Rabbit Joke

The weather is good, it’s blue.

i prefer grey

The spreading blue and the large whites that snuggle in it. The scorching sun, and the c.u.mulonimbus clouds that occasionally grants us shade. Even in this kind of summer, a carriage clattered down the forest road. Any speed more than necessary is unneeded. It’s master’s long awaited holiday, wanting to prepare the best environment is a natural feeling as a servant.

all for master~

Since Shiel-sama will meet us at the destinations, within the carriage is three people, my master, Meia-sama and Fio-san. Unfortunately, head butler Ridolf is absent in order to manage the estate and to be able to respond in case of emergencies. Because he volunteered for that role on his own, head butler Ridolf’s loyalty can be said to be the real thing. Nanaki can’t lose to him.

nanaki can’t lose to anyone!

And so, I am currently keeping watching outside the carriage. I’ve heard that large beasts appear on this forest road. As the king of the wild Nanaki, I don’t care if I am in another’s territory, I will beat them up. Bow down, food stuffs, this Nanaki is at the top of the food chain. Groaar.


Bear witness Friend, this is the stance of intimidating Nanaki.


The key is to let out an air of ‘I will eat you if you come close’. Now Friend, you try too. I thought he would be reluctant, but Friend took the same stance as Nanaki with a sharp movement. Atop the carriage advancing down the forest road, I intimidated a yet unseen large beast with Friend. Nanaki and Friend are getting along well today as well, Mother.

how nice~

“Rabbit-san, can you see the lake yet?”

“The forest road seems to continue for a while longer.”

are we there yet~

Instantly respond to Meia-sama who asked Nanaki from the window. Honestly speaking, I am not familiar with the area around here so I don’t know the distance to the lake, but I will not do something like pour cold water over the fidgeting excited Meia-sama. From today is a two-day-one-night vacation. May it become good summer memories.

nanaki bless

“I see. Then how about the rumored beast. Is it nearby?”

“Could it be, you are bored?”

“Onii-sama and Fio are sleeping. They are tired.”

what did you do to them?

The two of them are usually in a position where there is a need to be tense, so I would like you to forgive them. It’s not quite in exchange, but Nanaki will entertain Meia-sama. Now, what would be good? Should I close the distance with Meia-sama with some smart talk? And then after drawing her interest, from a rabbit, become a human. Yep, let’s go with this.

not gonna work

“By the way, are you aware, Meia-sama? Rabbits are actually quite good at praising people.”

“Is that so. That’s news to me.”


How bad at playing along.

….i think that’s the normal response

No, it’s fine, the real thing is after this. Friend denies it, but Nanaki, a special human, has first-rate joke sense. Although I never learned it, just a conversation to entertain someone is a simple thing. Of course, this is no problem.

as long as Meia cooperates

“Then I guess I will have you praise me.”

there we go

Meia-sama slumped against the window and said that without a speck of interest. It is regrettable in various ways, but since she is playing along I guess it’s fine. Once we get here, it’s already fine, let your laughter spill out at Nanaki’s joke sense.

waiting for it




“I’m sorry, I don’t understand rabbit words.”

“No, I am praising you.”

As predicted, Meia-sama displayed interest. The proof of that is that she slightly adjusted her slack body and is looking at Nanaki. Then I will have you pay close attention to Nanaki’s joke sense. This is the thing called the talent that an existence of the heavens bears.

….pls get better talent

Heavenly nanakismile. Everyone around the world, here I go.


“Good(Guu)! you see!”


Add on the finishing wink. Fufu, it’s deci——




A carrot was stabbed into my eye.



Arrival. There was no trouble.

….i guess so

No, Nanaki’s eyeball did receive some damage. But this cannot be helped, this is surely because Nanaki is inexperienced.

can always learn~

“I completely fell asleep…….sorry, Meia.”

“My apologies my apologies!”

poor fio

The still slightly sleepy master apologising and Fio-san that bowed her head multiple times with an expression like she is about to break out in tears even now. Ignoring master, Fio-san probably feels very uncomfortable due to her position. I want to back her up, but Nanaki’s brain cannot immediately think of something good.

welp in terms of thinking….

“Fio, today you are invited as my friend. Next time you act formally I will shoot a carrot at you.”


dont ruin the atmosphere

This is just something I heard, but it seems Fio-san’s family serves the Alfreds every generation. Which means the two of them are childhood friends and also best friends. A wonderful friendship. Could you spare some for Nanaki too? Of course, as a human.

but…pet nanaki

 And this may be obvious, but carrots are not projectile weapons.

u sure?

“Now then, the chalet that Shiel’s household owns is……this one.”

“It would be nice if they would at least come out to greet us, aren’t you being hated, onii-sama?”

“Don’t say that so happily. My sister should have been a beauty with a good personality.”

“You should look at reality. Or should I stab a carrot in your eye?”

stahp with the carrots

The only one where it’s fine is Nanaki alone. So please do not shoot a carrot shot at master. It would be extremely dangerous for a normal person to receive a carrot to the eyeball. People other than Nanaki must not do the impossible. If you want to copy Nanaki no matter what, become friends with G.o.d.


In any case, without the rumored large beast appearing, we arrived at the lake. This lake names Fairy Lake is a popular spot chosen as a summer resort by aristocrats sick of the daily heat wave. The cool wind and clear clean water would heal the hearts of those people that has been polluted by civilised life.

….what kind of pollution is that?

Long time no see, mother nature, Nanaki has returned.

welc back

Repress the impulse to dash around securing foodstuffs. No, should this be called habit? Even so, the current Nanaki is a maid, accordingly the amount of time I can move around freely is little. First I should quickly transport everyone’s luggage.

job first, food later

“Zean-samaa! Over heree!”


a wild shiel appears!

Visually confirm Shiel-sama waving from a white chalet built on a knoll not far from the lake. Once I know the target destination this is truly a simple job. Immediately carry everyone’s luggage and move to Shiel-sama’s side. If it’s this distance, it’s okay to leave master’s side, I can dash through it instantly.

leash range?

“Good morning, Shiel-sama. I would like to bring in everyone’s luggage, but where should I put it?”

“Good morning Nana-san. It is fine to leave the luggage to the servants.”


you are here for vacation~

It’s not even much labor so Nanaki wouldn’t mind carrying it, but here I should let Shiel-sama save face. And gratefulness is necessary. Thank you very much, Shiel-sama. Hand over the luggage to the servants that came out. Nice to meet you, I’m Nanaki. Please take care of me.


When I bowed, they bowed in return. As expected of Shiel-sama’s servants, it was a beautiful gesture. Although this is a vacation, Nanaki will steal what can be stolen from not just the staff of the chalet but Shiel-sama’s servants too. Become food for Nanaki’s growth.

feed it

For some reason Shiel-sama smiled at Nanaki that was burning with that sense of duty. Nono, I cannot lose in smiling, Shiel-ama. A smile that makes the people looking happy, that needs brilliancy, it also needs beauty. I offer to this world I affirmed Nanaki’s smile.


Nanakismile of complete victory. Everyone around the world, it’s Nanaki.

a new challenger!

“Nana-san might mind various things due to position, but please have fun.”

“……thank you very much, Shiel-sama.”

shiel too strong

I learnt defeat.

undefeatable enemy

I fell before that beautiful heart, that also might not be so bad. For this Nanaki to lose, should it be said to be as expected of master’s fiancee? Killing off my rebellious heart, this time we smiled normally. She really is, a beautiful person.

too good

“I will be in your care.”

and let it begin

The vacation begins.

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