Life's Handicap

Chapter 12

Oh then it was that we yelled, and the figure dipped into the hollow, till, with a crash of rending gra.s.s, the lost one strode up to the light of the fire and disappeared to the waist in a wave of joyous dogs! Then Learoyd and Ortheris gave greeting, ba.s.s and falsetto together, both swallowing a lump in the throat.

"You d.a.m.ned fool!" said they, and severally pounded him with their fists.

"Go easy!" he answered; wrapping a huge arm round each. "I would have you to know that I am a G.o.d, to be treated as such--tho", by my faith, I fancy I"ve got to go to the guard-room just like a privit soldier."

The latter part of the sentence destroyed the suspicions raised by the former. Any one would have been justified in regarding Mulvaney as mad.

He was hatless and shoeless, and his shirt and trousers were dropping off him. But he wore one wondrous garment--a gigantic cloak that fell from collar-bone to heel--of pale pink silk, wrought all over in cunningest needlework of hands long since dead, with the loves of the Hindu G.o.ds. The monstrous figures leaped in and out of the light of the fire as he settled the folds round him.

Ortheris handled the stuff respectfully for a moment while I was trying to remember where I had seen it before. Then he screamed, "What "AVE you done with the palanquin? You"re wearin" the linin"."

"I am," said the Irishman, "an" by the same token the "broidery is" my hide off. I"ve lived in this sumpshus counterpane for four days. Me son, I begin to ondherstand why the naygur is no use. Widout me boots, an" me trousies like an openwork stocking on a gyurl"s leg at a dance, I begin to feel like a naygur-man--all fearful an" timoreous.

Give me a pipe an" I"ll tell on."

He lit a pipe, resumed his grip of his two friends, and rocked to and fro in a gale of laughter.

"Mulvaney," said Ortheris sternly, ""tain"t no time for laughin". You"ve given Jock an" me more trouble than you"re worth. You "ave been absent without leave an" you"ll go into cells for that; an" you "ave come back disgustin"ly dressed an" most improper in the linin" o" that bloomin"

palanquin. Instid of which you laugh. An" WE thought you was dead all the time."

"Bhoys," said the culprit, still shaking gently, "whin I"ve done my tale you may cry if you like, an" little Orth"ris here can thrample my inside out. Ha" done an" listen. My performances have been stupenjus: my luck has been the blessed luck av the British Army--an" there"s no betther than that. I went out dhrunk an" dhrinkin" in the palanquin, and I have come back a pink G.o.d. Did any of you go to Dearsley afther my time was up? He was at the bottom of ut all."

"Ah said so," murmured Learoyd. "To-morrow ah"ll smash t" face in upon his heead."

"Ye will not. Dearsley"s a jool av a man. Afther Ortheris had put me into the palanquin an" the six bearer-men were gruntin" down the road, I tuk thought to mock Dearsley for that fight. So I tould thim, "Go to the embankmint," and there, bein" most amazin" full, I shtuck my head out av the concern an" pa.s.sed compliments wid Dearsley. I must ha" miscalled him outrageous, for whin I am that way the power av the tongue comes on me. I can bare remimber tellin" him that his mouth opened endways like the mouth av a skate, which was thrue afther Learoyd had handled ut; an"

I clear remimber his takin" no manner nor matter av offence, but givin"

me a big dhrink of beer. "Twas the beer did the thrick, for I crawled back into the palanquin, steppin" on me right ear wid me left foot, an"

thin I slept like the dead. Wanst I half-roused, an" begad the noise in my head was tremenjus--roarin" and rattlin" an" poundin" such as was quite new to me. "Mother av Mercy," thinks I, "phwat a concertina I will have on my shoulders whin I wake!" An" wid that I curls mysilf up to sleep before ut should get hould on me. Bhoys, that noise was not dhrink, "twas the rattle av a thrain!"

There followed an impressive pause.

"Yes, he had put me on a thrain--put me, palanquin an" all, an" six black av his own coolies that was in his nefarious confidence, on the flat av a ballast-thruck, and we were rowlin" an" bowlin" along to Benares. Glory be that I did not wake up thin an" introjuce mysilf to the coolies. As I was sayin", I slept for the betther part av a day an"

a night. But remimber you, that that man Dearsley had packed me off on wan av his material-thrains to Benares, all for to make me overstay my leave an" get me into the cells."

