Induction is an inverse deduction.

Explain and contrast these two theories of the relation of induction to deduction. [S]

112. What are the Fallacies specially incident to Induction?--or to the application of the theory of Probabilities? [S]

113. What is meant by the _personal error_ (or _personal equation_) in observation? Discuss its importance in different branches of knowledge.


114. Define and ill.u.s.trate:--Paralogism, _ignoratio elenchi_, _fallacia accidentis_, _argumentum ad verecundiam_, illicit process, undistributed middle, etc.

115. State the three fundamental laws of thought, explain their meaning, and consider how far they are independent of each other? [L]

116. Enumerate the "Heads of Predicables" and define their meaning.

Discuss their logical importance. [L]

117. Upon what grounds has it been a.s.serted that the conclusion of a syllogism is drawn, not from, but according to, the major premise? Are they valid? [L]

118. "Experiment is always preferable to observation." Why is this?

Explain from the example of any science how observation and experiment supplement each other. [L]

119. What is a hypothesis? Distinguish between a working hypothesis and an established hypothesis, so as to bring out the conditions on which the latter depends. [L]

120. Explain how good scientific nomenclature and terminology are connected with the purposes of good cla.s.sification. [L]

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