Blackhole32 (translator) : So… I’m very sorry for the very late release. The entire team went MIA and the raw translation never been edited. As it is already 2 months after the last announcement, I’ve decided to release the raw translation of the whole volume. I hope you can enjoy!

[ 6 ] Eras never change human"s true nature

Translator : Blackhole32

A plain wide room unlike the luxurious appearance of the building"s exterior is the office room of Gawglai city"s governor. A man with the youth appearance becoming of middle age in azure suit is sitting on a wooden chair, reading reports from every department with solemn atmosphere.

With a knock, the door was opened by a staff in medieval aristocratic attire. "Sir, the governor of Foon Daeng Town- sir Sinbad, is wishing to meet you"

Young man in suit shifted his eyes from his reports and glanced at his empty desk, before he nodded and allowed the other party to come in. His reports were folded and kept in the desk for later appraisal.

The door was  closed before it was opened once again with a man wearing an ancient arabian head scarf coming in with a gloomy face. He"s the same person who announced the beginning of Red Sandworm Hunting Festival from the day ago or more commonly known as  Sinbad the famous Foon Daeng town"s governor.

He threw himself on the opposite chair from the wooden desk and sighed heavily. Both of them sat still without saying a word for a while, before the man in suit broke the silence.

"How"s your town, mister Sinbad?"

The pa.s.sionate voice in ancient-like accent like that of the narrator of the great novel created by a wise elderly writer is strengthening his appearance to be very intimidating when supported by his slim face, copper, shining deep irises contrasted with his slender long eyelashes, thick deep eyebrows and a prominent sharp nose. These elements driven whoever confronting him to be subconsciously remaining not to accidently being disrespectful to him. He"s the man who"s recognized as the greatest player of the pioneer era – Sorraphong.

Foon Daeng town"s governor, Sinbad, who has bushy beard but not as intimidated as the other party, sighed once again.

"My town had transformed from desert town to underwater town now, mister Sorraphong" He tried to maintain his humble tone of voice. Anyone who stands in front of the living legend would act respectful to him like this.

Foon Daeng city"s governor sigh for the third time and spoke in disheartened voice "I"ve underestimated the Red Sandworm King. Two meters thick stone that I used for the foundation of my town were completely destroyed. I"m really regret for not listening to your advices last time"

He remembered when he"s preparing the land for building the town. Sorraphong advised him that it"s necessary to use at least ten meters thick stones to be able to defend from the attack of the Red Sandworm King. But, placing a ten meters stones is not an easy work and it"s cost a very huge amount of funding, so he ignored that advice and placed two meters thick stones instead. Because two meters thick stone tiles can defend from common Red Sandworms, he thought he was right and being careless but his conceitedness was gone along with his town, it"s his fault for being too careless because he never saw the real monster like Sorraphong did.

"The Red Sandworm King burrowed into the well in the center of the town and reached the underground water source by digging the bottom of the well. The water had gushed out and drown the town in newly formed freshwater lake. More than that, there are too many new types of monsters I"ve never seen before, I don"t know how to deal with them right now. Every properties were drown in that lake and waiting for treasure raiders to steal them away… Until now, I still not understand why the Red Sandworm King that was gone for many years would appeared in the time like this"

Sorraphong leaned into his chair, thinking about the time when he advised the other party to build a town in the middle of desert for making it a journey resting point for anyone who have to cross this lengthy desert. If looking back for the beginning of the whole story, then he"s one who would bear a half of the blame. For Sinbad, he didn’t mind it that much; He"s got a lot of profit from this town anyway.

"I would like to ask you for your advice, mister Sorraphong. What should I do now?" Asked Sinbad who awkwardly glanced at him.

Sorraphong leaned forward, placed his elbows on the table and touching his lips while thinking "First mister Sinbad, I will send some of my soldiers to lookout and guard the lake, keeping the thieves away. Then your town"s residents who mostly died and resp.a.w.n or who seeking a refuge here, I"ve already prepared their temporary shelter so don"t worry about that"

Sorraphong had heard the news about the destruction of Foon Daeng city ten days ago. Many players who was killed by Red Sandworms and saved their sp.a.w.n point at Gawglai city are chaotically exchange their news. Every tavern in the city was filled and left some people out cold.

