Limitless Dream

Chapter 15

Publishedat 27th of January 2017 11:55:27 PMChapter 15

Ch 15 – Semiconductor Engineer

Semiconductor Engineer .

It was a position any semiconductor company wanted to desperately fill, but only around 10 people pa.s.sed the test each year .  It was an extremely hard certification to get .  There were 10 subjects tested, and the difficulty was extremely high .  Even the graduates from the named universities, who majored in the subject, shuddered at the thought of the test .

In terms of theoretical knowledge about the subject, it was equivalent to the civil service examination, and the test also touched on knowledge regarding other engineer certification tests .

It basically meant amongst the National Public Technology certification, it held the dominant position amongst the certifications .

“In our country, there isn’t a single semiconductor technical expert . ”

Technical expert . It was a certification given to those, who had the highest standard regarding theories and work experience for the relevant field . If he gained 4 years of work experience with the engineer license, he would have the qualification to take the test .  However, as the words indicated, it would only give him the right to take the test .

“Try looking at the other certifications .  For the other technical expert exams, they are essentially the same thing .  However, the semiconductor certification is considered to be the best amongst them . You’ve chosen the right path . ”

“I’ll give you a warning .  You have to constantly use English . You have to especially master the ability to read, write and speak the technical jargon in English . ”

There were only 4 seniors on the design team, who possessed the engineering certification . They taught his about the job, but they also gave him practical advices that would help Hahn-suhjin in the future .

‘Is this what it means for a senior lead a junior from the front?’

He had heard the alumnus of the named universities guided and pushed each other forward when they entered society . This phenomena was more prevalent as one went to the more prestigious universities .

When he heard about it, it didn’t feel real at the time .  However, now that he had experience it, he had a new perspective on it .

This man was being friendly just, because they had the same certification .  What if he had also come from the his alumni university?  Hahn-suhjin’s heart beat faster just from thinking about it .

Two out of the 4 seniors were from the Seoul University .  The other two was from the Yonsei University . He had a preconceived notion that the people, who graduated from the country’s top universities, would be prideful .  However, it wasn’t like that at all .

They were very rational and logical about everything .  Moreover, the line between what was right and wrong was clear .  Moreover, they were very friendly as they wanted a person in their same occupation to succeed .  They didn’t skimp on giving out a lot of advice .

“You are like my dongsaeng . ”

It meant Hahn-suhjin was like a little brother to him .  He liked hearing that .

Each day at work was enjoyable . No matter how difficult the information, he was able to comprehend it . There wasn’t any engineering work where he couldn’t use his power of Insight .

“Ee-yah .  At this level, should we insert him into doing actual work?”

“I guess so .  He’s entirely different from me when I first got my certification . ”

“You have such a great head on your body, so why didn’t you go to a university?  Why don’t you seriously think about applying to a university?”

“The College Scholastic Ability Test isn’t that hard .  You just have to buckle down and study for two or three months .  Then you’ll be able to go into Korea University . ”

Jung-jiwon was an alumni of the Korea University .  The rest of his seniors booed, and they bantered with each other .

“Team leader . Aren’t you being really unfair?  You are the only one here, who graduated from the Korea University .  We weren’t able to get into Korea University, so what does that make us?”

“Well, you probably had dates in the library .  Since I know what Jisuk is like, you probably just hit on girls . If we counted the girls you went out with, we could probably fill out 3 full rosters of a girl group . ”

“Eh-ee .  I’m not as bad as that!”

Team leader was the team’s best when it came to school pedigree, age and personality .  He led the team with a soft charisma, and it completely stopped any rifts from forming within the team .

The design team wasn’t composed of only five of them . There were 5 support team members present to a.s.sist in their tasks .  They didn’t have much qualification regarding semiconductor engineering, but Jung-jiwon always treated them with kindness .

Hahn-suhjin felt a lot of emotions as he watched the team .

‘I always heard the learned people always gathered only with the other learned people .  Moreover, I heard they were a.s.sholes, and their personalities were bad…  It was all a complete lie . ’

Hahn-suhijn quietly reflected back on his past .

He was a high school graduate, who went into manufacturing work .  In the end, he had hung out with people like him . He thought hard about if there was a person in the past, who could be compared to his current team members, in terms of character .

‘There are none . ’

There were a lot of kind and polite people . However, in the end, they couldn’t shed the sense of inferiority they felt towards more educated or more successful people .  At the very least, it seemed that way from his perspective .

On the other hand, he looked at Jung-jiwon . This man never ignored the people worse off than him, and he always treated everyone with respect .

‘I want to continue working on this team . ’

Hahn-suhjin visited a convenience store as he was returning to his house after work .  He was picking out a bento he would eat as he studied at night, when another customer came in through the door .

“Uh, Hahn-suhjin . We meet again . ”

“Ah! Team leader . ”

The other customer was team leader Jung-jiwon .  Hahn-suhjin was glad to seem him, so he bowed his head .