The explanation was an eminently rational one. Benares lay at least ten hours by rail from the cantonments, and nothing in the world could have saved Mulvaney from arrest as a deserter had he appeared there in the apparel of his orgies. Dearsley had not forgotten to take revenge.

Learoyd, drawing back a little, began to place soft blows over selected portions of Mulvaney"s body. His thoughts were away on the embankment, and they meditated evil for Dearsley. Mulvaney continued--

"Whin I was full awake the palanquin was set down in a street, I suspicioned, for I cud hear people pa.s.sin" an" talkin". But I knew well I was far from home. There is a queer smell upon our cantonments--a smell av dried earth and brick-kilns wid whiffs av cavalry stable-litter. This place smelt marigold flowers an" bad water, an"

wanst somethin" alive came an" blew heavy with his muzzle at the c.h.i.n.k av the shutter. "It"s in a village I am," thinks I to mysilf, "an" the parochial buffalo is investigatin" the palanquin." But anyways I had no desire to move. Only lie still whin you"re in foreign parts an" the standin" luck av the British Army will carry ye through. That is an epigram. I made ut.

"Thin a lot av whishperin" divils surrounded the palanquin. "Take ut up," sez wan man. "But who"ll pay us?" sez another. "The Maharanee"s minister, av coorse," sez the man. "Oho!" sez I to mysilf, "I"m a quane in me own right, wid a minister to pay me expenses. I"ll be an emperor if I lie still long enough; but this is no village I"ve found." I lay quiet, but I gummed me right eye to a crack av the shutters, an" I saw that the whole street was crammed wid palanquins an" horses, an" a sprinklin" av naked priests all yellow powder an" tigers" tails. But I may tell you, Orth"ris, an" you, Learoyd, that av all the palanquins ours was the most imperial an" magnificent. Now a palanquin means a native lady all the world over, except whin a soldier av the Quane happens to be takin" a ride. "Women an" priests!" sez I. "Your father"s son is in the right pew this time, Terence. There will be proceedin"s."

Six black divils in pink muslin tuk up the palanquin, an" oh! but the rowlin" an" the rockin" made me sick. Thin we got fair jammed among the palanquins--not more than fifty av them--an" we grated an" b.u.mped like Queenstown potato-smacks in a runnin" tide. I cud hear the women gigglin" and squirkin" in their palanquins, but mine was the royal equipage. They made way for ut, an", begad, the pink muslin men o" mine were howlin", "Room for the Maharanee av Gokral-Seetarun." Do you know aught av the lady, sorr?"

"Yes," said I. "She is a very estimable old queen of the Central Indian States, and they say she is fat. How on earth could she go to Benares without all the city knowing her palanquin?"

""Twas the eternal foolishness av the naygur-man. They saw the palanquin lying loneful an" forlornsome, an" the beauty av ut, after Dearsley"s men had dhropped ut and gone away, an" they gave ut the best name that occurred to thim. Quite right too. For aught we know the ould lady was thravellin" incog--like me. I"m glad to hear she"s fat. I was no light weight mysilf, an" my men were mortial anxious to dhrop me under a great big archway promiscuously ornamented wid the most improper carvin"s an" cuttin"s I iver saw. Begad! they made me blush--like a--like a Maharanee."

"The temple of Prithi-Devi," I murmured, remembering the monstrous horrors of that sculptured archway at Benares.

"Pretty Devilskins, savin" your presence, sorr! There was nothin" pretty about ut, except me. "Twas all half dhark, an" whin the coolies left they shut a big black gate behind av us, an" half a company av fat yellow priests began pully-haulin" the palanquins into a dharker place yet--a big stone hall full av pillars, an" G.o.ds, an" incense, an" all manner av similar thruck. The gate disconcerted me, for I perceived I wud have to go forward to get out, my retreat bein" cut off. By the same token a good priest makes a bad palanquin-coolie. Begad! they nearly turned me inside out draggin" the palanquin to the temple. Now the disposishin av the forces inside was this way. The Maharanee av Gokral-Seetarun--that was me--lay by the favour av Providence on the far left flank behind the dhark av a pillar carved with elephints" heads.