Sorraphong offered them to stay at abandoned houses in the city. He even send some scout to confirm the situation of where Foon Daeng town used to be for clearer overview. The report from the scout says that the whole town was flooded by the underground water and sank like what Sinbad said earlier. More important, the new various types of monsters are very strong.

He didn"t worried much about the treasure hunters as they"re mostly only have low combat skills if compared to the straight fighter. If compared the abilities of an average treasure hunter to the strength of the monsters in report, he still confident that no one could dive and steal the properties of the town that was in the bottom of the lake.

Yet, after the news was spreaded, people from faraway would come and see if these new monsters have anything they could make a profit off or not. This should be dealt with first more than anything else.

"I advise that you could build a new town next to the lake, change your policy from economic town to resort and experience grinder town instead"

Sinbad, who"s just lost his long history town, is still worrying about many things "I… Well, I agreed with what mister Sorraphong said; Making accommodations for anyone who come to come to find experiences here, opening weapon shop and repair shop, something like that. But… But I don"t have that much money left to build any town. At least, I must bring back my saving cashs before I could do anything"

"I will pay for you first, then you could paying me back later when you have recovered all your sunken treasures from the lake"

Sinbad was shocked "But, that would cost more than a thousand million coins!"

"I have that much of fund. But you must find the craftsmen on your own. You"re a man who has many connections, you could find some very easily, right?"

Sinbad hurriedly nods "That won"t be a problem! I will immediately contact my acquaintances"

"Mister Sinbad?" Sorraphong asked with serious tone.

"Yes, Sir!?" Sinbad accidentally called the other party by "Sir"

"I really wonder if you"re really happy being a governor who will have a ton of works like this? I still recalled your vivid life who hunted any treasures till the end of the world. Whether how dirty you are, your eyes will shine like stars. And look at you now"

The cheerful face Sinbad made suddenly darken once again.

"I just only try to find as much happiness as I could. The unbreakable wall I could never climb made me become myself nowaday. Then, please excuse my leave"

Sorraphong watched the other party hanging his head while walking out of the room. The unbreakable wall? The one who never even have a courage to try to climb this wall like him didn"t even has the rights to cheer the other party up or even complain. The sighing from the man who"s strong and intimidating making the atmosphere more depressing than the sigh from an ordinary people.

"Hey! What are you waiting for? Hurry up undress and come play with me, Gewalin!" Janeyuu"s voice came from a river.

Gewalin who didn"t much before now began to panic when she saw her friend unequipped her light armor and went floating above the dept of the river. When Janeyuu is entirely soaked, she just learned that her friend didn"t wear any underwear like herself. The wet clothes is sticking to Janeyuu"s skin, revealing curves of her body.

"Just hurry come down here. Clean your body and then we could find new clothes in the town"

Gewalin didn"t follow her into the rider but instead, she sat at the riverside, watching the young girl with many thoughts. In her era, a character in the game revealing its body or secret parts is considered immoral in the society, But the female character in many games has already revealed their bodies for a long times.

But when there"s no big deals was stirred before plus the society is half ignored this matters so there"s no real deal about it. When calculated everything since she just entered this game, she found out that the game has high level of violence and realistic.

"Yuu, can I ask something?" After being closer to Janeyuu, Gewalin began to referred the other party shorter as Yuu.


"Didn"t online games have any censorships about s.e.xuality?"

After hearing that, Janeyuu raised one of her eyebrows and asked "Haah? What are you, a rich girl from somewhere? Did you never plays online games?"

"This is my first game" She didn"t lied, This kind of online game is a new experience for her.

Janeyuu"s exclaimed in surprised "Really!? There"s still this kind of people around?"

"I just happened to be very ill and have to borrow a huge amount of money for my treatment. My mom has to go to the moon and repay the debts. If I did not play this game then I will have to eat the same meal for a total of three years" Gewalin explained the reason she plays this game to Janeyuu.

Janeyuu made a strange face to a strange reason from the other party and answered "This game is for people who reached their legal ages so there won"t be any censors around, But if it"s the game for anyone under sixteenth then there will still be censorships for them"

"Is sixteenth already a legal age!?" She asked in surprised.

But Janeyuu looks more astonished than her "Oi! What planet are you from!? Did you not really know that according to the law, everyone is in their legal age since sixteenth? The real person might be sixteen but who knows how many virtual worlds they have lived"

Gewalin followed the reason and agreed. If you have already lived in many virtual worlds then you would have many life experiences too.

