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Han Yuan"s own cultivation was sloppy, but he was very confident in his Shixiong. When he heard that even people of Zhang Dasen"s level were regarded so highly, he immediately decided that his own Shixiong must be the victors. With his personality that seemed to fear any lack of conflict, he thought, “Might as well dig up some stuff about the inner disciples, so Shixiong could have an easier time.”

The inner disciples who were with the Island Lord also wore white robes, but unlike the elders and the Protectors, the disciples" clothes were very plain. Seeing this group from afar, it seemed like they were dressed for deep mourning. They were very conspicuous, so Han Yuan didn"t need to spend much effort to track them down.

The disciples gathered around the Island Lord made no sound as they walked. Probably because the rules for the inner disciples were strict or whatever, none of them spoke a word with each other. Each of them had the indifferent look of someone who had seen through the mortal world, not even a hint of joy on their faces. They silently left the crowd, turning their back toward the hustle and bustle, displaying a cold and quiet feeling of isolation.

Han Yuan knew that the Island Lord was a formidable master, so he didn"t dare to get too close. He only climbed onto a large tree far away, his hand shielding his eyes from the glare of the sun as he looked at the group.

When they reached midway down the mountain slope, they all stopped at the same time. A few disciples carried a small sedan over and respectfully offered it for the Island Lord to sit on.

This scene was very familiar for some reason. Han Yuan was instantly reminded of his Eldest Shixiong back then on Fuyao Mountain, who wouldn"t stand if he could sit, who wouldn"t sit if he could lie down, who always had to be carried on a sedan into the Mission Hall. For a moment, a feeling of familiarity and good humor came over him as he thought, The Island Lord has reached this age, but why does he seem just like our Sect Leader when he was young?

Right then, the Lord of Azure Dragon Island seemed to have noticed something and abruptly turned around. He looked at Han Yuan"s hiding spot and directly met his gaze. Han Yuan almost fell from the tree, a feeling of guilt coming over him.

But the Island Lord seemed to know who he was. A smile spread on that gloomy face, but even when he was smiling, the knit between his brows remained, so the smile seemed forced. The Island Lord waved at him from the distance, as if telling Han Yuan to stop following him and hurry back.

The disciples stood motionlessly on both sides of the sedan, waiting for the Island Lord to settle himself on it before hoisting it up. The group of people instantly turned into a white blur and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Han Yuan stared in bafflement on top of the tree. This development had stunned him, causing an unspeakable feeling of awe and admiration to form in his heart. He murmured to himself rather self-knowingly, “Good heavens, I probably won"t ever reach that level in my life. How many years in seclusion would that take?”

Before he finished speaking, Han Yuan suddenly heard a faint laugh next to his ear. Startled, he grabbed some pines in his hand and exclaimed, “Who"s laughing?”

The leaves behind him rustled faintly. Han Yuan abruptly turned around. The pines in his hand instantly disappeared into the thick foliage, and everything was silent.

Han Yuan carefully poked his head out for a look, but unexpectedly, his vision turned black the very next moment and he fell out of the tree.

By the time Han Yuan regained his consciousness, the bustling crowd on Azure Dragon Island had already dispersed. His temples throbbed as he looked around in a daze — he couldn"t recall how he had fallen asleep under this large tree.

Han Yuan stretched his back and yawned so hard that it seemed like his head might split open from his mouth, but he still felt dazed. So he made himself get up and walk back home, feeling like he"d forgotten something important.

When he returned to the small courtyard of their sect, he saw Shuikeng sitting on the edge of the wall and his Second Shixiong Li Yun leaning on the side of the door. The two of them were watching with rapt attention as Cheng Qian and Yan Zhengming exchanged blows.

“Where did you go?” Li Yun waved at Han Yuan, “Hurry here, you almost missed something great.”

It was a spar between fellow disciples, so naturally they wouldn"t bet their lives. Cheng Qian and Yan Zhengming each held an old wooden sword with blunt edges, its surface covered with dents. It wasn"t clear whether the dents were caused by termites or if Shuikeng had gnawed on the swords when her teeth were growing, but the two of them looked like they were swinging shabby torches around. However, the sword techniques they were displaying weren"t shabby in the least, their exchanges so quick that the eyes could hardly follow.

In the beginning, none of them had used their Qi in their moves, and had used no sword techniques other than Fuyao Wooden Swordplay. In a single instant, they had exchanged more than ten blows.

As one delved deeper into the art of swords, one would understand better what a profound, marvelous technique this series of wooden swordplay was.

A superficial understanding of this technique could easily be imparted to the disciples. But for a deeper understanding, they must experience it themselves.

