"t react at all.

"I will change my clothes now. Do you want to stay?" Anna asked him. Her smile got even wider. Seth stood up in less than a second, his face totally red. He gulped hard and moved his gaze away.

"I will go out first."

After saying that he burst out from the shelter with unimaginable speed. A few seconds after that, Anna"s laughter echoed from the shelter.

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