The remainder av the palanquins was in a big half circle facing in to the biggest, fattest, an" most amazin" she-G.o.d that iver I dreamed av.

Her head ran up into the black above us, an" her feet stuck out in the light av a little fire av melted b.u.t.ter that a priest was feedin" out av a b.u.t.ter-dish. Thin a man began to sing an" play on somethin" back in the dhark, an "twas a queer song. Ut made my hair lift on the back av my neck. Thin the doors av all the palanquins slid back, an" the women bundled out. I saw what I"ll niver see again. "Twas more glorious than thransformations at a pantomime, for they was in pink an" blue an"

silver an" red an" gra.s.s green, wid di"monds an" im"ralds an" great red rubies all over thim. But that was the least part av the glory. O bhoys, they were more lovely than the like av any loveliness in hiven; ay, their little bare feet were betther than the white hands av a lord"s lady, an" their mouths were like puckered roses, an" their eyes were bigger an" dharker than the eyes av any livin" women I"ve seen. Ye may laugh, but I"m speakin" truth. I niver saw the like, an" niver I will again."

"Seeing that in all probability you were watching the wives and daughters of most of the Kings of India, the chances are that you won"t," I said, for it was dawning on me that Mulvaney had stumbled upon a big Queens" Praying at Benares.

"I niver will," he said mournfully. "That sight doesn"t come twist to any man. It made me ashamed to watch. A fat priest knocked at my door.

I didn"t think he"d have the insolince to disturb the Maharanee av Gokral-Seetarun, so I lay still. "The old cow"s asleep," sez he to another. "Let her be," sez that. ""Twill be long before she has a calf!" I might ha" known before he spoke that all a woman prays for in Injia--an" for matter o" that in England too--is childher. That made me more sorry I"d come, me bein", as you well know, a childless man."

He was silent for a moment, thinking of his little son, dead many years ago.

"They prayed, an" the b.u.t.ter-fires blazed up an" the incense turned everything blue, an" between that an" the fires the women looked as tho" they were all ablaze an" twinklin". They took hold av the she-G.o.d"s knees, they cried out an" they threw themselves about, an" that world-without-end-amen music was dhrivin" thim mad. Mother av Hiven! how they cried, an" the ould she-G.o.d grinnin" above thim all so scornful!

The dhrink was dyin" out in me fast, an" I was thinkin" harder than the thoughts wud go through my head--thinkin" how to get out, an" all manner of nonsense as well. The women were rockin" in rows, their di"mond belts clickin", an" the tears runnin" out betune their hands, an" the lights were goin" lower an" dharker. Thin there was a blaze like lightnin" from the roof, an" that showed me the inside av the palanquin, an" at the end where my foot was, stood the livin" spit an" image o" mysilf worked on the linin". This man here, ut was."

He hunted in the folds of his pink cloak, ran a hand under one, and thrust into the firelight a foot-long embroidered presentment of the great G.o.d Krishna, playing on a flute. The heavy jowl, the staring eye, and the blue-black moustache of the G.o.d made up a far-off resemblance to Mulvaney.

"The blaze was gone in a wink, but the whole schame came to me thin. I believe I was mad too. I slid the off-shutter open an" rowled out into the dhark behind the elephint-head pillar, tucked up my trousies to my knees, slipped off my boots an" tuk a general hould av all the pink linin" av the palanquin. Glory be, ut ripped out like a woman"s dhriss whin you tread on ut at a sergeants" ball, an" a bottle came with ut. I tuk the bottle an" the next minut I was out av the dhark av the pillar, the pink linin" wrapped round me most graceful, the music thunderin"

like kettledrums, an" a could draft blowin" round my bare legs. By this hand that did ut, I was Khrishna tootlin" on the flute--the G.o.d that the rig"mental chaplain talks about. A sweet sight I must ha" looked. I knew my eyes were big, and my face was wax-white, an" at the worst I must ha" looked like a ghost. But they took me for the livin" G.o.d. The music stopped, and the women were dead dumb an" I crooked my legs like a shepherd on a china basin, an" I did the ghost-waggle with my feet as I had done ut at the rig"mental theatre many times, an" I slid acrost the width av that temple in front av the she-G.o.d tootlin" on the beer bottle."

