
Humans and dragons will differentiate into secondary genders during p.u.b.erty, which are alpha, beta and omega. There are estrus periods and both alphas and omegas have pheromones.

Your legs will go soft when you smell it and you will lose your rationality. When the inhibitor comes off, the heat pheromones will spread. You can only be marked by one alpha for a lifetime… 

Betas and omegas are indeed 0.5 and 0, they can both give birth.

Shen Mian was quiet for a while and reluctantly accepted this information: Dean Shen now has the ability to give birth, but Dean Shen does not know how to give birth.

So he obviously does not know how to lay two eggs.

Dorey felt he could definitely drag Shen Mian to get married this time. He knew that Shen Mian had entered the wasteland because he couldn"t support Gian. The live broadcast room did receive a lot of attention and rewards, but Shen Mian definitely had no guts to go again.

Shen Mian should understand that he can never support a kindergarten by himself and should conscientiously marry him.

The population of omegas is way less than betas, so it"s easy to see that there are fewer omegas like that. Although it"s not Dorey"s favourite gentle type, the icy look is good enough.

A male omega, they"re only interesting because they are a man.

There is a cub behind Shen Mian who was reluctant to act, was thinking for a while before bluntly saying: " No, you can"t marry."

Dorey"s expression became gloomy: "Don"t take yourself too seriously, Shen Mian. Can you afford to raise the gem dragon? You can come back with me and raise two eggs, I can give that cub two more bowls of food. 

"Also," Dorey licked his lips and glanced down at Shen Mian, "How hard is it for a person to be in estrus? Can someone like me not satisfy you? Or do you only like handsome men. That kind of boring alpha has nothing but a good looking face…"

Dorey felt a pain in his abdomen, his whole body suddenly flew up.

When Shen Mian heard "that handsome face", he knew that the two were not the same and he acted immediately. Since Dorey is a dragon, Shen Mian completely used up all his strength.

Dorey felt pain in his back when he hit the floor: although he said he should be a bit more manly, it seems he is a bit too manly.

Shen Mian: "Are you going to leave or not?"

Dorey stood up, dark scaled beginning to appear on his neck, his pupil completely changing from a humanoid round shape to a vertical pupil: "Since you don"t want to comply, then there is no other way. You omegas, it"s better to not give you any face, what kind of person do you think…"

While speaking, Dorey has already changed from human to a half-dragon form. The bone spine on his back tore his clothes and his face was covered with scales.

Suddenly, Dorey felt a hot breath coming from behind. Turning around, a huge dragon reflected in his eyes-

He forcibly occupied the gate of the centre. He was slender with golden stag horns, two pairs of sharp claws on his abdomen hooked to the wall and a pair of golden and white wings on his back. The callous feathers show a metallic l.u.s.tre in the sunset. 

Gian shivered slightly, he did not show such obvious fear when facing Dorey just now. 

Shen Mian froze for a while. This dragon is very similar to the Ying Long in Chinese mythology and also a little familiar.

It was seen in the wastelands.

After the roar that rocked the mountain, it was this dragon that soared into the sky- the golden scales reflecting in the light, the feathers feeling almost metallic and cold.

Shen Mian doesn"t know anything that happened afterwards. He guessed that it might"ve been the dragon"s breath that startled the wurms who attacked the original owner, giving him the opportunity to go to a place where he could hide in time.

Now this dragon… did you follow yourself to the childcare centre?

Shen Mian couldn"t figure out this dragon"s intent.

Dorey"s face full of scales quickly returned to normal, forced by the stronger compatriot to just shrink into the corner.

Although the dragons are not on each other"s recipes, when the empire was not established and the laws were not perfect, it seems that dragon tribes with territorial awareness often killed other threatening dragons.

Water Star is located in the most remote area of the empire and is a new planet that still hasn"t been developed. There are many wastelands so it is a good place to kill a dragon and throw away the body.

This kind of dragon…

Dorey has never seen this kind of dragon. Among the seven genera of dragons, only the mythical dragon"s have not had any images of their appearances published.

So this is a mythical dragon? If it really is, then aren"t they a n.o.ble of the empire? Dorey suddenly remembered that there was a private manor not far from the childcare centre. Did the owner of the manor fall in love with this omega?

Anyway, it isn"t a good idea to stay here.

Dorey has completely changed back to his human form: "Has this brother taken a fancy to him? This type of omega is indeed not common, the brother has a good eye… Then I won"t s.n.a.t.c.h him from you." 

Facing the dragon, he slowly backed away.

The dragon"s golden wings spread slightly and Dorey was covered in a cold sweat. Fortunately, the other party didn"t seem like they were going to chase. Dorey turned away from the dragon eye contact and immediately ran away.

Let that omega die!

Shen Mian"s fingers curled slightly, the ability he had just recovered was running wildly.

This dragon is much more difficult to deal with than Dorey. There is no such dragon in the original owner"s memory. He didn"t know if the original owner didn"t pay attention in cla.s.s or the memory that Shen Mian received was too muddled.

The dragon propped up its body, its wings fully spread. With the sounds of feathers tearing the air, the dragon rose into the sky.

Shen Mian pushed away Gian.

Shen Mian"s s.p.a.cial abilities can be used to attack and store things. Unfortunately, his abilities became dormant after his body changed, so not much can be mobilized, even the storage s.p.a.ce can not be opened.

As for the attack method, it is a contact ability which is only effective when there is contact. In this situation, Shen Mian has no advantage at all.

After all, Shen Mian"s current body is just a body whose abilities are reforming and the opponent is a dragon. In hand-to-hand combat, the odds of winning are basically zero.

