Chapter 15 - Pessimist"s Football

I returned back to my own group after helping others, and waiting for me was delicious paella made by Tenjuin-san.

It has moderate amount of salt with paprika and zucchini in it making it colorful. It turned out to be extremely delicious. Multi-talented super cla.s.s representative, who appropriately prepared an ap.r.o.n for the trip. But it doesn"t end here.

Right after I and Komatsu-kun returned, she gave us the paper plates saying,

– Good work, you two

– Th-, Thank you…

With a slight smile she made a comment that can be easily replied to by gloomy guys.

Whoa, whoa, aren"t you perfect?
With this, the chat can be finished with a casual reply, so I can feel easy.
The fact that rather than getting kindness as big as an ocean, it is more comfortable for loners to receive just enough concern, is not well-known in the world.

After receiving my portion, I sat at the edge of the blanket to eat.
With three girls of our group having a friendly chat behind me, I was checking out other groups of our cla.s.s.

I got a little tired. Or should I say body feeling heavy is characteristic of school events.

There is a s.p.a.ce between me and Komatsu-kun, because if I speak with him now, my weariness will acc.u.mulate. My brains are tormented even when I speak with people I know, but today in particular, I had too many of what I would call almost first meetings.
Anxiety, that weighs on the back in its entirety at times like this, is the painful part of a pessimistic person"s existence.

Well, I will just think that cla.s.s representative"s paella was worth it.

…I continued idly gazing what was in front of me.

Under blue sky, clear air. Smell of wet earth.
I let all of the clamor created by loud voices of my cla.s.smates pa.s.s by my ears.
There was a good atmosphere. I didn"t dislike it. As long as I wasn"t part of it.

Haa… What should I do after lunch?

It may be called a group, but we are only cooperating for lunch. After it is the free time.
Honestly, I have absolutely no plans… Should I find a bench somewhere and study alone? Luckily I have vocabulary flashcards with me.

Above all, I felt a bit like returning to the usual me, but…

There is a girl who can magically sense loner"s subtleties.
A girl who is not kind nor considerate, but is just like a natural disaster.

My shoulder was suddenly rubbed by a soft hand. Startled, I turned around,

– Ehehe, thank you for your efforts earlier♪ Are you… tired a little?

Yes, but you know, your existence itself is the main cause of my fatigue!

Tachibana Karen was ma.s.saging my shoulders with her whole face smiling.
It"s good that she"s happy, but my shoulders are usually not touched by anyone, so I was really surprised… Also, her long blonde hairs are touching the nape of my neck, so I want her to let me go… But I just turned around.

– What are you doing? My heart will go bad.

– Those guys, weren"t that bad, right?

– They were normal, I guess…

Wasn"t stuff like this only for the times when we are alone?
Or is her way of paying attention to the surroundings is shown by whispering?

However, just earlier it was confirmed that we were seen.
See, isn"t Komatsu-kun glancing here? I also feel two girls" gazes on my back, I feel as if my limbs are getting tied. Oh school trip, please end faster.

Tachibana finally released my shoulders and sat near me.
It appears that she is in unusual happy mode. Showing her teeth, she grinned.

– As expected, you"re good at taking care of others. Like going to help others in that situation.

– It"s not like that. It"s just that there was nothing to do after I started the fire for our group.

– If bookworm befriends Suguru and others, I could smoothly join too, right? In cla.s.sroom or other places.

Thanks to listening to Tachibana, I now know that cool one is called Ogino Suguru, while noisy one is called Iidzuka Shouta. Apparently, they are the only members of the football club from our cla.s.s.
… Somehow, today is full of new names.
I have confidence in forgetting them all tomorrow, seriously.

– So… if it turns out like that, wouldn"t you triumph over the boys who badmouthed you?

– You still care about that? Just forget about it.

Clenching her fist, Tachibana pressed it onto my upper arm.
As if saying "absolutely not" she laughed - Nihihi

But I… don"t think that Okamurkun and gang are especially bad or anything.
They are not worse nor better than others. I have my own problems too. It is true that I only study without a care about others, and it is natural that there will be people displeased by it.

A small conflict like that, I"m certain that it was not the first in our cla.s.s.

Still, for some reason, this girl is strangely supporting me.
In that case, what makes her do it? I"ve been trying to guess it for a long time, but I still don"t have anything resembling an answer.

Just because I help her with studies? Just that, really?
But apart from that, have I done anything?
Depending on the situation, there was enough possibility for Tachibana and her friends to hate me.

Somehow, being with this girl, I am too occupied with being embarra.s.sed, being melancholic or reading too much into things.

While we were idly spending time,

– Yo, merry couple.

Smoothly approaching us, was the football club pair from before.
Ogino, the cool one, kicked the ball in our direction and I received it semi-confused.

– …Nice catch

– Hey, Ichijou-kun, let"s play football! Komatsu-kun too!

Iidzuka, the noisy one, had an innocent look to him. Rather than a football player, he looks more like a baseball boy. Speech-wise, it sounds more like an invitation to baseball too.

Baffled, Komatsu-kun and I looked at each other.
Why us? Guessing what we wanted to say, Ogino shrugged his shoulders.

– Other guys went to play baseball. Besides, having two more is just right. As a… thanks for earlier?

– Playing football together as thanks? Haha, what"s that…

Tachibana, who standing near me, poked my back and smiled as if saying "You should just go!"

Well… It"s easier than having to chat with a girl like this…
It wasn"t so bad that I would refuse to play. I didn"t have anything to do anyway.

There was a big gravel field in this park. Looking around I could see people playing catch or kicking the ball like us, various types of games. Nevertheless, there is a sports ground at school, so they are doing the same thing as usual.
What was truly not usual, was that a pair of loners like us were about to play sports game during free time.

Two on two game.
Obviously, as the other party had two football club members, we mixed the teams.
Me and Ogino, Komatsu-kun and Iidzuka. It may be called football, but we just put cones to designate the goals.

Before the game started, Ogino, who was walking by, whispered

– Ichijou, you have to show Karen something good.

Haa, I made a puzzled face. Isn"t it just football. Ah.
Looking carefully, aren"t that Tachibana and the other two standing at the edge of the field and looking here? I can see the complacent smile on the face of that blonde girl from here.

– … Stop making weird misunderstandings. Let"s quickly start.

– Come on, don"t be angry. Didn"t you two get along very well just now? Tell me what kind of interactions you have next time, okay?

– Oi, just play football. I"ll go back if you don"t stop.

– Sure, sure, lol

I just ran without thinking.
With intention of speeding up my digestion and forgetting about all troubles, I continued running for several tens of minutes.

It has to be said that both Komatsu-kun and I suck.
I can"t decently run with the ball, so whenever I have it, the first thing I think of is giving pa.s.s in one touch. If I can receive the ball at a good position, I"ll try to shoot. It"s doesn"t get inside though.

It was supposed to be like this…

– Bookworm, go for iiit!

Ugh, so annoying. Cheer the other guys!

However, while I was grumbling in my mind, I felt like my body got lighter.
I concentrated for once. I became unusually fired up.

Considering I couldn"t do anything in the offense, I started running when the opponent had the ball.
And when Iidzuka made a shot and the ball was rolling towards the goal, I started running before even thinking.

s.h.i.t, make it! Make it!

Judging that I won"t make it on time, I threw out my leg. I grandly threw my body on the gravel. I tried intercepting the ball with a slide, but the ball pa.s.sed several centimeters away from my foot and went between the cones.

Haa… What am I trying so desperately for?
So foolish…

Lying on top of the dirty sand, I was only looking at the dark blue sky

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