"Wot did you toot?" demanded Ortheris the practical.

"Me? Oh!" Mulvaney sprang up, suiting the action to the word, and sliding gravely in front of us, a dilapidated but imposing deity in the half light. "I sang--

"Only say You"ll be Mrs. Brallaghan.

Don"t say nay, Charmin" Judy Callaghan.

I didn"t know me own voice when I sang. An" oh! "twas pitiful to see the women. The darlin"s were down on their faces. Whin I pa.s.sed the last wan I cud see her poor little fingers workin" one in another as if she wanted to touch my feet. So I dhrew the tail av this pink overcoat over her head for the greater honour, an" I slid into the dhark on the other side av the temple, and fetched up in the arms av a big fat priest. All I wanted was to get away clear. So I tuk him by his greasy throat an" shut the speech out av him. "Out!" sez I. "Which way, ye fat heathen?"--"Oh!" sez he. "Man," sez I. "White man, soldier man, common soldier man. Where in the name av confusion is the back door?" The women in the temple were still on their faces, an" a young priest was holdin"

out his arms above their heads.

""This way," sez my fat friend, duckin" behind a big bull-G.o.d an" divin"

into a pa.s.sage. Thin I remimbered that I must ha" made the miraculous reputation av that temple for the next fifty years. "Not so fast," I sez, an" I held out both my hands wid a wink. That ould thief smiled like a father. I tuk him by the back av the neck in case he should be wishful to put a knife into me unbeknownst, an" I ran him up an" down the pa.s.sage twice to collect his sensibilities! "Be quiet," sez he, in English. "Now you talk sense," I sez. "Fwhat "ll you give me for the use av that most iligant palanquin I have no time to take away?"--"Don"t tell," sez he. "Is ut like?" sez I. "But ye might give me my railway fare. I"m far from my home an" I"ve done you a service." Bhoys, "tis a good thing to be a priest. The ould man niver throubled himself to dhraw from a bank. As I will prove to you subsequint, he philandered all round the slack av his clothes an" began dribblin" ten-rupee notes, old gold mohurs, and rupees into my hand till I could hould no more."

"You lie!" said Ortheris. "You"re mad or sunstrook. A native don"t give coin unless you cut it out o" "im. "Tain"t nature."

"Then my lie an" my sunstroke is concealed under that lump av sod yonder," retorted Mulvaney unruffled, nodding across the scrub. "An"

there"s a dale more in nature than your squidgy little legs have iver taken you to, Orth"ris, me son. Four hundred an" thirty-four rupees by my reckonin", AN" a big fat gold necklace that I took from him as a remimbrancer, was our share in that business."

"An" "e give it you for love?" said Ortheris.

"We were alone in that pa.s.sage. Maybe I was a trifle too pressin", but considher fwhat I had done for the good av the temple and the iverlastin" joy av those women. "Twas cheap at the price. I wud ha"

taken more if I cud ha" found ut. I turned the ould man upside down at the last, but he was milked dhry. Thin he opened a door in another pa.s.sage an" I found mysilf up to my knees in Benares river-water, an"

bad smellin" ut is. More by token I had come out on the river-line close to the burnin" ghat and contagious to a cracklin" corpse. This was in the heart av the night, for I had been four hours in the temple. There was a crowd av boats tied up, so I tuk wan an" wint across the river.

Thin I came home acrost country, lyin" up by day."

"How on earth did you manage?" I said.

"How did Sir Frederick Roberts get from Cabul to Candahar? He marched an" he niver tould how near he was to breakin" down. That"s why he is fwhat he is. An" now--" Mulvaney yawned portentously. "Now I will go an"

give myself up for absince widout leave. It"s eight an" twenty days an"

the rough end of the colonel"s tongue in orderly room, any way you look at ut. But "tis cheap at the price."

"Mulvaney," said I softly. "If there happens to be any sort of excuse that the colonel can in any way accept, I have a notion that you"ll get nothing more than the dressing-gown. The new recruits are in, and--"

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