I hear Linc"s bedroom door slam as I turn on the sink faucet.

What an a.s.s. First time ever he turns down a girl"s offer to let him into her bed. Talk about a major blow to my ego.

I pad across the tile floor back into my bedroom and flick off my light before finally climbing into bed. I pull the blankets up to my chin and lay there staring at the wall separating Linc and me while I type a quick text to Tessa telling her part of the plan worked. Blondie is gone, but I still ended up in bed alone. After hitting send, I set my phone on my bedside stand and roll over to finally go to sleep.

I awaken shortly after to the feeling of my bed dipping beside me. I keep my breathing shallow as I try to hide the fact that I"ve woken up. I suddenly feel the heat from Linc"s body burning me through my thin tank top, along with the smell of his shampoo, which smells fresh and makes my body tingle as it fills the room around me. I inhale sharply as I feel his arm drape over my side and come to rest against my stomach.

Every single inch of my body is humming with desire as I lay spooning in my bed with Linc. I bring my hand down, resting it over his, and whisper, "Thank you," before closing my eyes again.

"You"re welcome, Spitfire. Now go back to sleep," he whispers back to me as he hugs me tighter against his chest. I melt into his body as I feel his nose nuzzle into my neck and feel him press a soft, warm kiss against my skin.

I can feel his erection through his boxers pressing into my b.u.t.t, but he doesn"t make any moves after that. I lay there for the longest time listening to him breathe, enjoying the comfort of sleeping in a bed with a man again. I always feel more relaxed and safe when I fall asleep curled up in the arms of someone.

After eleven months with Heath, it"s been hard adjusting to being alone. It"s going to be even worse once I return to campus. At least for a few days, I can possibly take advantage of having Linc and this house all to myself.

My original plan was for us to end the evening in bed-which has kind of happened, only it"s in the literal sense and not the naked, banging like rabbits kind of sense I expected. But if all goes as planned, tomorrow night, we"ll be falling asleep naked and spent from having some of the best s.e.x of my entire life.

Rolling over I sprawl out on the bed and slowly open my eyes as they adjust to the light shining through my bedroom window. Looking around I notice Linc is no longer in bed with me. I feel disappointment sink in as I realize he just up and left as soon as he awoke.

Climbing out of bed I throw on some pajama shorts and head downstairs. When I entered the kitchen, I found Linc at the stove, cooking eggs.

"What time did you wake up?" I ask as I get to work making a cup of coffee.

Keeping his back to me, he answers, "Around nine or so. I got up and called the exterminator. He just left a few minutes ago actually. He looked all under the house, spraying rodent s.h.i.t or whatever they do, and then came up to inform me the only thing in this house are some spiders in the bas.e.m.e.nt. There"s no sign of mice anywhere. Which is kind of hard to believe, seeing as you about gave me and Abby a heart attack last night with your little performance over the mouse you supposedly saw running through the family room."


Why did he have to go and call a d.a.m.n exterminator? I thought he"d look around for the mouse, give up, and that would be that. I didn"t think this far ahead.

I stir my cream and sugar into my coffee and try to think of what to say to that. I can"t admit I lied because then I"ll look like a crazy person.

"I don"t know what to tell ya. But I saw a mouse last night. Either that, or I was so tired I thought I saw one. All I know is, I saw something brown and hairy with a long tail run across the floor."

"Are you hungry?" he asks, thankfully changing the subject.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I close my eyes momentarily, savoring the taste and relishing in the feel of the caffeine entering my body. Opening my eyes, I burst out with nervous laughter as I catch Linc watching me look like an idiot drinking my coffee.

A smirk plays on his lips as he shakes his head at me and goes back to cooking scrambled eggs and sausage links.

"I"m starving," I finally answer before taking another sip of my coffee.

We spend the next thirty minutes eating at the kitchen island together, talking about college. Linc graduated already from Berkley, getting his Bachelor"s degree in business and marketing, but told me he wants to follow in his father"s footsteps and one day be a professional golfer, with his goal being to become the next Tiger Woods. Which is a pretty big mountain to climb. But I think if he"s determined enough, he can do it though.

