Question of Pride

“We spent more time walking.”


not worth

While once again walking through the marble corridor, I agreed with that pointless statement. According to the unparalleled nanakitimer, travelling took ten minutes and the conversation took five minutes. The emperor had been mumbling about something, but after she spoke about her business with us relatively quickly, my master instantly rejected it. This can be said to be the inevitable result.

not much of a conversation

“No more……what’s with this two……in the first place Envy is the one in charge of Nanaki……what is she doing. Grabbing the neck of the emperor……no, more importantly even Zean Alfred didn’t use keigo……I don’t want to deal with this anymore……”


Here there was also someone mumbling with a dark atmosphere. As one of the Five Emperors, Sky Empress Salia, how can you be like this. After saying goodbyenanaki to the emperor and we left, Salia has been following us while creating a gloomy atmosphere. Originally, Salia should have been taking the lead, she has some nerve to act this rudely towards my master.

rip Salia

Is what I would like to say, but Nanaki doesn’t hate Salia. It’s not really Nanaki’s business, so Nanaki won’t hold back, but I do intend to understand her hardships. So Nanaki will forgive Salia’s rudeness, this broad-mindedness has been inherited from beloved and respected Mother. This can be said to be as expected of Nanaki.

she just wants her yuri

Hardships, sufferings are to be overcome, Salia. Nanaki has also overcome those and arrived here. I would like you to take responsibility as someone called a transcended being. It’s not as much as Envy, but I will show my gratefulness for the days we spent fighting together. For now, would Nanaki’s smile that can also be called the hope of the world be appropriate? It would be appropriate.


Nanakismile of encouragement. Everyone around the world, it’s Nanaki.

Here is a top quality smile, your request of a smile has reached Nanaki, here you go.

noone ordered it

“……this is not a laughing matter, Nanaki.”


Noneki of Nanaki’s business.

but it is



A loud voice covered up Salia’s sigh. Although it is an improper action for an aristocratic lady, I guess it can’t be helped for a little sister waiting for her older brother who was called out by the emperor, the greatest authority in all of existing humanity. The total time we took to go and return was almost thirty minutes, a bit long for someone who was just waiting.


But Nanaki wants to ask Meia-sama who came running over. She knows Nanaki’s ability, so why is there a need to feel uneasy. As you can see, this Nanaki has guaranteed master’s safety. I would like you to properly understand Nanaki’s strength that can ensure master’s safety against the capital, even against the people in Central.

….didn’t nanaki say that was hard before?

Yes, this is something to be proud of. Thus, I shall proudly report it.

bad idea

“We have just returned, Meia-sama. As you can see, my master is saf——dou!?”



Meia-sama slammed her fist into Nanaki’s stomach as she pa.s.sed by. Why, before I could even ask that, I collapsed on the marble floor because of the pain. I’m going to die.

how strong is she…

“Sh, she landed a hit on Nanaki…….!?”


“Even though it’s difficult for four of us Five Emperors together……how did she…….?”

too stronk

While collapsed on the marble, though there are many things I would like to say to Silver and the rest who were revealing expressions of shock, unfortunately my breathing is still not under control. Why is Nanaki showing such unsightliness. I tried thinking about it a little, but I could only think of one conclusion.


From Meia-sama’s point of view, Nanaki’s position was blocking master and so was in the way.


Summer has pa.s.sed and it is now autumn, while feeling the pleasant cool marble, I accepted this unreasonability. Friend made quite an impression pointing and guaffawing at Nanaki collapsed on the floor.

horrible friend

I will punch you flying later.



“And so, where did Envy go. I have to slap her.”

“So frightfully stormy. Did something happened?”

“Not just did something happened!! We almost died! I did! The Emperor too!”

“Wha!? Oi Nanaki!? What’s the meaning of this!”

where was Envy


More importantly, Envy. Ignoring the noisy Five Emperors, I searched for the mana of the sister of Nanaki’s heart. Yesterday night, I made a single request to Envy. Since it has been a while since we were reunited, I depended on her just a little. As embarra.s.sing as it is, I am sisternanaki.


