Sister’s Mistake

In the end, Nanaki was caught.


“Okay, then let’s start from reading and writing.”

i like the first

Sounding like she is in a very good mode, Envy stacked bundles of papers before Nanaki’s eyes.


I see, it seems the sister Nanaki owes a lot to is in a very good mode this morning, Nanaki thinks that is great. This was worth not resisting when being dragged to Envy’s residence. If Nanaki had resisted poorly and angered this sister, that would have been bad. Nanaki wouldn’t be able to observe Harmy for the entire day. So Nanaki thought it wouldn’t be bad to keep Envy in a good mode for now.


Nanaki thought that but.


“…………Envy? Do you know the words ‘holding back’?”

“Yeah. The words I want to teach Nanaki the most.”

“Nfufufu, how funny.”

“It’s not funny.”

it is

Well certainly, this paper tower being mercilessly stacked up before Nanaki’s eyes is not funny. A tower of knowledge made not of the parchment preferred in Freyline, but very white and thin, good quality paper. It’s height is comparable to the tower of babel. This paper babel built up with miraculous balance, first I would like to give the Envy who made this praise and applause.


No, it really is amazing. As expected of Nanaki’s sister. This is the residence where one of the Five Emperors, Flame Empress Envy lives. Of course the ceiling of this residence is very high. Even if it doesn’t reach the ceiling, it’s scary because it comes close. Nanaki has been moved by this tower that will likely collapse if wind blew. Here, pachipachinanaki. Isn’t there any wind?

make some

“………..and well.”


now what

Now then, what to say.


The beautiful eyes the colour of flames is looking at Nanaki. Since it is Envy, considering the future, Nanaki would like to avoid using force. But what Nanaki would really like to avoid is dealing with that paper babel. Even with Nanaki’s speed, handling that amount would take a day. Nanaki obediently got dragged along to put her in a good mode, but this is not worth it.

bad planing

And so, it would be good to escape as peacefully as possible.


“————about Harmy though.”

keep going

While holding the pen, Nanaki started the conversation.

battle of words

“Come to think of it, we left without her noticing.”

mission hasn’t failed

Response is good. But the opponent is Envy, even while speaking, she is firmly looking at Nanaki’s hands. And so to not be suspected, Nanaki did not stop moving and took a blank answer sheet. It’s a troublesome repet.i.tive task, but a certain amount can’t be helped, so Nanaki wrote with the pen.

gotta keep it up

“She seems to adore Envy quite a bit.”

“……Did she say that?”

“No, it is from her atmosphere and my instinct.”

did she?

It is not certain. But Nanaki is surely not mistaken. The fact is, she, as someone with the position of an imperial servant, was most hostile towards me when she found out I was Lightning Empress Nanaki. Well, thinking normally, she was scorning me for that disaster on that farewell day, or possibly resenting me.  Anyhow, it was something that would be over with a glance. But her eyes were somehow different. They were jealous. Envious. She was, horribly jealous.

beacuaseof envy?

“————her eyes, were saying it. ‘Someone like you’.”

Harmy, she probably didn’t like it. She didn’t like that the Flame Empress Envy she adores is friendly with Nanaki. In fact, I often trouble Envy. I often depend on her who I love as a sister and she has helped my many times. Despite that, Envy still smiles and treats me importantly.

very important

Harmy probably wants here.

this spot

“That’s called speculation, Nanaki.”

“But, it is correct right?”

“…….well, I have helped her a little before.”


See, Nanaki’s instinct is often correct.

wild instinct

“She has talent. And it is at a level that works in this Central. But her age and other things were fetters holding her back. Just like a certain someone else, she didn’t have enough strength to shake them off. And well, I remembered the past. I just taught her a little of how to live in this place. And then she was more grateful than I expected. That’s it.”


Well, that’s not an unusual story. It is something commonly heard of in this capital. Even with talent, the heart is weak. Or possibly, they bear some kind of problem. It just means that each and everyone of them, their talent did not exceed the problem. This is the final destination of talent. Compet.i.tion is the norm, and more than that, it is human nature.

so fight

Just that it seems this kind sister could not leave her alone. Well, that is truly like Envy.

that’s why she’s great

If the result is that confident figure of Harmy’s, always holding her chest high, then I see, no wonder Nanaki is hated. To her who doesn’t even have friends close to her in age, Envy must have seemed like a G.o.d. In that case, the truth behind Harmy’s hatred might not be jealousy but faith.


“So that means half the reason I am hated is because of Envy. Even though I want to get along. Apologise?”

“Why. Actually, you know you are hated and still want to get along? Nanaki wants to?”

“Of course. She adores Envy a lot right?”

“It’s a bit hard to say if it’s a lot, or more like I’m not the one who can say it…….but what of it?”

new sister in the cult of envy

Saying that, my red sister tilted her head. Unexpectedly, this kind of things may be harder for the person in question to notice.


“Then she is something like a little sister to me. It seems she is able to judge people well too.”

“………….could it be, I’m being praised?”

“You are my prided sister after all.”

“Hmmm……..having it said so directly, is kind of embarra.s.sing.”


Nanaki doesn’t really understand that part. Nanaki always thinks that it’s fine to just be confident and hold your chest high since you are being praised. Of course such a modest att.i.tude is not bad, but just being embarra.s.sed is a waste. If praise is not properly received, isn’t it kind of empty for the one who gave it?


“Nn…….because Nanaki suddenly says weird things I can’t maintain my expression.”

“Waa, ugly.”

“I’ll hit you.”


Don’t want.


“For now, how about going to wash that slack face. It is actually quite ugly.”

“Sh, shut up, I got it.”


Watching Envy’s back as she headed towards the washroom while still acting slightly embara.s.sed, Nanaki felt somewhat happy. Nanaki can tell from her steps. Nanaki is always grateful to her and respects her, but putting it into words really is different. From now on, let’s try to put it into words and convey my grat.i.tude as much as possible. And then if that beautiful, proud sister is happy, then Nanaki is also happy.

id you just

“…….now then.”

trick her?

Time to run.

the end

Nanaki, you cunning devil.

© 2024