We got onto the subject of golf, and I told him how I thought it was the most ridiculous sport on the entire planet. Somehow, it ended with us here at the country club, with me wearing golfer"s saddle shoes and head-to-toe golf attire that Linc made me buy at the pro shop here. I look like the Easter Bunny power-puked all over me as I walk the golf course in white pants, my pink cami, and a robin"s egg blue cashmere sweater, which he made me buy, because he said my name is Raven, and the shirt color is named after a robin. To him, it was perfectly clear that was the one I had to get, all because I"m named after a d.a.m.n bird.

He can be such a dork when he"s not being a douchebag.

Of course, he looks hot in anything. Right now, he"s wearing a light yellow cashmere sweater and khaki pants, and wearing a ball cap with sungla.s.ses to keep the sun out of his eyes. We"ve lucked out weather-wise, with sunshine all week and mid-sixties temperatures, but they"re calling for rain tonight.

We"re riding in a golf cart as he drives us to the fifth hole. One thing I"ve learned so far after golfing four holes is that I seriously suck at golf. Like "I hope I don"t get a lawn care bill because I"ve destroyed the turf here" kind of bad.

Linc, on the other hand, is showing off, landing on the fairway and the green after every d.a.m.n drive, and even getting a birdie already. He"s been different here. More relaxed. Actually funny, which is a first. Sure, he"s sarcastic a lot, but normally that"s with us fighting like cats and dogs. But today so far has been a lot of fun. I"m seeing a side of Linc I"ve never seen before.

Climbing out of the golf cart as soon as Linc puts it into park, we make our way over to the tee off. "Now, I"m only going to help you one more time. By this hole, you should be getting the hang of golf. If not, then I think it"ll be safe to say golf is not a sport for you. I"ve seen some terrible golfers, but you take the cake, Spitfire. Hands down, you"re the worst."

Batting my eyelashes, I press my hand to my stomach and bow dramatically. "Well, thank you, fine sir. I"ll take that as a compliment since I still think golf is hands down the stupidest sport on the planet."

Linc lunges at me, scooping me up into his arms and starts tickling me, making me burst out into a fit of laughter that carries across the golf course. A few people a hole behind us stop and look up the hill at us, shaking their heads before going back to putting.

"Take it back," Linc says playfully as he continues to tickle me.

"No!" I shout as I try to escape his grasp.

"Take it back or I"ll tickle you until you p.i.s.s your pants, Raven. I swear on my bag of golf b.a.l.l.s I will.

Hearing him say golf b.a.l.l.s, for some reason, makes me laugh harder as I think about his b.a.l.l.s. "Oh...my...gosh. All...I...can...picture...is...you...swearing on...your...b.a.l.l.sack!" I say between laughing and gasping for air.

"I want to hear you say it. Say golf is the most amazing sport on the planet, and Linc is the Michael Jordan of golf."

Because my stomach muscles are burning, and I"m pretty sure the golfers here at the country club don"t appreciate us making so much noise, I cave. "Okay! Okay!"

Linc"s hands freeze in place as he stops tickling me. With one quick movement, he spins me around so that I"m facing him and holds me against him as he awaits my speech. I sigh dramatically and roll my eyes as I gaze up at him. "Golf is the most amazing sport on the planet, and you, Linc Sarris, are the Michael-Motherf.u.c.king-Jordan of golf! There. Happy?" I ask sarcastically as I fold my hands over my chest, all the while relishing the feel of Linc"s arms around me.

"Very. Now let"s see if we can get you to hit the ball onto the fairway, and not into the fricking woods again."

Linc sets my ball up, and then running his hands down my thighs; he helps me place my feet. Stepping behind me, he presses his body flush against mine before bending me forward slightly and helping position my arms properly. I"m finding it almost impossible to focus because all I can think about is his d.i.c.k pressing against my a.s.s right now. I let out another giggle as I wiggle my a.s.s playfully against him as he tries to show me the correct way to swing. I feel his d.i.c.k twitch in his pants as he lets out a low growl and whispers in my ear, "Behave, Raven, unless you want to end our game with you being plowed against a tree off of hole nine."

I"ve never been so happy to convince him to only play the front nine. There"s no way in h.e.l.l I could last playing all eighteen holes. Now that I know I"m slowly wearing down his resistance, I"m even more thrilled with our afternoon of golfing.