"Ahh… What about… That "thing" in the game?"

When Janeyuu heard the question, she floated across the dept of the river and lie on her stomach and use her arm to support, smirking at Gewalin.

"And what of it hmm~? Or are you specially interested in this?"

She tried to tease Gewalin but when she saw the other party"s serious face with no glimpse of shyness, she gave up and straightforwardly answered.

"This is an adult game, fell into the category of life simulation game. Players can have s.e.xualized relationship if both of them agreed. But if there"s an intention to rape, they will be forced log out and sent to the jail in real world. Still, this case is really rare; the prison is really scary"

When she heard the answer, Gewalin can summarized a part way of life of people and society in this era. When there"s a technology to let people live longer parallelly to their real life, the dimension of people and society is too unavoidably changed.

Comparing a person living in normal time in the total of twenty years and a person living in real time ten years and in virtual world which is five times accelerated for another ten real years, their acc.u.mulated experienced won"t matched; the first person will have twenty years of life experience and the other will have a total of sixty years of life experience. Because of that, adult relationship in games like this isn"t strange as it"s just a part of living.

Gewalin thought and tied her brows, If an ordinary person began to live in the virtual world since ten years old until die in their sixtieth, that"s mean they would live for a total of two hundred fifty years in virtual worlds of five times time acceleration.

"If counting your times in virtual worlds… how old are you, Yuu?"

Janeyuu who"s enjoying her friend"s expression changes is a little flinched when she heard the question.

"Huh… If I"ve combined my times in the game and my real years then… maybe it"s thirty-five? I didn"t play much games"

"Thirty-five!?" Gewalin shrieked as the other party is even older than her.

"What are you shocking for? Aren"t you around the same age as me? This game make a character based on the age of the real person right? Ah… wait" Janeyuu seemed to recalled something.

"No no, I forgot that the times in the school is matched to the real world, I miscalculated the school times to flows six times faster like in the game … I think it"s the total of twenty-three years. Like I said, I didn"t played much games so my acc.u.mulated age is not that much"

Janeyuu"s answer leaded to another question.

"Why school times is matched to the real times? Isn"t making the school times faster than the real world is better? So we can study and have time to learn more?"

"Haah? What are you saying? To ask a strange question like this, did you not take the compulsory education?" Janeyuu asked with full of doubts.

"I have a problem with my brain. When I"ve finished my treatment, many parts of my memory are gone so I can"t remember many things" She thought she should learn this world more when she was just went out of the hospital.

Janeyuu nodded in understanding.

"We have to let the time in the school matched the real time because human"s brain needs time to archive the memories and understanding. If it was forced to study or learn with the speed more than normal, the brain would remember for a part of it and would be rapidly vanished in times. This online game too is the same case, if it not something very special and archive in your subconscious, you logged out for no more than a month and you"d forgot everything"

"Everything?" asked Gewalin.

Janeyuu got out of the water, sat next to Gewalin and used placed her arm around Gewalin"s neck.

"Everything, except for something or someone very important. Many people hoped to found someone who did not forget them after they"ve met in the virtual world. Many would suffer because people they remembered did not remembered them"

"How about you?" Gewalin turned her head and asked.

"I too hoped to found that important person of mine"

Janeyuu looked into Gewalin eyes and widely smiled, before she used her strong arm to wrap around Gewalin"s waist and lifted her up in the air, then threw her into the river, making a fountain of water and threw herself right after that.

An image of a person glowing in blue and orange light walking on the street is quite a bit weird. For a long time Gewalin only stays in her house on the mountain and hoping for the effect of the mushroom and lichen she was eaten would subside, but when only two week pa.s.sed, she"s too bored to staying still and more importantly, she"s being troubled to only let Janeyuu work in the city alone. So today, she decided to go to the city even though her body is still glowing in light. She"s trying to think that glowing is still better than illuminating of shining. Maybe, this matter won"t catch much attention from people.

"There"s a quest hiring labours to build a town on lakeside on the board for many past days. More than that, there"s also a quest hiring guards for the lake too. Which one catches your interest, lady muscular worker?"

Janeyuu used her both palms wrap around Gewalin"s upper arm, which is clearly have more bulk of muscles. Her muscle had widen and harden than before because she"s not doing anything other than training for almost half a month.