Shuikeng said with great envy, “Second Shixiong, when will I get to learn swords?”

Without tearing his eyes away, Li Yun said casually, “When you grow taller than the sword, your Eldest Shixiong will teach you.”

Shuikeng jumped up on the edge of the wall and stretched her hands upward, trying hard to extend herself, as if wishing she would immediately grow as tall as a house. At the same time, she asked, “Why learn from Eldest Shixiong? Why not learn from the Third Shixiong?”

Li Yun smiled, “Your Eldest Shixiong is a true sword cultivator who entered the Dao through the sword. Your Third Shixiong"s sword techniques were trained through fighting and brawling, so it"s not genuine. The malicious energy is too strong, if you learn from him, you"ll definitely grow up to become a female demon who charges around violently.”

Before he could finish his words, a cold sword aura struck out from the sparring field, aimed straight at his face. Li Yun hurriedly leapt up and joined Shuikeng on top of the wall. He clicked his tongue, “Won"t even let people speak — See that, Little Shimei? That technique of his was our Fuyao Wooden Swordplay, but the sword will embodied in it was from Tide Swordplay. A chilly cultivation method like that isn"t good for little maidens like you, you"ll be p.r.o.ne to stomachaches in the future.”

Shuikeng was confused. For a moment, she couldn"t understand how ‘sword training" would have anything to do with ‘stomachaches".

This Shixiong"s words were so uncouth that even Yan Zhengming, who was usually above such vulgarities, couldn"t bear to keep listening. No longer able to contain himself, he warned, “Li Yun!”

Li Yun cackled on top of the wall"s edge and patted Shuikeng"s head.

Cheng Qian"s mind was even more absent from the present than the confused Shuikeng, so he hadn"t actually registered Li Yun and Yan Zhengming"s exchange. But when he heard Li Yun mention Tide Swordplay, he was prompted by a sudden impulse and said, “Little Shimei, I"ll show you what Tide Swordplay is — Eldest Shixiong, careful now!”

As he spoke, Cheng Qian suddenly changed moves. The former move of ‘The Roc"s Long Flight" and the following move of ‘Gold and Sand" were connected flawlessly. The wind from the sword carried a chill that causes shivers. The courtyard instantly seemed like it had been swept over by mighty waves, tree leaves falling all over the place. Where the sword aura had pa.s.sed, fine droplets of water had formed, even on the wall. Li Yun was forced to make a seal with his hands, forming an invisible barrier in front of the spectators to avoid inflicting misfortune on innocent people.

Yan Zhengming"s hairpin was struck by the sword aura and instantly broke, but he remained calm. The mild and temperate aura from his wooden sword spilled out, but it didn"t disperse the way Cheng Qian"s offensive strike had, instead wrapping itself steadily around the sword body, remaining steadfast and unmoving.

Cheng Qian"s eyes lit up, “Eldest Shixiong, you"ve reached the stage of ‘Concretion"?”

The stage of cultivation called ‘Concretion", is spreading one"s energy around the body and infusing one"s consciousness onto the sword. Only those who have reached ‘Concretion" and could control their own energy freely would be able to advance further and become one with their blade, allowing travel by flying on their sword.

Judging from this, Yan Zhengming might have really reached the level of flying on his sword.

The very next moment, their swords collided in midair. The battered wooden swords couldn"t withstand this force, so they both snapped at the same time. Cheng Qian"s sword aura immediately dispersed. He caught the broken half of the sword in his hand and casually slashed out a curve, smiling, “It seems I would need to add another two hours to my sword training, otherwise I"d fall behind you.”

Cheng Qian rarely smiled. Following his growth, any great display of emotion disappeared from his face, giving him the gentlemanly aura of someone who rarely shows his feelings. At this moment, the curve of his eyes held no hidden intents, which brought out some rarely-seen air of adolescence.

Cheng Qian had always had fine features, which only grew more apparent as he became a young man. If he hadn"t set foot onto the cold path of cultivation, he would"ve received many fruits thrown his way [1] among the common folks.

Yan Zhengming was stunned for a moment, a strange feeling suddenly stirring in his heart. Instinctively, he swung his broken sword in a half curve, allowing the wooden sword to guide the Qi inside him. A gust of sword energy burst forth, so warm and tender that it was almost unnoticeable.

On top of the wall, Shuikeng exclaimed in surprise. The sword energy had pa.s.sed by, brushing against her skirt, but hadn"t left any mark on the soft fabric, and fell on some half-dead withered gra.s.s on top of the wall. Under everyone"s scrutiny, the yellow leaves of the withered gra.s.s regained its green color, its body slowly straightening up. From it, a small yellow flower blossomed.