I glance at him over my shoulder, flashing him a sinful smirk. "Don"t threaten me with a good time, Linc, because I"ll hold you to it."

"Just swing the d.a.m.n club, Spitfire."

I press my lips together to try and quiet my laughter as I swing the club back with Linc"s a.s.sistance, and surprisingly I hit the ball and not the ground, and the big shocker-it lands on the fricking fairway!

"h.e.l.ls-to-the-yeah! Who"s the Michael Jordan of golf now, biotch?!" I shout as I jump around, celebrating and waving my hands at Linc as I toss my driver onto the ground.

We continued the next four holes, with Linc helping me, even though every time he insisted I should be able to handle doing it myself. Which was the truth by the sixth hole. I was getting a pretty good grasp of the whole golf thing, but I really enjoyed having my body pressed against his as he helped me.

After we finished up our game, we headed out to a restaurant nearby for dinner. I changed back into my sundress and sandals, keeping the cardigan on because the temperature had dropped slightly before we left the country club. There was no way I was going out in public dressed like pastel Barbie.

Now, we"re heading back to the house. The rain moved in while we were still at dinner. It was a light drizzle then, but it"s turned into a downpour. The wipers can barely keep up with the rain as it falls hard against the windshield. I"m never so happy to see our house as we pull into the driveway, parking outside of the garage.

"It"s really coming down out there," Linc says as he stares up at the windshield. He looks even more handsome in the glow of the streetlights that are illuminating the interior of the car.

"That it is."

I hate this awkward silence. We"ve had such an amazing day. The last thing I need is him closing himself off again. I leave in two more days, so it"s now or never.

"Linc," I say his name softly as I unfasten my seatbelt.

Turning his head, he locks his gorgeous blue eyes, which are a deep sapphire right now, onto mine as he looks at me with longing and desire burning in his gaze. "Yeah?"

Climbing to my knees, I tell him, "Slide your seat back." Doing as he"s told, he quickly pushes his driver"s seat back as far as it will go. Not wasting any time, I climb over the middle console and slide onto his lap, straddling him. "Remember the question you had asked me yesterday in my bedroom before Tyler interrupted us?"

Nodding his head slowly, he stares up at me as he softly runs his hands along my thighs, working his way under my skirt. I can feel his erection press firmly against me from inside his slacks, teasing my c.l.i.t through my now soaking wet panties. I move slightly, grinding my c.l.i.t against his d.i.c.k as I gently run my fingers through his hair and stare down at his face, which makes my heart skip a beat every time I look at him. "Well, my answer is yes. I want you to f.u.c.k me. I mean f.u.c.k me, Linc. No holding back. All or nothing. You got it?"

He squeezes my thighs so hard that I yelp out in pain, which then turns into soft moans as his right hand slides between my legs and rubs at my sensitive bud through my panties as the other goes to my head. Cupping the side of my face, he pulls my mouth down to his, crashing our lips together so hard I feel and hear our teeth hit together. The car is filled with sounds of soft, pa.s.sionate moans, mixing with the melody of the rain beating on the roof above us.

I feel my body begin to tingle all over as his tongue pushes its way into my mouth. He dominates me as his tongue f.u.c.ks my mouth, tangling with mine and taking everything I have to give. I"m so turned on that I feel as if I"m only seconds away from coming undone, and it"s all from just one kiss. A toe-curling, heart-stopping, mind-blowing kiss.

I tilt my head to the side and squeeze the strands of his hair in my fists as I tilt his back slightly and deepen our kiss. I feel my heart begin to race and my body begin to go numb as every nerve ending of my c.l.i.t begins to pulsate and tingle to the point that I feel as if I"m going to lose my mind. Linc continues to press hard, fast circles over my c.l.i.t as his tongue explores every inch of my mouth. Within seconds, I"m shaking against his hand and holding onto him for dear life as I come hard and fast against his hand.

I moan uncontrollably into his mouth as my body freezes. My mouth stops moving as I do nothing but pant and moan out, "Oh, G.o.d," over and over as I break away from his kiss, tilt my head back, and bask in the high I"m experiencing at this very moment, thanks to Linc.

I just had the best o.r.g.a.s.m of my life, and it was brought on by his thumb and one hot kiss.