However, when the huge dragon rose into the sky, it suddenly disappeared. A little cub less than the size of a palm flapped its wings, stuck in a parabolic shape and seemed completely immobile.

He felt like what happened before was all fake.

Shen Mian: "…"

He loosened his hand, the power dagger dissipating and stepped forward to catch the dragon cub.

The cub"s tail wrapped around Shen Mian"s hand, it"s head resting on his fingers and lazily closed its eyes.

Shen Mian poked its head, turned it over and looked at it again. The dragon cub just glanced at him, calmly laid in his hand and pretended to sleep when he stopped moving.

Little Gian leaned forward: "Was he abandoned at the centre?"

That"s how Gian was picked up by the old dean.

Shen Mian: "He probably came here by himself, I don"t know which family"s child this is."

"Let"s adopt him," Gian stared at the dragon cub. "The dragon is very pitiful and I can eat less and share with him."

Originally, there were several orphaned cubs in the nursery, but after the previous dean left, the other dragon cubs in the centre were adopted, leaving only Gian.

Gian leaned closer to the cub: "I am Gian and I will be your older brother in the future. What is your name?"

The dragon cub"s sharp claws avoided the fragile and fair human skin and ignored Gian.

Gian tilted his head and wondered: "Why isn"t he talking?"

Shen Mian squished the dragon cub"s belly, the other side was like a docile pet in his hand, letting him rub and squish him.

In any case, this dragon saved Shen Mian once and also separated him from being surrounded. Gian should also want a playmate…

Shen Mian looked at the dragon cub in his hand and put him in his pocket: "Maybe he doesn"t want to talk right now, let"s go home first."

Shen Mian was sent back to the centre by the tree dragon family. When he woke up in the afternoon, he went out for most of the afternoon and it was evening by the time they returned to the centre. 

He opened three nutrient solutions and handed two to Gian. The little gem dragon squatted in front of the dragon cub holding the nutrient solution. While drinking, he emphasised towards the dragon cub: "I am the older brother, I will look after you in the future."

The dragon cub avoided the nutrient solution, spread his wings and flew to Shen Mian"s shoulder.

After drinking two nutrient solutions, Gian took the dragon cub to sleep with him but was worried that he would overturn and crush him in the middle of the night. After being patted by Shen Mian, he walked back to his dormitory step by step.

Shen Mian picked up the little dragon cub that was sticking to him, went to into the bathroom to wash and came out with a wet towel only to find that the dragon cub was already lying on his pillow.

Shen Mian picked up the dragon cub by the tail: "So you"ll just sleep here?"

The dragon cub nodded twice, lazily circling twice around Shen Mian"s wrist, intending to settle in his hand.

The dragon cub wasn"t being a hindrance so Shen Mian wore the "big gold bracelet" that can breathe and opened his light brain. He took out the original owners textbook and looked for the race of the dragon cub using the ill.u.s.trations.

Among the seven genera, only the metal dragons and cubs in the dream dragon species have a 90% similarity, but the metal dragons cannot randomly change their size. 

Shen Mian poked the dragon cub: "Can you speak?"

The dragon cub moved his head away, troubled by the hara.s.sment.

Shen Mian was a little sceptical: "Is this unlucky child autistic?"

After playing with the dragon cub for a while, he put him aside and concentrated on restoring his abilities.

He is a dual ability holder. The s.p.a.cial ability that had reached its peak has begun to recover, but the wood ability has been exhausted due to repairing the body. Now he has to find a way to recover both abilities back to their original level as soon as possible.

During this process, Shenmian"s different energy sources continue to attract surrounding power that had gathered, it was dense to the point it could be seen by the naked eye.

The dragon cub opened his eyes and flapped his wings, attempting to absorb the power from Shen Mian but was continuously squeezed away by other power factors.

After half an hour

Shen Mian slowly opened his eyes, his pupils shrinking suddenly. His right hand condenses the rich energy and instantly forms a sharp power dagger. As soon as the dagger touches any objects, it will split into pieces and be dispersed into s.p.a.ce.

This is Shen Mian"s s.p.a.cial ability. The attack method has always been brutal- there is no real dead body as it will decompose.

Shen Mian"s skill is pretty much all on the a.s.sault. Unfortunately, the original owner"s body dragged his hind legs so his movements were not so neat. When the dagger was swung out, his wrist was held by a hand.

The man was so close to him that he could clearly feel his breath.

The man firmly held Shen Mian"s wrist: "Why so fierce?"

Shen Mian was expressionless: can be more fierce.

He raised his hands, bent his elbows and hit the chest of the man behind him. While the other party was suffering from pain, he dispersed his powers and pressed the other party on the bed.

When Shen Mian saw the person, his cold expression nearly broke: “…”

The man generously laid on Shen Mian"s bed-


Slang with noodle :,,)

0.5 and 0.
So I searched online and turns out its slang in gay circles. The article is all in Chinese but from what I can understand:
– 0 is the bottom, they"re more gentle and pa.s.sive.
– 1 is the top, they"re more aggressive and masculine.
– 0.5 is the reverse, they"re a mix of 1 and 0.
If you would like to read more (the article is fully in Chinese) you can check .小白脸 xiǎo bái liǎn
Literal translation is little white face, actually means very handsome man. More info (completely in chinese).
干巴巴 gān bā bā
Literally means dry. It means boring.

This is the Ying Long (artist link )

yooo lowkey not doing well today but :DDDD
Gian is babyyyyyyyy.

also my friend is trying to brainwash me into thinking nagashi somen is hot.


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