Limitless Dream

Chapter 8 – Elixir

Chapter 8 – Elixir


“King’s Blood…  What the heck is that?”

It wasn’t as if he had done nothing for the past week.  In his own way, Hahn-suhjin worked hard to look for the King’s Blood. He thought it might be a proper name for a unique ingredient, so he worked hard to search the internet.  Moreover, he diligently visited people, who were called experts.

However, he hadn’t gained anything from it

“Even the Insight was useless.”

He thought maybe the Insight might reveal something new, so he stared at the test results again.  However, the Insight showed the same chemical structure, and the word ‘Catalyst, King’s Blood.’

“King’s Blood, King’s Blood, King’s Blood.  Ah, it’s driving me crazy.  What the h.e.l.l is it?  Does it mean I can extract any king’s blood and mix it in with the ingredients?”

He was pounding his chest in frustration when his gaze suddenly landed on his reflection inside the mirror.  He had become quite emaciated compared to several month ago.

He stood still as he looked at his reflection, when a thought suddenly popped up inside his head.

“Wait a moment…… Maybe?”

Hahn-suhjin looked at himself inside the mirror then he looked at the container containing the ingredients.

“Eh-ee.  No way. I’m not even a king…….”

Hahn-suhjin snorted at the ridiculous thought.

“Even if I’m frustrated, how can I have such an absurd idea?.”

However, the strength in his voice bleeded away.

Hahn-suhjin was locked deep within his thoughts.  Should he mix his blood in?

It was such an absurd idea.  He was the furthest person from being a king.

“Still, I have nothing to lose from trying it.”

Hahn-suhjin made a decision within his heart.  At the very least, it would be better than doing nothing.

He put a small amount of each medicine inside an empty container.  The result of the mixture was a liquid that was clear like water.  After staring at it for a moment, he hardened his resolve.  He p.r.i.c.ked the end of his finger with a needle.  When the drop of blood started to well on his finger, he put his finger above the mixed liquid inside the container.

The blood couldn’t fight against gravity, so it started to drip into the container.

The drops of blood fell onto the clear liquid.  The blood started to disperse and mix. The drops of blood started to spread as if several thousand tentacles were reaching out.

In a flash, a surprising event happened.  A vivid golden light started to be emitted from the liquid. This wasn’t like the light he could see through his Insight.  The liquid itself was letting out a pure light.


Hahn-suhjin was surprised, so he took several steps backwards.  The bright golden light covered the entire room.

He felt a mysterious yet warm sensation.  He gathered up his courage, and he approached the liquid.  In a flash, the light disappeared as if it was a lie.


Hahn-suhjin couldn’t close his mouth. The mixture of liquid inside the container was neither clear nor was it the red color of blood. The liquid looked as if a sapphire had melted within it.  It was sparkling with a half translucent blue light.

Hahn-suhjin mindlessly stared at the unearthly and beautiful color.

It was at that moment.


Numerous letters floated atop the liquids.  His power of Insight was active once again.  The unknown language from before started to scroll from top to bottom.  

‘It’s that language.’

This was a language that couldn’t be deciphered even by a scholar of repute.  He was staring blankly at it when a thought came to him.

“Uh? Wait a moment?”

It was at that moment. The top most word arrested his gaze.

The word was also written in the unknown language.  Of course, he had no idea what it said.  Still, he haltingly read it with his eyes.

As if he was picking out a memory from somewhere within his subconsciousness, he could read a portion of the words.  He stumbled over the word.

“E…… li…… xir…?”

Is this perhaps the name of the medicine?

Hahn-suhjin mustered up his courage as he stared at the medicine.  It wasn’t a royal color, but the mysterious blue light kept drawing him in.

‘I have nothing else to lose!’

Hahn-suhjin summoned his courage, and he swallowed the medicine.  He felt a hot sensation as it traveled down his throat.

The inside of his stomach was hot as if he had swallowed fire.  It wasn’t painful.  The heat gave him a pleasurable warmth.  He wished this fire within his body would consume all the cancerous cells in his body.


The king opened his eyes.