I"m afraid the o.r.g.a.s.m he gives me while we have s.e.x may possibly do just as he said to Heath-leave me incapable of moving or speaking a single coherent word.

Jumping out of the car, we sprint up the stairs and under the safety of the small roof as Linc gets to work unlocking the door. The second we enter the house, he slams the door and then crashes me against it. Pinning his body against mine, he slides his fingers into my hair and collides his mouth with mine once again.

I sink against the door as he nips at my bottom lip, gently tugging on it before breaking our kiss. "Come on. Time to take this upstairs, Spitfire." Scooping me up in his arms, Linc tosses me over his shoulder, giving my bare a.s.s a slap as the skirt of my dress flies up onto my back.

"Did we time travel to the stone age?" I chuckle loudly as he bounds up the stairs, with me bouncing around on top of his shoulder.

Linc slaps my b.u.t.t again, this time a little harder, making me yelp out at the bite of his hand connecting with my skin. I feel my s.e.x clench and desire pool between my thighs. "This is faster, isn"t it? Plus, I"m getting a workout in; you feel heavier than I expected."

Now it"s my turn to hit him. I smack him hard on the backside and yell at him, "You better be joking, a.s.shole, or I"m going to kick your a.s.s!"

"I love it when you call me names. It only makes my d.i.c.k grow harder."

"You are such a d.i.c.k," I say, trying to fight the smile that"s spreading across my lips.

Arching my back up off of the bed, I pant loudly through my moans as I fist the sheets beneath and try to catch my breath. Driving my heels into Linc"s back, I grind my mound against his mouth as my body convulses beneath him as his tongue teases my c.l.i.t and his fingers slide in and out, rubbing perfectly against my g-spot. I swear I see fireflies floating around my ceiling as I come down from o.r.g.a.s.m number two of the night.

"Are you trying to kill me before you even get the chance to f.u.c.k me?" I ask, lifting my head and gazing down my stomach at Linc, who"s kneeling at the foot of my bed, looking s.e.xy as h.e.l.l between my legs with my arousal glistening on his chin and lips.

He lets out the s.e.xiest laugh as he climbs to his feet and yanks his sweater over his head, tossing it onto the floor before working on his pants. The moment he removes his briefs, my mouth grows parched. I"ve never seen a p.e.n.i.s that big in person. In. My. Life.

Swallowing hard, I ask jokingly, "Will I need st.i.tches when you"re finished with me?"

Chuckling, he says, "If I said I was never asked that question before, I"d be lying. And no, Spitfire, you will be perfectly fine. You"ll be walking funny for a few days, but it"ll be the best s.e.x of your life."

"Well, the man, the myth, the legend-come over here and show me what all this hype is about." Curling my finger, I give Linc a come-hither, seductive stare as I gently suck on my bottom lip. Linc slowly licks his lips as his eyes roam over every inch of my naked body as I do the same, taking in every ridge and plain of his chiseled-to-perfection body.

"You are so f.u.c.king beautiful," he says, climbing onto the bed between my thighs.

I run my hands over his bulging biceps, dragging my nails teasingly over his skin, lightly dragging them and causing red marks behind. I bend my legs and let them fall out to the sides as his body molds into mine. His skin is hot and feels like livewires pressing against mine as his hands caress my b.r.e.a.s.t.s and his mouth sucks and nips at my skin.

My head is spinning as he takes my breast into his mouth and gently sucks on it, taking me by surprise as he bites down hard on my nipple, tugging on it, making me yell out in a mix of pain and pleasure. He then soothes the stinging pain with the softness of his tongue.

"Linc..." I moan out his name as I arch my back, aching to be filled by him. "I need you...now." I drag my nails down his back and push him down harder onto me.

Leaning up on his forearms, he gazes down at me, his blue eyes connecting with my green ones. I feel my stomach flip-flop, and my heart rate pick up as his thumb touches my cheek, gently stroking it. This feels too loving. It"s too much. We"re supposed to be f.u.c.king. That"s it. Nothing more than that.

Where"s the Linc from yesterday, who was forceful and took what he wanted?

"Condoms?" he asks as his eyes search my face.

"What? Oh yes, in my side table, top drawer."

