Richard opened his eyes and gazed down. Erin was still peacefully sleeping in his embrace. After checking her with his powers, he sighed and stood up. She was fully healed, but she needed a lot of time before she could wake up. That was because of her last awakening. He wasn"t sure how long it would take for her to wake up, but he wasn"t worried at all.

He stepped out of the shelter, carrying Erin in his arms. After he looked around, he saw that everyone was already awake.

"Let"s depart."

As he said that, he started to move in the direction of the castle. Everyone else followed him closely.

As they moved through the forest, Henry couldn"t help but look at Seth and Anna. Earlier, Seth burst out from his shelter with a flushed face. After that, he heard Anna"s laughter. That made him a bit perplexed. Weren"t they lovers? He didn"t doubt that as they spent the night together, but after remembering Seth"s expression from last night and his reaction earlier, he couldn"t help but doubt if that was really true.

On the other hand, Seth was totally confused at the moment. He expected that Anna would move away from him or hit him, or anything else, but he never expected her to act in this way after she woke up. He wasn"t sure what to think of that. Why was she acting like that? Was she playing with him? Or was it something else? He wasn"t sure. That"s why his thoughts now were in turmoil. He couldn"t concentrate on anything else at the moment. The only thing that he was doing was to follow like a puppet after Richard. His mind was fully occupied with Anna.

Seth finally couldn"t help but look one more time at her. She felt his gaze on her and turned her head around. The only thing he saw was her smile. He shuddered with no reason at all and turned his head away.

Anna looked at his reaction and was even more amused. She paused for a bit and moved next to him. Not waiting for him to react, she whispered in his ear again.

"Tonight we will sleep in the same shelter again."

Seth stumbled and almost fell to the ground. What did she say again? To sleep in the same shelter again? Would he be able to sleep at all? He became even more confused. She was a succubus, that much he knew. But why was she playing with him like that? She wasn"t like that in the first few days. Why was she doing that now? He wasn"t sure. Did he just have fun when she teased him like that? Or was it really something else? He shook his head and tried not to think of that, but he could not. All his mind was preoccupied with her. He looked once again at her and before she even turned around, he moved his gaze away. He would just be in the same shelter with her again, there was no point in overthinking it.

Richard was lost in his thoughts as he moved forward. They would need almost a month before they could reach the castle. After that, he had to plan what to do against those humans. He had to kill Alfred for sure, but that wasn"t enough to ease his mind. The humans needed to be punished to the point, that they couldn"t forget the lesson that he would give them. His eyes blazed with a killing intent for a moment, but before the killing intent could solidify, they turned back to normal. He gazed at Erin and slightly tightened his embrace.

She was so badly injured and the person who had injured her was still alive. He couldn"t help but to want to destroy everything around him. The first thing that came to his mind was to turn back and ma.s.sacre the whole city. But in the end, he gave up the idea. It would be difficult even for him to destroy a whole city. Even though he was a Demon Lord, a single person"s strength was limited. If the humans in the city joined hands and attacked him at the same time, even he would be exhausted in the end, and maybe even injured. The other thing that stopped him from doing so was the person in his arms. If she knew what he had done after she woke up, what would be her reaction?

Richard shook his head and stopped his thoughts about that for the time being. Instead, he looked at his shadow. In his shadow, Lyse was there, still frozen like a statue. She wasn"t dead, but he couldn"t say that she was alive either. She was on the verge of death. Thanks to Erin"s powers and her attempt to turn her into a follower, Lyse still had a chance to wake up. The problem was, this chance was really small. He was now thinking of what to do. There was a method to wake her up, but would he use it? He looked back at Erin and sighed. When the time came for this, he would decide. For now, they had to move on.

After they walked for the whole day, finally the party stopped. Henry once again made shelters and Richard entered one of them with Erin. Anna looked at Seth and entered the other shelter. Seth had no choice but to follow her inside. That made Henry a guard for the night again. He sighed and sat down next to the burning fire. There weren"t a lot of conversations during the day. There were only a few sentences spoken, and most of them were from Richard. The atmosphere wasn"t good at all, but Henry couldn"t help with that. He closed his eyes and started to meditate.
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That pattern repeated for two weeks. Sometimes Henry hunted for prey, sometimes it was Seth or Anna. Most of the time, Henry was the guard for the night, but Seth and Anna guarded the place a few times as well. Erin was still unconscious. Anna cleaned her body and changed her clothes from time to time, but that was all. The only thing that Erin consumed was Richard"s blood once a day.

On the morning of the fifteenth day, Seth slowly opened his eyes. He felt his whole body stiff again. Anna was hugging him as she did in the past few days. Her head was resting on his chest. He was finally able to sleep even in this awkward position. He was even getting used to sleeping in the same shelter as Anna. He couldn"t help but watch her sleeping face. He didn"t know why, but a feeling he had never known before, slowly rose in his heart. He couldn"t help but be mesmerized from her sleeping visage. As he was still looking at her sleeping face, her eyelashes trembled slightly and Seth moved his gaze away from her.

As he was waiting for her to fully wake up, so he could be free from his restriction and stretch his body, he suddenly felt a finger poking at his cheek. He turned around with questioning eyes, only to see Anna"s face close up to his. Without any warning, he felt a soft sensation on his lips. His eyes widened from the shock. He felt Anna"s hug tighten around him for a few seconds and her tongue entering his mouth. After a moment that looked like eternity, Anna moved away and breathed in his face. He felt the sweet scene from her breathing and couldn"t help but freeze like a statue.

"Thanks for the meal."

Anna licked her lips and stood up. She took her bag and took out a dress. She looked back at the frozen Seth and smiled.

"So, would you want to watch me change my clothes this time?"

Seth broke away from his trance. He abruptly stood up and ran out of the shelter. Once again, Anna"s laughter followed him.

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