When he stood up, he let out a sigh of relief.  There was a light smile on his face.

“It was a success.”


It can cure any disease, and it granted a person with eternal youth and immortality.  It was a legendary medicine capable of reviving a dead person.

Of course, the one Hahn-suhjin made wasn’t the real Elixir.  It was an inferior product that could imitate part of the Elixir’s effects.  It was insulting to even call it an Elixir.

It couldn’t give eternal youth and immortality.  It also couldn’t raise a person from the dead.  Still, it had the small power of being able to cure any disease.  There was a limit on which ingredients Hahn-suhin could actually acquire.

His other self couldn’t make these 3 ingredients even if he was given the knowledge.

Hahn-suhjin’s blood held the presence of a King. The blood was able to tie the ingredients together, and it was able to adapt it into an Elixir.

“The blood itself isn’t anything…  I hope the self in my dream won’t do anything ill-advised with the blood. ”

The blood itself didn’t have any special property.  Hahn-suhjin and the King was the same person across the dream, but Hahn-suhjin didn’t possess the power of the King.

“I stopped my death within the dream.  For now I’ve stopped the curse from coming to fruition.”

The King relaxed a little bit.


Hahn-suhjin woke up feeling refreshed.

His body felt light as if it would fly away. The intermittent pain coming from his midsection was  barely there.

His appet.i.te was back. He easily emptied his bowl of rice, then he went to the mart, since he was still hungry.  He bought some tasty looking beef to grill and eat at home.  He ate 3 lbs of beef in a flash.

“How strange. I’m still hungry.”

He was a bit worried, but he thought this was better than his previous state where he wasn’t hungry at all.  He thought his body must be trying to recuperate.  He continued to eat until he was full, then he went to sleep.

He repeated the cycle of eating and sleeping for the next 4 days.

When he looked into the mirror, Hahn-suhjin immediately noticed his complexion had improved.  Moreover, he had gained a lot of weight within the past 3 days.

He once again went to the hospital where he got his first diagnosis.

“Are you here about your prescription painkillers?”

“No.  My body strangely feels better now.  My appet.i.te is improved, and I barely feel any pain.  My body also feels light.  Perhaps I’m on the mend?”


“I want you to test me again..”

The doctor let out a light sigh.  In Hahn-suhjin’s state, he could do nothing for him. In his near future, this man wouldn’t even be able to walk freely by himself.  When that happened, he would have to be admitted into the hospital to manage his pain.

He felt better, because the patient was wishing for it fervently.  He was deluding himself. The doctor hid his expression of pity.

“All right.  I’ll run the test again.”

The tests took several hours to complete.

After changing into a hospital garb, he was moved into a MRI machine.  Hahn-suhjin readied his heart.

‘I’m sure I’m all better now.’

The light was turned off, and Hahn-suhjin closed his eyes.  He could clearly hear his heartbeat.

After a long time, the test came to an end, and Hahn-suhjin returned to sitting in front of the doctor.

However, the doctor’s expression was very serious.  He stared at the charts and records.

“The test result is very surprising.  Ah.  This is almost unbelievable.  This makes no sense…”

“Did it get worse?”

“Worse? No. It’s actually the opposite.!”

The doctor excitedly turned the monitor, so he could see the results.  There were several photographs on display.

“This is a picture of your previous state. If you look over here, you can see the large ma.s.s has already invaded the intestines.  However, look at today’s photograph! The cancerous ma.s.s is almost all gone now!”

The doctor couldn’t hold back his emotion as if he had witnessed a miracle.  He threw out his calmness to the curb.  He was happy.

“The cancerous tumor is over 90% gone!  It happened within a month, and you weren’t subject to any treatments!  This is a miracle!”

The diagnosis happened one month ago, so the doctor a.s.sumed the improvement took place during the past month.

Truthfully, his recovery started only four days ago.  Moreover, how would this doctor react if he found out about the Elixir’s existence?

“Will I be able to live now?”

“Will you be able to live?  Of course!  At this point in time, I can say you will make a full recovery!”

‘I did it!’

Hahn-suhjin was so happy that we wanted to jump.

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