Gewalin pulled her arm back and showed her fangs "You have no rights to say that. Try remove your armors and you will see that you have more muscle than mine!"

"Hey hey. These muscles are born because the hero Janeyuu must fight the evil strong monsters! Who would be like you huh? Lifting, push ups, sit ups, pull ups, running day and night, Chopping the woods. What"s that haaa~h?"

"Aargh! Before I go to the real fight, I will have some preparation too!" Gewalin scratches her head to hide her embarra.s.sment.

"I was doubting how could you have level 28 but seeing you push ups? Everything is clear like a crystal … Well, let"s find a quest with something to fight on. Guarding the miners in the city might be good. Almost everyone are registering to be a lake guard now so the position of the mine guard is emptied. Your level is lower than 30, I think the concession owner won"t complain" Janeyuu"s already prepared the plan.

Gewalin, who didn"t actually have a real legit fight, is being a bit tense when she has to really fight a monster. (TL: Crabs fight count as one-sided bullying then?)

"What you would normally encountered in the mine?"

"Nothing much. This is still the beginning city where most players settled here. By the way, I"ve heard that it"s very difficult in the beginning; Game Masters have to fight the native monsters for months before they can set this city up"

"Wait wait wait, what do you mean by that? Why did the Game Master has to fight the monsters? City like this didn"t made along with the game?"

"That"s the new technology for you. I think they made this their selling point too, I still remembered their advertis.e.m.e.nt! … Er … what is it? Let me think a bit, there"s a lot of difficult words, I can"t remember well…"  Janeyuu tried to recover her memories for a while.

"That"s it! If it"s an ordinary game, the buildings, the livings and the stories would be already sat right? But this game will simulate a planet and stimulate the lives. Then after that, they inserted physics laws and some strange energy like magics and else. Then they let everything evolve on themselves. After time, they will send the pioneers to build the towns for an easy beginner starts. Then they could finally declare the opening of the game"

Gewalin was still a bit confused at first. But after she thinking about it seriously, she found that this might be something very important.

"That"s mean, this whole world is a simulator?"

"That"s right, why?" Janeyuu asked in curiosity.

"… I don"t know. I only knew there is something very important about this but it"s still unclear; I can"t put it in words"

"I you don"t know then just ignore it. Look, that"s the house of that vicious old man Chamcha. He likes to trick the newbies to collect the cabbages on his whole field and reward only fifty coins. There"re many beginners here so the cabbages are having good sale. You see? There"s nothing on field now" Janeyuu pointed at the empty cabbage field.

"Actually, I used to work for him. I collected the whole field and got only fifty coins like you said"

Janeyuu widen her eyes "Huh?! Really!? And how are you after that?"

"How am I? What do you mean? What would it be if I collected his cabbages? I got money for that"

"I mean, you didn"t beaten out?"

"Why would he has to beat me? I dug cabbages for him and he gave me the reward, that"s all"

"You didn"t angry about being lied to?" Janeyuu asked with more surprise.

"He didn"t lied to me? I already asked him how much would he paid for my labor"

"Haah? You know you will got only fifty coins but you still collect his cabbages the whole field!?"

Gewalin frown "Yeah, I didn"t even know how much fifty coins could buy at that time"

Janeyuu loudly laugh "Then you"re lucky! Normally, players who accepted that old man"s quest would be really angered for only being paid a little compared to the work. When they"re angry, they"d fight. That"s his most favorite moment. Seeing like that but he"s actually super strong! He beaten up many players like that to the ground. Sometimes the players are calling for other high level players to swarm him but even many level 40 players who are helping are ended up beaten up one-sidedly!"

Gewalin dropped her jaw "For real!? I can"t see he"s that strong!"

Janeyuu glanced at Chamcha"s house that they just pa.s.sed and spoke with a bit fear.

"It"d be strange if he"s not strong. That old man plays this game since the beginning and he didn"t even log out till now. I think he decided to die in this game"

"You still didn"t tell me what we have to encounter in the mine" Gewalin repeated her question.

"Nothing special. There"s blood-sucking bats, skeletons or some earth golem but rarely"

"And you could fight them easily?"