In this capital known as the final destination of talent, one might think it is difficult to find only Envy’s mana in this place overflowing with huge amounts of mana, but the truth is, it is very simple. After all, Nanaki is a transcended being, true talent that shines from the overflowing amounts of talents. Which also means the Five Emperors are of a different dimension compared to mere imperial knights.

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so Envy too

And so pinpointnanaki, nanakisonar’s sensitivity is exceptional today too. Her position is around the third pentagon. So, it would be logical to plan to meet up while sightseeing. Different from G.o.ds, humans can only live up to a hundred years, for those without resistance to magic necrosis, forty years at best. Time must not be wasted.

time is money


but money isuseless

With that decided, Nanaki is fast. Action should be taken quickly, I called the name of the still stormy Salia.

lightning doesnt mind storms

“Wh, what?”


Seeing as she openly took a step back, she seems to be on guard about just now. But please rest a.s.sured, the thing I would like to request of her this time is not so difficult, in fact, it is a very simple thing.


“Can I ask you to guide master around to sight see? Let me see……until the fifth pentagon.”

“Wh, why me!”

“Silver can’t read the mood, Raicou can only do martial arts and is useless.”

“Th, this little girl……!!”

shut up silver

I just have to be amazed at Silver who is trembling in anger at just one word. He is usually calm, but he has a flaw of obsessing over Nanaki. It is probably because I beat him up black and blue when I was young though. At that time he recklessly challenged me to duels. How nostalgic.


“Calm down Silver.”

“But Raicou!”

“Isn’t it fine? Do you want to guide them? I don’t.”

“……now that you mention it.”


In comparison, Raicou that has experienced three times as much of life as Nanaki is calm as expected. But he is also a man with many weak points. Considering that he gets heated up and charges in when it concerns the capital, he can’t be called wise.


Based on the various things above, the judgement is that the men of the Five Emperors are useless.


“Why entrust guiding to me? What does Nanaki intend to do?”

to even leave master?

As expected of Salia, the part of her that only asks about the necessary parts can be said to be truly likable. Yes, this is because of the nature of my request to Envy.

so important?

“Can I have a little time off, master?”


Instead of answering Salia’s question, I made a request to master. This is my answer to Salia, that’s fine. It can’t be helped that it seems like an unfathomable action to Salia. But, that is fine. She won’t understand even if I speak of it. Only the people concerned, Nanaki and her, can understand. It’s that kind of thing.


“……make it quick.”

“My thanks.”


After a short silence, I received permission. This is the capital, and he had just rejected the emperor just now. Despite that since he still gave me permission, master’s generosity is not ordinary. I made this sudden request, like this I cannot be said to be a splendid maid. But, right now there is something I must prioritise over being a maid.

smth more important than a maid???

“I leave it to you, Salia.”


nothing is more important

The instant I heard Salia’s voice in the distance, I heard a familiar voice overwrite it. Before coming to the capital, Nanaki has revealed Nanaki’s true ident.i.ty to everyone. But the person Nanaki wanted to know the most was not there at that time.


So, I called her. To fight her straight-up.



“It’s been a while, Shiel-sama.”


A tall stature for a woman, that fat body that is stuffed with unhealthiness to an unbelievable amount, that ma.s.s of blubber trembles greatly just by walking one step. Nanaki has asked Envy. To bring Shiel Mercury to this imperial capital.


Do you remember, Shiel Mercury?


Don’t escape with your position, her n.o.bility in saying that. Nanaki, I will finally reveal it to you. Not Nana, I will fight you as Nanaki. Nanaki will surely be giving you the same words.


So, next is your turn.

the end

Hecate still can’t get a clear image of the capital.

Too little descriptions ;-;

I’m guessing concentric pentagons? is the first pentagon Central?

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