Winter Memories

After the world ended once, the norm for humanity disappeared.

everything changed~

Among the things that are still recounted, it is not certain how much of it was conveyed correctly. When the existences known as G.o.ds appeared, the majority of records at that time were lost. Where they came from, why they tried to exterminate humans, even the truth behind their existence is still unknown.

when the G.o.ds attacked

The only thing that is being conveyed properly for certain, is the tragedy of the time when humanity had no means to resist the G.o.ds.


On the first day the human population was cut down by two billion. On the second day, the strongest country of that time was destroyed. And on the third day, the world of humans ended. After that, G.o.ds killed G.o.ds and it is said that the G.o.d world war began. The world that humans had ruled became the stage for the war of the G.o.ds. Continents were shattered, islands were sunk, much was swallowed up by the oceans.

how did humans even survive

Many humans were caught up in that war and died. It is said that by the time the war of the G.o.ds was resolved by the power of the three great G.o.ds, humanity was on the brink of extinction. Thanks to our great ancestors who have walked that path of hardships, a thousand years later in the present, humanity’s population has returned to two billion.

it’s smth

“Okay, then here is a question.”

“I refuse!”

“You can’t.”

“I caan’t?”


In the season where the strong winter winds stirs up the chilly dry air, I was teaching Nanaki humanity’s history.

does nanaki care

My daily labors have bore fruit, Nanaki is gradually learning to use keigo. It has been many months since she came to the capital, she has mostly gotten used to civilised life by now. Since Nanaki likes reading, she often runs into history-related parts, get stuck and cannot continue reading. It was customary for her to come and ask me at those times, but that day I thought it was a good chance and taught her history.

history starts with nanaki

“Nine hundred years after the G.o.d world war ended, basically about a hundred years ago. There was an amazing person who gathered the scattered humans and discovered the energy known as mana. What is the name of that person?”


“…….for now I will just ask, but why do you think that?”

“I do not think there is anyone more amazing than Nanaki.”

“Yeah, right now that might be true, just possibly. But, this is a hundred years earlier, I said that at the start.”

“There’s no way I would know about such ancient stuff idioot!”

“Okay, no snacks.”


….fully tamed

Nanaki is undoubtedly a monster, her strength is isolated from rhyme or reason. But just because of that, there is no way we could let Nanaki do as she likes in this capital, the final bastion of humanity. I also wasn’t just playing with Nanaki, after this many months, I have established a method to control Nanaki.


Sweets and books, if I regulate these things that Nanaki displays interest in, she will listen to what I say to a certain extent. Just that if it is easy to obtain then she would secretly learn how to and get it on her own, so a lot of care is needed. The most effective is books, particularly series. I can make her listen by letting her read one and then asking her to do things if she wants to read the next.

….would work on me too

At first I tried various ways to deal with this small monster, but the thing that absolutely must not be done is to deprive her of meals. One day, Nanaki was given  the punishment of no meal for not listening. The result was Silver bearing wounds that took a month to fully recover from and Alsha=Jio being unable to fight for two weeks. The palace the emperor lives in was half-destroyed, the capital’s anti-air magic barrier was shattered etc, that disaster really was not a joke.


In any case, because of that painful tragedy, I received scoldings from all sides about neglecting my supervision and desperately established the current system.

poor envy

“The name of the amazing person from a hundred years ago was Flyme G Frost-sama. The first emperor of the Frost Empire.”

“Who is greater between that person and Nanaki?”

“It’s not even comparable.”

“You’re making me blush.”

“So brazen.”

n.o.body can compare to Nanaki

Being able to teach Nanaki history is also a result of my efforts, I am proud of that. Occasionally she would be an airhead or mess around, but she did not escape. I remember that as winter began, she started to learn keigo, get used to civilised life and expanded her knowledge.


Ah, and one more thing.

“It’s cold!”


The start of winter was also the start of Nanaki saying that and flying to me. Winter in the capital is very cold, even at the start of winter, it drops below freezing. Since I had the G.o.ddess of fire, Hiyent=Helios, with me, the cold didn’t affect me and the area near me was apparently of a very comfortable temperature.

envy heater

That was the start of the days Nanaki never left my side.

gotta stay warm

No matter where I went, she stuck to me, in the end, even when I went outside the capital on missions, she came along. I found it cute, but when she clings to me that much, it really becomes a bother. But even if I find a chance to escape, she will catch up in less than a second and even if I tried to forcefully tear her off, she would dodge with ridiculous speed.

just to stay warm

At that time there was a room prepared for Nanaki, so we didn’t sleep together, but when I woke up in the morning and peeled back my blankets, Nanaki would always be there. Even when I tried controlling her using books and sweets, possibly because she couldn’t deal with the cold, but she wouldn’t listen.

Nanaki’s weakness

“Get Ilveng=Nazgul to warm you up. Such a strong G.o.d should be able to do it.”

“He is not here right now.”

“Not here, huh.”

“Not here.”


It really was getting irritating, so I gave Nanaki a suggestion. He is not a G.o.d like Hiyent=Helios that governs fire, but a G.o.d which bears such powerful strength should be able to protect Nanaki from the cold. At that time I made that suggestion casually and also asked in response to her answer with a similar casualness.


“Come to think of it I only see him when Nanaki fights, where does he go?”

“——-he’s protecting the grave.”

I don’t think I was asking such a strange thing. I also knew I was just minding it too much. But hearing those words, I selfishly imagined it. I don’t know if my imagination was the truth of not. But once I thought, it might be true, I could no longer push Nanaki away.

There are few ways to stay warm in nature. Before Nanaki met a strong G.o.d like Ilveng=Nazgul, way before that. When there was still someone protecting her, Nanaki might have stuck to that person like this to stay warm. That person she loves.


Selfishly sympathising is something the worst humans do.

“……Come, Nanaki.”


That’s why I thought, I’m fine with being the worst.

for Nanaki

In the end, I was soft on Nanaki and spent the winter days unable to brush off Nanaki who stuck to me.

“Oh my, you’re together again today. Fufu…….fufufu……..”

don’t ruin the mode salia

And for some reason, Salia’s laughter was disgusting during that winter.


More Ennaki~ ❤

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