Limitless Dream

Chapter 5 – Slave and the Monarch

Chapter 5 – Slave and the Monarch


“I’m able to use the power of Insight.”

The king spoke after he woke up from his dream.  The old va.s.sal had an ecstatic expression on his face.

“Did you just say power of Insight?  How fortunate. What a relief, your majesty.”


His eyes possessed Insight.  The power allowed one to see through the matter, truth and the law of the world.

Even amongst those with the blood of the royal family, only a selected few could use this power.  This was a power that had awakened in Arthur’s soul.

Depending on how much one had command over the skill, one could tell if others were lying.  It also allowed one to see through the composition of matters, and the structure of magical spells.  At certain locations, one could see through to the past.

In the old days, an ancestral king reached the zenith of the power of Insight, and it allowed him to see up to 100 years into the future.

However, the king felt wistful unlike his happy old va.s.sal.

“The power is very weak inside the world within the curse.  It is impossible to use it constantly, and the duration of the skill is very short.  The truth I could see is limited.  It would have been better if I was able to use a physical power or a magical power….”

“It will be very difficult to transfer your physical power, magical power and the blessings.  This might have been possible since this power had been awakened in your soul.”

“I know.  Still, I can’t help, but be wistful.”

Several thousand Archmages and Grand Priests had been gathered here.  This ritual wrung everyone’s magic and holy power to the limit.  Most of them were still recovering in their rooms, since they couldn’t even stand up.  At the very least, they needed to rest for half a year to be able to return to normal.

After paying such a large price, he was able to use only his power of Insight within his dream world.

“At least, if I could use simple magic…….”

The king clenched his fists.

Within his fist, he had the power to annihilate this continent, and he could evaporate all the water in the ocean.  However, he didn’t want those powers.  In Hahn-suhjin’s life, he didn’t need such powers.

The power Hahn-suhjin needed right now was a way to treat his illness.  If he could use a small healing spell…

The old va.s.sal laughed as he spoke.

“I’m sure a cure exists in that world. However, their understanding of the world is too low, and that is why they haven’t found a cure yet. If you use the power of Insight, I’m sure you could find a way to heal yourself.”

“I’ll find it.  I have to find it.”

The king clenched his fists harder.

Around 10 days pa.s.sed after he won the lottery.

Hahn-suhjin realized he wasn’t crazy.  It felt like a lie, but he had gained a special power overnight.

At first, he didn’t know what triggered it.

Several times during the day, it activated without him realizing it, then it subsided.  He was so immersed in this mystery that he forgot about his cancer, and his limited life span.  He focused all his energy in researching this power.

He made observations for 10 days.  After seeing it in action, and thinking over the result of his research, he had come to several conclusions.

“Real…… No.  I can see the truth.”

He could see the true form of an object or matter.  He had the ability to see the truth.

This was why he could recognize the winning tickets, and he had seen the chemical structure he had never seen before.

He decided to call this power Insight.  His eyes possessed the power of Insight.

When he thought about what he should call it, the word suddenly appeared in his mind.  He didn’t hesitate to call it that.

“If only I could freely use the Insight…….”

Hahn-suhjin’s body shook.  If he could completely control this amazing power, what could he do with it?  He could live in a manner he would have never even dreamed about before.

However, his expression became gloomy soon.

“So what?  I won’t be able to live past couple months.”

Strength exited his body once again when he thought about his cancer.

Yes. He didn’t have long before he died.  Even if he had couple hundred thousand in his bank account, and he could use the power of Insight, it was all useless if he wasn’t alive.

He opened the medicine bag then he took out the painkillers.  After pouring a cup of water, he was about to swallow the pill.

“That’s right!”

He suddenly stood up.  He opened his hand and he stared at the drug. His mind had been focused, so the chemical structure of the drug appeared.

He glared at the complicated chemical structure, then he unhesitatingly swallowed the drug in a single gulp.

“There is a way.”

The light in his eyes became heated. He didn’t look like a person on borrowed time.

“However…… It requires money.”