"It"s not difficult to fight. Bats are flying a bit fast but their attack didn"t do much damage, I"m even in full-armor so I could just throw my net and they"re done for. Skeletons are meh, most of them uses old bronze swords that could do nothing to me. But if it"s earth golems then that"s a bit difficult as they"re tough and attack with high damage but they"re slow; I normally just rapidly evade and cut their leg out each by each till they fall and I will cut their arms out, Other than that, the miners will use their pickaxes to tear them apart. These golems always gave materials so the miners don"t have any problem helping"

Then, both of them are stop talking until they reached the city, Janeyuu then said "So you will use that axe as your weapon? Do you want a new one? I"ve received much money so I could buy you one"

Gewalin threw the axe she used for a long time and is accustomed to in the air and caught it with her mechanical arm, then professionally swung it around.

"Nope, I like this one"

The city clearly has more people, and most of them are staring at Gewalin with surprises. Gewalin is not someone with strong face so she"d felt awkward from the eyes that are looking at her.

"Hey Yuu, Me glowing like this is that weird?" asked Gewalin.

"Very, especially in this Gawglai city.  But hey, don"t mind those eyes, it"s a waste of time. When they saw something slightly strange they would normally stare like this"

Even though she said it was a waste of the time, but being stared with strange eyes every places they is still making her felt awkward.

"There we are. I will talk with them. You wait outside"

Janeyuu brought Gewalin and stopped in front of a building with a crossed knives symbol in front of it. She went inside for a while and went out.

"Finished. Let"s go to the mine. The miners will follow there later. This time we got more reward too from eight hundred coins a day to a thousand coins because they can"t find anyone to hire"

"What is this place?" Gewalin asked while pointing at the front gate.

"This is Gawglai city for the beginners … If you mean this building then it"s an employment agency from the number-one hunter a.s.sociation, Gawglai city branch"

Janeyuu answered after she received the killer"s glare from the other party from her trolling in the first part of the conversation.

"In another word, that"s the agent who find people to works. Whoever want works they could come here. The hirer choose the payment and type of the work and then the a.s.sociation will measure the difficulty of the work and announce the quest. Temporary employee like us will take the quest and the a.s.sociation will get their agent payment in percentage from the original payment"

Janeyuu explained while they"re walking to the min in the mountain north from Gawglai city. The travel it nothing difficult because there"s a road connect two place together and the mine itself was made in an ordinary mountain, nothing special about it.

Waiting for almost half an hour, almost twenty miners are gradually appeared and then they all went into the mine with Janeyuu and Gewalin leading ahead.

Gewalin who"s about to has her first fight with the monsters is being too tense that Janeyuu would notice this. She lightly grip Gewalin"s shoulder.

"Don"t worry Gewalin. Your first time would be a little hurt but you will like it after a while"

Gewalin frown, looking into her friend"s eyes and wondering about the meaning of that.


Janeyuu expressionlessly looked at Gewalin"s face, Then laugh.

"Hahaha! You"re the one who"s lewd! What are you thinking about haah? Well, by the way, glowing human like you is really convenient huh; we need no torch to get in the way"

A sound of the pa.s.sing bat in from of the two stopped their conversation. Janeyuu readying her net from her inventory, aiming for a moment and threw the net out. A bat with the size of a palm was easily caught. She put it in the bag, put the bag in her inventory and shrugged at Gewalin.

"See? very easy"

Actually, the miners can easily deal with these flying rats but they can"t work if they have to be cautious about them, so they have to hire other people to work in this part.

After that, they didn"t found any more monster along their walk. All of them travelled through the tunnel that was reinforced by strong wooden poles till they reached the deepest part of the mine and the miners began their works. Some of them used their pickaxes to mine the rocks, some of them preparing poles and beams for supporting the walls and the tunnel that has to be mined deeper, Some placing the lantern to illuminate the place and there"s also someone who brought the minecarts for transporting the minerals too.

"We have to turn back a little. When the mining sound is louder, the skeletons would swarming the area, But when we dealt with it, then the rest will be easy" Janeyuu told Gewalin.

Both of them returned for just a little moment and the sound of rocks being cracked had begun. Janeyuu unsheathed her longsword, getting ready in the other side of the path.