“Ee-yah .  This is quite the coincidence .  Do you perhaps have a home nearby?”

“Yes . ”

“I guess you live in a studio apartment? Where is it located at?”

“Ah .  I live in that prime tower . ”

“Oh, you are living at a good location . Rent? Lease?”

“I own it . ”

Jung-jiwon looked at him with slightly surprised eyes .

“It’s a new building, so it should be quite pricey…  You are young, yet you already have a home?”

“Eh-ee . It’s only a studio apartment . ”

“It seems your family is well off . So, why didn’t you go to a university?”

“Well, my household is poor . I was able to buy the studio apartment, because I was lucky . ”

Jung-jiwon chuckled as he spoke .

“You are good at cracking jokes .  How can you buy a studio apartment from just being lucky?”

“It’s for real .  I was broke, but I won an instant lottery ticket worth $200,000 .  I used it all to buy this studio apartment . ”

“Wow . That puts a whole new meaning to your story .  Isn’t that more impressive?”

Jung-jiwon showed his admiration as he picked up a beer .  Hahn-suhjin, who was picking out a bento, glanced at the beer as he asked a question .

“You are having a beer, team leader?”

“Uh .  I drink a can of beer before I go home .  It is my only indulgence . ”

“Ah ha .  So that’s how it is . ”

“I’m feeling a bit hungry .  Maybe I’ll have a onigiri and a cup ramen .  I’ll buy . ”

“I’ll thankfully accept it . ”

The two of them chose a cup ramen and a kimbap .  After pouring in the hot water, he placed the kimbap in the microwave . Hahn-suhjin placed the kimchi on top of a table for ease of access, and he readied his chopstick .

“Hey, Suhjin . How’s your relationship with your family?”

“……I have a younger sister . We aren’t that close . ”

Hahn-suhjin avoided talking about his mother, who had run away with another man with all of his savings . Jung-jiwon’s expression darkened a little bit .

“I’m sorry .  I asked something unnecessary . ”

“No . ”

The ramen was ready before he knew it .  Jung-jiwon pulled the top off, and he lifted his chopsticks .

“How’s work?  Is it doable?”

“I’m still in the process of learning . ”

“Still, in my opinion, you are much better than the other three engineers .  You’ll become proficient in everything soon .  Then everyone would try to poach you .  You’ll be making several hundred thousand dollars a year in no time . ”

“I really wish things will turn out like that . ”

“It will .  I will guarantee it . Just do as you have been doing until now . ”

Jung-jiwon’s voice had a power to put a person in a good mood .  He understood why this man was the team leader .  Hahn-suhijn developed a feeling of admiration towards Jung-jiwon .

“Also…… I want to talk to you about my speech about the university . ”

“Yes .  What about it?”

“I said it in a joking manner, but don’t think of it as a joke .  I really want you to seriously think about it . ”

“…… . ”

“You were able to get a semiconductor engineering license after studying for only a year .  If you put in a little work, you’ll be able to get into the Korea university .  No, at the very least, you’ll be able to get into Yeonsei University . Semiconductor Engineer?  Of course, everyone wants to recruit you .  However, instead of a high school graduate, wouldn’t it be better to be know as a scholar of Korean university?”

Hahn-suhjin stopped moving his chopsticks when he heard the weighty speech, and he silently glanced to his side .

Jung-jiwon smirked as he continued to talk .

“My household was also really poor .  That is why I gritted my teeth as I studied .  Korea University is still cheaper than a regular private named university, since it is a public school . ”

“…… . ”

“Go to a university .  No, go to a named university .  The way you view the world will change . If you continue to work right now, you will eventually make an yearly salary of several hundred thousand .  If you get a master’s degree from the Korean University, you’ll be able to receive millions later . Does it sound like a dream?  It isn’t a dream . ”

“However, if I go to school while going to work is a bit…… . ”

“Our company has a scholarship system in place . Use that to your advantage . It is a bit of a nominal t.i.tle, but if it is you, the company will aggressively help you out .  If you can firm your resolve, I will speak to the human resources about you . ”

Each and every word he said touched Hahn-suhjin’s heart .  The feeling of thankfulness welled up, and he was filled with a warm feeling .  Hahn-suhjin looked at the other man without saying anything .  Then his gaze landed on the scratch lottery tickets .

He bought 10 tickets from that place .  After Hahn-suhjin finished paying for it, he pushed it forward to Jung-jiwon .

“Team leader .  Please have this . ”

“Scratch lottery tickets? What’s the meaning of this?”

“I’ve been on a good luck streak these days .  You’ve given me some good advice today, yet there isn’t anything I can do for you…  Maybe I’ll gift you my luck .  You never know, right?  There might be a winning ticket within these . ”

“Ha ha . It would really be great if that was true .  If I do have a winning ticket here, I’ll split it with you . ”

Jung-jiwon laughed as he waved his 10 lottery tickets in amus.e.m.e.nt .

“I’ll be going first .  I’ll see you tomorrow at work . ”

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