Anything he wanted to do reuiqred money.  Moreover, the more money he had the better off he would be.

There was only one way he could make money in a short amount of time without raising any suspicion.

Hahn-sujin checked all the stores selling instant lottery tickets.  He bought all the winning tickets he saw. He scratched the tickets, and the value ranged from several hundred dollars to a figure slightly above hundred thousand dollars.

However, he didn’t rush forward to claim his winning lottery tickets.

“This won’t do.”

If he combined all the winning tickets he gathered, it was worth around $700,000.  However, what would happen if he turned in several dozen winning tickets?  It would bring unwanted suspicion on him.

“I have only one shot.”

He had already won a ticket worth $500,000.  If he won another large sum only after three weeks, people would notice him, but it wouldn’t be a dangerous level of attention.

However, it he won three times in a row, he would be put in an awkward situation. If it was possible, he had to end this in one shot.

“The highest winning ticket is worth 2 million dollars….”

He had to find the ticket with the highest payout.  Unfortunately, he could identify a winning ticket, but he couldn’t see value of the winnings.  First, he didn’t throw out the tickets he had scratched.  He saved it, then he diligently went looking for stores selling instant lottery tickets.

After couple days, he had thoroughly searched the entire Seoul region, yet he couldn’t find the winning lottery ticket with the max payout.

“This won’t do.”

He let out a sigh.  Then he reflected on his own action, and he realized he had searched for the ticket too thoughtlessly.

“Is there anyway…….”

He was sitting on a bench near a bus station.  He let out a sigh, then he suddenly saw map displayed near the station.  His mind had been blank, but suddenly a thought brushed across his mind.  He stood up immediately.

“Ah! Maybe, if I do that?”

He rushed into a nearby PC room.  After sitting in his seat, he accessed a portal site then he opened a map to the entire country.

“Please work. Please work. Please work…….”

He mumbled as if he had lost his mind.  He glared at the map, and he desperately thought about one thing inside his head.

‘Winning Instant Lottery Ticket. Winning Instant Lottery Ticket. Winning Instant Lottery Ticket. Winning Instant Lottery Ticket.…….’

He didn’t even blink his eyes.  He glared at the map as if he was looking at his nemesis. When he was about to feel pain in his tired eyes, a golden light started to emanate from a location on the map.

“It’s in Koyang Ilsan entrance, Jhanhang-dong.”

As if he wanted to never forget it, he mumbled it several times underneath his breath.  Unfortunately, he couldn’t discern any more details, but he was satisfied with the result.

After exiting the PC room, he immediately headed towards Ilsan, Jhanhang-dong.

He searched all the stores selling lottery tickets in the region, and he scratched all the winning lottery tickets he could find.

The moment when he scratched the ticket he bought at the 12th store, the strength in his body escaped.  The nervousness that had been pulled taut loosened at once.

He grasped the ticket tightly.

“……it’s done.”

He had the lottery ticket.  The sum total was 2 million dollars.

He finally found the highest paying lottery ticket.

“You want me to give you the result of the tests?”

“Yes. Whether it is the MRI, CT scan or the biopsy, please give me all of it.  I would like to have it.”

“……understood. I’ll prepare it for you.”

Hahn-suhijn went to the first doctor, who had diagnosed his cancer.  The doctor was confused, but he continued to prepare the test results.  The patient was going to die at a young age, so the doctor decided this wasn’t a big deal.

The doctor spoke in an apologetic voice, but he didn’t forget to speak with a little firmness behind his words.

“Even if you go to another hospital, the result won’t be any different.”

“I know.  I’ve already went to two large hospitals, and they told me the same thing.”

“Then where are you going to use these…….”

“I’ve heard someone went to the grave of his ancestor with the test results.  He prayed everyday, and miraculously, he had been healed.  I want to try it once.”

When the doctor heard he was putting his faith in a superst.i.tion, the doctor didn’t speak for awhile.  Before Hahn-suhjin was about to head out, he was barely able to open his mouth.

“I wish you luck.”

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