"I will take care on the right, you deal with the one that slipped pa.s.s to the left. Aim for the legs before dissemble them. These skeletons aren"t that intelligent, muscular lady like you could do it easy-peasy"

Gewalin walked and stand next to Janeyuu, both of them is in a different fight stance; Janeyuu gripped the big sword with both hands. Her claymore has wide and heavy edges, the grip is long enough to steady gripped by two hands. The sword was highly pointed, her arm was leaned to her stomach, her right elbow was slightly tilted to the back of the sword and parallel to her face, her left shoulder slightly leaned forward, her knees are slightly bent. This is a perfectly correct combat stance of the knight templars in the crusade wars.

Gewalin"s stance is different, she didn"t have any combat experience prior to this so she decided to copy the combat stance from Thai swordsmen by lowering her body, bending her left knee to the front, her right leg was stretch to the back, both her arms are at the waist level and pointing her axe to the front. This stance has low center, suitable for moving in every direction. However, this stance is made for using sword, not an axe.

Janeyuu was baffled when she saw the stance like that for the first time, but players who plays this game has their own way to fight so there"s nothing special other than her curiosity.

For a short moment, the skeletons are appearing from pa.s.sage in front of them. It was holding a sword made from bronze with no reflection, old and rusted. They are making noises while trying to squeeze themselves through the tunnel.

"Maybe these skeletons are acc.u.mulated when the mine operation was stopped. We might have to work a little harder it seems" Janeyuu told while slightly leaning forward.

Gewalin"s heartbeats is so loud, it deafen all the noises made by the footsteps of more than ten skeletons that was slowly bustling in the pa.s.sage to attack the invaders of their dwellings. Comparing these skeletons to the one she encountered in the first dungeon, they seems far weaker than that. Other than the weapon that"s clearly worse, there"s only some rugged cloths to partially cover their grey old bones.

Janeyuu stepped forward and swung her big sword from high angle with both of her hands. The unfortunate skeleton who happened to be in front of the rest is smashed into pieces by the impact from the top to the bottom. Then she forcefully pulled her sword upward at the same time she stepped forward for another step and destroyed another skeleton and returned to her initial stance.

With the tension like the one without fighting experience, Gewalin swung her axe with all her might, aiming at the knee of the nearest skeleton. But using too much force has an unexpected result. Other than the skeleton"s leg was completely shattered, the axe was chopped into the rock below with sheer force.

With her unfortunate, her axe pierced through the mine"s floor and violently hit a kind of mineral under the rock. With its special characteristic, the mineral emitted heats rapidly after it was. .h.i.t.

The enormous force that the mineral was received was converted into a very high degrees of heat. The surrounding rocks that was covering it can"t hold the heat and melted into lava. Janeyuu that was standing slightly in the front could felt the abnormally high temperature in the air and the reddish yellow light on the back. But the enemies in front of her won"t let her lose her concentration to look. She still thought that Gewalin might ate something strange and glow again.

The skeleton that was attacked by Gewalin lose its leg and fell flat on the puddle of lava, it was rapidly burnt to nothing. Gewalin found that her steel axe that she used for a long time and its blade was never chipped was now melted to a liquid, dripping in front of her.

The mineral was converted all the force to heat in an instant and return to its initial state, a red crystal with no shine was left in a little puddle of lava that was made by itself.

Gewalin was sure that she could still use this axe but she was afraid that the molten metal that was still dripping would splattered to herself or Janeyuu so she has to throw the axe away and attack the skeletons with her mechanical arms instead.

With her heavily trained body, the skeletons couldn"t withstand her punch or chop for a slightest. When the third and fourth skeleton was easily defeated, gewalin moved to attack the other skeletons wildly.

Janeyuu dumbfoundedly watched Gewalin smashed the skeletons one by one. She saw that Gewalin was also received many counterattacks but it seems her friend didn"t care about those wound anymore.

Gewalin eyes are bloodshed, engulfed in her bloodthirst and lose herself. She only think about destroy her enemy as fast as possible, as much as possible, as fierce and decisively as possible. When she notice it, she was now shook by Janeyuu who"s shouting her name in her ear.

Gewalin found herself standing, panting fast, heart beats fast, eyes widen and staring at Janeyuu who"s showing the face of absolute concern. Around her are filled with piles of what used to be the skeletons shattered around the tunnel. There"s still the wound around her body that was still bleeding too.

"Gewalin, What is your name!" Janeyuu has to shake and shout to her once again to call for her consciousness after there was still no respond from her friend.

"… Is-… No, that"s not it. My name, is  Gewalin" Gewalin violently shook her head to regain her senses before she fell to her knee, trying to breath deep and slow as much as possible.