Han Yuan and Shuikeng looked at the flower in astonishment. Han Yuan asked, “Eldest Shixiong, which technique is this? It"s my first time seeing a sword technique causing a flower to bloom!”

Yan Zhengming had become much more mature, but when facing his own people, he still couldn"t change his habit of showing off. Hearing those words, his eyes gleamed. On a whim, he stretched out his hand. The withered gra.s.s on the wall instantly sprouted a cl.u.s.ter of wild roses, spreading out and forming a frame filled with colorful flowers of various sizes. Hanging on the wall, it looked like a lingering red apricot tree.

Yan Zhengming pulled his sleeves back in satisfaction and gave an enigmatic smile, “This is a technique from the fifth form, ‘Return to Trueness". It"s called ‘Spring Upon a Withered Tree".”

Li Yun saw that he was about to show off [2] again and helplessly ma.s.saged his own forehead. Shuikeng and Han Yuan, as the younger ones, were very good at observing the situation, so they immediately showed support and gave a round of applause and cheers.

Cheng Qian was the only one who refused to give the Sect Leader any face. After a quick glance, he mercilessly commented, “Oh, so it"s this technique. No wonder you"d been so strange earlier, neither attacking nor defending. I"ve been wondering what use that thing could possibly have. So it"s used to make flowers bloom after fighting!”

“You speak a lot of nonsense,” Yan Zhengming was still immersed in the earlier atmosphere, so his tone was much gentler than usual. He pointed at Cheng Qian and said, “Comb my hair.”

Li Yun grabbed the back of Shuikeng"s clothes and brought her down from the wall. He told her, “If you can recite the Scriptures on Clarity and Stillness ten times before sunset, I"ll perform the opening moves of our sect"s swordplay for you.”

Hearing this, Shuikeng became extremely excited. The opening moves were still part of the swordplay! She hurriedly ran off to get her small book of scriptures.

Her Shixiong knew exactly what kind of nonsense the ‘opening moves" were, so all of them could barely keep their laughter in. They wondered if their little Shimei would cry in anger after she found out that the opening moves was a round of yelling ‘Live to surpa.s.s immortals".

Han Yuan began his daily a.s.signment of thirty wooden charms at the entrance of the courtyard. Li Yun picked up a book to begin scribbling and doodling. Cheng Qian was tugging at… no, combing the Sect Leader"s hair. The Sect Leader himself was suffering the consequences of his own wrong decision — his scalp felt like it had been numbed by this clumsy brat"s ministrations.

The remaining rays of the setting sun enveloped the rolling hills of Azure Dragon Island. Yan Zhengming"s eyelids drooped as he thought, If, in the future, our days on Fuyao Mountain could be this cheerful, repeating each day forevermore would definitely count as ‘surpa.s.sing immortals".

Yan Zhengming suddenly couldn"t help missing Fuyao Mountain. If things were to go his way, he didn"t actually want the sect to be too well-known. There was no need to be like Azure Dragon Island, which was always filled with so many people every day. As long as they could pa.s.s down their ancestors" hard work and not be looked down on when they go out, it was all enough.

In the future, after his Shidi had grown up, they might take their own disciples too. He could turn Master"s Unknown Hall into a place for the disciples to receive their lectures and punishments. If any of the disciples had caused mischief, he could send the immovable Tong Qian to deal with them.

As Yan Zhengming thought about this, he voiced his thoughts, “When we return to Fuyao Mountain in the future, after we take our own disciples, we could also hold an annual grand compet.i.tion in our sect. When the time comes, anyone whose disciple loses must do the dishes together with their disciples… Ow, Tong Qian! Are you trying to make me bald?”

Cheng Qian had a wooden brush in his mouth, so his words were muddled, “You should have turned bald long ago.”

Han Yuan poked at the charm that he"d failed to carve due to being distracted, and asked lightly, “Little Shixiong, you"re up for the first round tomorrow. What do you think, how long would it take for you to win?”

Before Cheng Qian could answer, Yan Zhengming had interrupted in surprise, “What, first round tomorrow? Tong Qian, why didn"t you say so earlier? Go to my place later and pick a good sword. The grand compet.i.tion isn"t the same as usual fights. No matter what, you can"t go up there with a wooden sword, do you hear me?”

Cheng Qian made a sound in response, a clump of hair still held in his hand. In an off-handed manner, he asked, “What do you think, should I win to the end?”

Yan Zhengming"s eyebrows shot up. It felt like this Shidi of his had become even more reckless. Those words made it seem like he had no acknowledgement for the formidable masters under the heavens, so Yan Zhengming couldn"t help reminding him of his place, “If I say yes, could you really wipe out the entire Lecture Hall and stand at the top of Azure Dragon Island?”