Leaning over to my stand, he slides the drawer open, pulling a foil packet from it. "What"s this?" he asks, pulling my tiny vibrator out.

My cheeks flush bright red as he holds it above me. "My...vibrator," I try to say confidently, but fail miserably.

He eyes it, then me. "We can make good use of this." I feel a shiver of excitement trickle down my spine and intensify at my core as I watch his eyes turn dark and mischievous. The magnetic pull between us is so strong it"s impossible to look away. "First, I"m going to start out slow so I don"t hurt you-too badly. Then, we"ll kick it up a notch or two. By the time, I"m through with you, you"ll be exhausted, but you"ll have had the best s.e.x of your f.u.c.king life, sweetheart."

I feel the ache between my legs intensify as his words sink in, and I watch as he sits up and proceeds to roll the condom on. I take him in and lock this image in my mind to look back on, because I know for certain I"ll be picturing this night in my head whenever I"m getting myself off for a very long time.

"I can"t believe we"re doing this," I whisper, thinking out loud as Linc grips my hips and presses the head of his d.i.c.k against my entrance.

With a c.o.c.ky grin spread across his lips, he thrusts his hips, slowly rocking them back and forth, working his way inside me inch-by-inch. "Believe it, Spitfire. If you can"t believe it, I"ll make sure you f.u.c.king feel it."

Fisting the sheets again, I arch my back and squeeze my eyes shut as I scream out in ecstasy. Linc thrusts fully inside me, stretching and filling me more than I"ve ever been before. "Ooooh, my G.o.d! How the f.u.c.k do you carry that thing around all day?!" I scream out between moans and shouts of pleasure.

"f.u.c.k, you"ve got one tight c.u.n.t. It feels so f.u.c.king good." His voice is smooth and laced with s.e.x as his grip tightens, and his movements become fluid, sliding in and out of me with the slightest rotation of his hips, driving me absolutely crazy. I know it feels as good for him as it does for me because he"s letting out the most erotic sounds I"ve ever heard come from a guy during s.e.x.

Each time he slides almost all the way out before slamming back in, makes me scream louder. I feel that all too familiar feeling consuming my body as another o.r.g.a.s.m builds deep inside me. Squeezing my hips harder, he tilts my lower half farther up into the air and begins rotating his hips faster, slamming the spot deep inside that"s about to make me lose my mind.

"I"m going to come again!" I shout as I reach up and hold onto his forearms desperately for leverage. My body is tingling, and my head is spinning as my body teeters on the edge, only mere seconds away from taking that glorious plunge.

Releasing my hip, he brings his right hand between my legs and begins rubbing my c.l.i.t, making the room spin as I crash around him. "That"s it, baby. Come all over my d.i.c.k. G.o.d, you look absolutely breathtaking as you come. It"s the s.e.xiest f.u.c.king thing I"ve ever seen."

Leaning down, he slowly drags his tongue across my bottom lip, making another moan leave my lips and causing my p.u.s.s.y to pulsate around his c.o.c.k as it silently begs to be f.u.c.ked harder.

Deepening our kiss, I part my lips, giving his tongue access to my mouth once again, and bring my hands down to Linc"s a.s.s, cupping it in my hands. I push him into me. I moan against his lips as his tongue caresses mine. The feeling of his mouth on mine mixed with the sensation consuming my body as he thrusts into me at a perfect rhythm has me feeling higher than I"ve ever been in my entire life.

"You ready to kick it up a notch?" he murmurs against my mouth as he pulls away from my red and swollen lips that ache to have him back again.

My chest is heaving as I try to catch my breath and find my voice. Licking my lips, I smile faintly up at him and nod. "I"m as ready as I"ll ever be. Just know if I die from too many o.r.g.a.s.ms in one night, it was so worth it."

Linc lets out a deep, s.e.xy laugh as he pulls out of me. "Spitfire, all I can say is ditto to that. Now, roll over onto all fours. You don"t have any, lube so I"m going to take advantage of your soaking wet p.u.s.s.y and lube your vibrator up. Have you ever done a.n.a.l?"

Once again, I find myself blushing. I need to get a f.u.c.king grip.

It takes everything in me to not burst out laughing as I tell him, "Yes, Linc. I"ve been b.u.t.t f.u.c.ked a few times. You"re all good to go."

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