When she saw the other party had regained her conscious, Janeyuu sighed in relief and examine the area. She walked to a small puddle of lava that its surface was cooled down a bit and was a little harden, then used the tip of her sword to poke the red dull crystal out of the puddle and hold it in her hand with no hesitation, showing that she knew what this crystal might be.

Janeyuu glance at molten and deformed axe before sitting next to Gewalin.

"You know, what you did earlier could totally put those who called themselves a berserker in to their shame now"

Gewalin used her left palm to press her temples and heavily sighed.

"Sorry, I was too agitated"

"You don"t say? I know that by just looking, everyone when they experienced something like this are the same. But your case seems severe … Actually I"m not really believed about what you said that you never played an online game before. But to see something like this, I have no choice but to believed. I don"t think you even played offline games before too now"

Gewalin silently hugged her knees. The realistic of everything is too much and she could no longer hold on believing that everything that happened was just a game, just artificial brain signals made by hi-tech computer, she just couldn"t.

"Do you know what is this?" Janeyuu tried to get her friend"s attention

Gewalin looked up to the red dull crystal that the other party was showing.


"This is the mineral you just hit earlier, right?, it couldn"t be wrong. Its official name is h.e.l.l"s core"

"h.e.l.l"s core" Gewalin look at the rough red dull crystal with a scary name in curiosity.

"This is a rare mineral. If you hit it very hard, it will emit the heat. Harder you hit, higher the heat emitted. Do you know how much this size cost?"

Gewalin shook her head as her answer.

"Three thousand million coins"

"Three thousand million coins!" Gewalin exclaimed in surprise.

Janeyuu placed that small h.e.l.l"s core on Gewalin"s left hand and steadily look into her eyes. "What will you do about this thing?"

Gewalin looked into the other party"s eyes before diverted her eyes to look at the extremely expensive item in her palm. "How did this kind of thing could be in a mine near the beginner"s city like this? Wouldn"t it be in a super hard dungeon or a secret dungeon or was protected by a G.o.dly monsters like that?"

"This game was just like this. Everything aren"t planned or directed. There"s the thing that you said too, but this one is natural. I don"t know and care how did it was here, but you who coincidentally found it is what I call a fate"

"How did it was this expensive?" Asked Gewalin.

"It could do many things. But the most important case is to make a weapon by using it as an ingredient. Try imagine a sword that could emit a heat that could melt the rock or a spearhead that could make a heat to pierce through almost everything. Even a level 28 player like you could melt the rocks to lava, wouldn"t those G.o.dlike players release a beam of laser from it?"

"Ummm … If there"s a price for this then someone has found this before?"

Janeyuu pushed Gewalin"s head "Wasn"t it obvious you idiot? If there"s no one found it, how would it has this name?"

Gewalin laughed.

"Eh, right" Then she grabbed Janeyuu"s hand and forcefully push the h.e.l.l"s core inside her palm.

"You have this then"

"What? Why would you give this to me? You"re the one who found it! But I won"t complain if you would sell it and give some to me" Janeyuu said while trying to push it back but Gewalin didn"t accepted.

"I just want to give it to you. If you didn"t receive it, I"d be very sad!" Said Gewalin.

Janeyuu"s jaw was dropped. Who on earth would easily give a thousand million cost of money to other?

"How about I used it as marriage portion?" Gewalin teased Janeyuu, but she didn"t expect the other party would intensely stare into her eyes and shining in a strange deep feeling.

Janeyuu put the h.e.l.l"s core into her inventory and spoke while smiling "Alrigh~t, Marriage portion righ~t?"

"Wait wait wait wait wait, I just kidding, I just kidding! You didn"t think anything too far ,right?"

Gewalin followed her friend who"s looting the skeletons and panicky spoke.

"Nooo~o! What is thi~s? To gave me a marriage portion of a thousand million like this, I will absolutely love you, righ~t?" Janeyuu answered with stretching tone while looting the stuffs nonstop.

"Hey! Wait a moment, where are you going!?" Gewalin half walk and half run to followed the other party who"s finished looting everything and striding to regroup with the miners.

"To guard the miners, dear. The skeletons will only appear once so we would only be vigilance to the golem the miners might found and that"s all"

Gewalin hurriedly followed her friend who"s vanished in a corner of the pa.s.sage.

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