Cheng Qian smiled, “I might not be able to win, but if you feel the need, I will spare no effort and give it my all.”

Cheng Qian rarely said words like ‘spare no effort", so these words held much more weight when he spoke them. He wasn"t the type to throw such words around casually, so if he said he would ‘spare no effort", he really would fight until his last breath.

For a moment, Yan Zhengming couldn"t describe his own emotions. He sighed to himself, feeling that no amount of doting on Cheng Qian would be too much. Even the pain of Cheng Qian plucking out strands of his hair was forgiven at once.

Yan Zhengming said softly, “Xiao-Qian…”

Cheng Qian, “Nn, I"ve finished.”

Li Yun raised his eyes for a glance and immediately choked on his own spit, coughing until he was out of breath, as if he was on the verge of death. Han Yuan had long since covered his own eyes, unable to witness the sight.

Shuikeng trotted back after fetching her book of scriptures and was greeted with the sect leader"s new image. She instantly became stunned, mouth falling open, and looked up at him in reverence — Cheng Qian had attached a flower on both sides of the Eldest Shixiong"s head, the flowers symmetrical against each other. It was as if beautiful, colorful blossoms had sprouted on the crown of his head. If he"d changed into some mauve skirts, the Eldest Shixiong could immediately go out for a matchmaker to find him a spouse!

After a moment, a howl of anger was heard in the courtyard, “Cheng! Qian!”

This little b.a.s.t.a.r.d didn"t deserve any doting! What use was it to raise him?

Cheng Qian made his way through the courtyard quickly and went straight into his own room, about to close the door in his Eldest Shixiong"s face. But right then, the urgent sounds of bells and drums suddenly rang through the shades of dusk on Azure Dragon Island.

The bell"s tolls rang repeatedly, the drum"s sounds so closely intermittent that it felt like each chime was a strike to their hearts.

The smile on Cheng Qian"s face froze, the half-closed door stuck halfway. “What happened?”

Li Yun rose to his feet, his face turning solemn. He frowned, “If I remembered correctly, bells were warnings, drums were calls for the inner disciples to a.s.semble and ward off enemies — what, could someone have dared to invade Azure Dragon Island?”

“Shuikeng, come here, don"t run off,” Yan Zhengming called out to Shuikeng, who was about to look out the gates, “I"ll send someone to ask around outside — Zheshi…”

Before he could finish his words, the door of the courtyard had been pushed open forcefully from outside. Zheshi panted for breath as he came in behind someone, “Wait! Zhenren, you…”

The people in the courtyard turned to the entrance at the same time. Tang Wanqiu was standing there, face expressionless.

Without any preamble, Tang Wanqiu spoke, “Come with me.”

Yan Zhengming came forward and asked, “Senior, what has happened on the island? Where are you taking us?”

Tang Wanqiu had never had the patience to explain things, so she turned around and wordlessly took hold of Shuikeng"s clothes. In the midst of the little girls" screams, she carried her like a small package and left quickly, tossing the words, “Don"t dawdle!”

Like this, everyone in the Fuyao Sect had no choice but to go after her. Cheng Qian was just about to leave, but he suddenly recalled something and turned back with a wave of his hand. The lock on a crate in the corner instantly fell open. Shuangren flew straight out from inside and dropped into his hand.

[1] ‘received many fruits thrown his way" The phrase used here is 「投瓜擲果」. It"s an expression that refers to beautiful men, which has a story as follows:

There was a man in Chinese history named Pan Yue (later known as Pan An), who was famed for his beauty. In order to see this beautiful man, people would always gather in the streets whenever he goes out in his carriage. Among the crowd admiring him, the young women who wanted to express their adoration for him would toss fresh flowers and fruits toward his carriage. Later on, the phrase ‘having fruits thrown one"s way" or ‘having one"s carriage filled with fruits" became a.s.sociated with beautiful men receiving the adoration of women.

[2] ‘show off" The phrase used here is 「開屏」, which is actually the word used for when a peac.o.c.k displays its tail.

Some new terms in this chapter:

Gold and Sand: 大浪淘沙, literally ‘mighty waves crashing against sand". A figure of speech, meaning ‘to experience trials under great pressure".Concretion: 凝神, literally ‘to gather or solidify one"s mind". This phrase usually means ‘to focus one"s attention".Spring upon a Withered Tree: 枯木逢春, a figure of speech which means ‘to enjoy good fortune after a long spell of bad luck; a new lease of life; to be revived".

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