Chapter 34 - XX for a Day ①

I wonder just how much time has pa.s.sed since I couldn"t call myself a loner anymore.

『Hey, hey, bookworm. Won"t you teach me today as well? 』

One day, blonde gyaru of our cla.s.s - Tachibana Karen, has asked me to teach her.
Though it would simply end as an irregular matter if that was all. Anyhow, the other party is at fault. Thus began a storm-like spring.

Inside the library, we would always sit on two chairs next to each other.
Without fail, she would have a smiling face and I would have a frown on mine. Somehow, I would become her playmate every day.

『Hey, hey, bookworm. Don"t be so scared, virgin♪』
Sitting next to me and poking me in the cheek or side, disturbing me from studies,

『You can"t turn away. Please, don"t be cold to me…』
Not letting me look away and holding my chin with her soft hand,

『You know, after all, I cannot accept it. Even if you will feel annoyed, I"m planning to do something about it. About how you are treated in cla.s.s. 』
on the contrary, getting angry for someone like me.

Even though I was ignored in the cla.s.s, thanks to the queen of normies of the cla.s.s Tachibana, I ended up normally communicating with various guys. Loner Wall that I have been desperately building for a very long time was demolished and now there are even no traces left of it.

Like that, blonde girl"s teasing continued day after day.
How soon will she lose interest in it? Just what is so funny? While I was pondering like that, only time pa.s.sed by.

I"m not happy or anything, I"m just being played with.
I have been always telling myself so.

I wonder why? Just because I haven"t been teased for several days, my chest feels painful and impatience is getting worse.
Thinking about it, I could have refused her after all. But I didn"t.
Why? If I felt seriously reluctant, it would be conveyed to her. At times like that, Tachibana apologizes, looking really sad.

『Sorry, I was being too annoying……Really……I"m sorry…………』

Just how can you refuse such a girl?
Are there other women as unfair as her?
In the end, I can only let her play until she gets tired.

And for this reason, first Sunday of the summer vacation.
When I first saw Tachibana"s face, I was startled. Something felt different from usual.

– Ah, you finally came…

Our meeting place - train station square in the morning.
Her grinning face she normally shows right after we meet, today I couldn"t see it.
And for a moment, I even had an anxious thought. By some chance, have I done something wrong? However, I immediately realized that it was a needless anxiety.

She relaxed her face as if relieved, and even her eyes were slightly wet.
What, is she actually… happy?

– Jun…

Stop, don"t call me by my first name. Don"t look at me with that sort of face.
Cheer up. Isn"t it alright to grin and say just as usual. "You felt lonely not being able to meet me, didn"t you?" or something.
If you do that, I can answer you "Not really…" with a flushed face.

Today, Tachibana wears a thin white blouse with lace and short black skirt.
Her long bare feet exposed under the high blue sky, her abundant hair l.u.s.trous. Her skin white as if transparent just like always. And if she smiled pleasantly, that smile would seem shinier than even the sun up above.

Before getting near, she ran over with her heels clacking. Comparing with our first date, we"re very close even when standing face to face.

– I"ve been waiting so much…

– Hmm, you"re on time, more or less

– Not that… I haven"t met you for so long. It was so tough…

… That"s not good.
When we actually meet like this, all of the things I worried about by myself become stupid.
When this girl"s feelings are conveyed through her facial expressions, I realize that I was lonely as well. Feeling comfortable and calm, I unconsciously let my face relax.

– Hha, look at you. For so long, we haven"t met for only three days.

– Three days is too long. Appear before me every day. It"s not enough at all…

By some chance, do I have the same exact feeling…?
It"s not like I"m going to run away anywhere. I wanted to immediately let her have a peace of mind.

– Well, um, if you are truly lonely…

Seeing her disheartened and appealing look, I stuck my hand out without thinking.
… Am I and idiot? Did I think that Tachibana would hold it?
What"s more, such a cheesy line crossing my mind…

– If you feel lonely, I guess it okay to call me whenever you want. If you"re okay with me, I"ll come flying to you. I mean, for you, who helped me so, I would do that much, um…

– Ya, idiot… What are you saying all of a sudden…?

– Ugh, correction. I"ve said a bit too much…

– Noope, I"ve already heard that. I"ll call you a lot, all through the summer vacation…

Blonde girl suddenly drew near and… Not at all holding my stretched hand, she tightly pressed her body to my arm. It seems like she finally got back to good mood. She started poking my cheek with a usual grin on her face.

Boiling-up embarra.s.sment increased blood circulation around my face.

Clinging like this in a place where all the pa.s.sers-by can see…
In the eyes of strangers, our relationship is certainly suspicious for no reason…

– Jun"s red face, it"s sooo cute. Are you feeling shy yourself after saying something so embarra.s.sing?

– … I regret it.

– Hey, we"re immediately having a date even though summer vacation has only started. … Why is that so?

Tachibana"s skin is rubbing my arm right in the center of the central part of the town.
The more the softness of her body was felt, the more color of shyness was mixed into Tachibana"s playful face. Even within the midsummer heat, what moves along the skin is cold sweat.

Uh, this… As expected……

– Hey, hey? Just why are we having a date?

– … Be-, because I promised

– Hmm? What kind of promise…?

– You, you want me to say it now? Please stop, am I not doing as I promised…

– Noope. I want to hear it one more time…

Well, actually, there was a rule to the date today.
Crux of the matter is that I bet on the tests results and I lost. Originally, there was an agreement that the one who lost by total marks would grant one wish to the one who won. However,

『Is it okay? Normally, I will win. I"m okay if you can win in just one subject』

That is to say, I"m getting my just deserts.
Tachibana has commendably triumphed over me in national language.
Although I was the one who taught her, I was also the one who lost.
It is unclear if I am happy or frustrated, but Tachibana"s request was merciless.

– That is, um… Be-, because I am your boyfriend. Just for one day. d.a.m.n, just why do I have to do such a thing…

… I want to image Tachibana"s face in the usual library when she told me her request.

『… First Sunday of summer vacation, leave it free okay? For one day… For just one day. Become my real boyfriend』
『Ehehe, penalty game♪ I"ll make you fall madly in love on our next date…』

Penalty is a date as a boyfriend.
I"m not… happy or anything. The more I tell myself so, the more the girl before my eyes smiles. You, really have a nice personality.

– Jun, you don"t seem to be reluctant at all though?

– Despite me desperately teaching you, this treatment…

– Ehehe, thank you… okay?

– Humph, what"s with this "Thaaank you"! Always, always teasing the bookworm, is it that much enjoyable…?

– You know, I"ll let you make today the most enjoyable day until now. My boyfriend-san for a day♪

– Uugh, you"re going too far. Bookworm girl…

I haven"t met Tachibana for three days. Something in my chest flicked because of that.
Meeting me makes her so happy … c.r.a.p. Soon, I"ll end up admitting. That I am unbelievably happy being together with Tachibana.

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