Chapter 46 - Lovey-dovey hug friends

The backside of the building was dark, but even on a night with nothing but moonlight, Tachibana Karen"s figure stands out.
Right now it is a figure in a white T-shirt, so tight that it clings to the body. It seems like the heat from coming right after bath on to me just from watching.

And then, thinking of the pathetic gloomy guy who was dragged by his wrist and pulled to the wall surrounding the bath-house. If it was the time when we first met, I would freak out, thinking that it was a case of money extortion, but I can no longer see myself as that sort of a target.

The girl closest to me in the school.
Girl who I"m a bit interested in even now. Just how interested am I?
When my heart can"t stop beating rapidly from meeting her after having stopped contacting each other for about 10 days, just how should this interested be called?

– Hey, Jun…? What, are you getting nervous from meeting me again?

Blonde girl grinned just like usual and whispered.
Tachibana Karen, who is so disappointingly just like always, is right before my eyes. Even though she nervously looked away when our eyes met in the evening… it looks as if she has gotten over it.
Right now, she is continuously closing the distance between us, so my back is about to get stuck to the wall.

Yeah, this is it. This provocative smile.
The itchy feeling that I was starting to forget has been restored.

However, this situation…

– What"s the matter, Tachibana? So suddenly…

– And what is the matter with you…? Acting awkwardly all this while, being silent…

– Because, that is… That matter from before…

Nervous, I stopped talking.
Happy from meeting her and feeling as if my heart was jumping. Feeling my blood freeze when she called me by my first name in front of everyone.
Almost wriggling as I recalled the kiss from before.

She probably read my mind, how everything inside me was in chaos.
Giving up the usual smile, Tachibana made an apologetic gloomy face. It appears that after all, she was forcing it.

– Sorry, it"s a lie… In truth, I wanted to properly apologize…

The girl looked down and lightly pulled my sleeve. And still looking down, she stuck her head against my chest with a
Even though she gripped my hand without any hesitation just a little earlier.
I wonder when was the last time when she was touching me so moderately like this? Feeling as if the distance between us increased, I started feeling down.

– Apologizing, for what…

– My first kiss… I forced it on Jun…

– Tachibana…

…… In truth, I have known from the start. That all I was doing was running away for a long while.

I was rejected. The rejected one is me.
Everything becomes convenient when I think like that. But… it"s wrong.

"Chu… Jun…"

On the way home on that day, park in the night.
In truth, how she forced it, I remember all of it. However, I couldn"t accept that thought, lightly squirming at the rear of my head. I thought that the more we were together, the more she would find out what a pathetic guy I am. Thought that, wouldn"t I get betrayed?

I, was scared.

– Sob…

Tachibana"s head trembled on top of my chest. She is desperately holding back her tears.

– Jun… Forgive me. Please don"t hate me… Uu…

Please don"t hate me…
Just how touching is such a very frank feeling? My legs started shaking little by little, my hands hung in the air as I couldn"t find a place for them.

I can no longer be a nice plaything.
It is not simply letting her tease me and play with me anymore.
But at the same time, I have to treasure the feeling of excitement that I can sense in her. I have to simply… face it. No matter how much time it may take.

A girl close to me.
I"m so interested in her, she even appears in my dreams.
Most likely… in this small world of mine, she is the most important being of the opposite s.e.x.

– Fufu…

Determination calmed down my chest.
My voice is trembling, but I put my hand on Tachibana"s shoulder as it was. As she slowly raised her head, she questioningly stared at me with wet eyes.

– Jun…?

– Have you heard? They say that I, was rejected by Tachibana. Sounds terrible, right… Haha

– That"s a lie… A lie…!

– You don"t have to worry

– Eh…?

Tomorrow will be lively for sure.
That I have something with her, everyone might find out at last. But still, I wonder why? Even though previously, I have thought that world would probably end if that happens.

– That is… About the first kiss, I forgive you. Let"s go to that test of courage together…

– No way, really…? Here, this is my ribbon…

– No. The moment when you give it has to be shown in front of the whole cla.s.s…

– But Jun, is it okay to make it known…? Our, lovey-dovey feeling…

– Ugh… Lovey-dovey, it"s rather embarra.s.sing deliberately saying like that, or should I say I can"t clearly define it, but well, it is that kind of feeling…

– Will you, make up with me…?

– …From the start, it"s not like I have been angry. I felt awkward, but… I didn"t hate you or anything

– Ehehe, making up with Jun…♪

The usual smile returned to the girl"s face.
And as her thin arm hugged me, I once again felt the warmth that I"m still not used to. With a still trembling hand, I similarly crawled my hand to her delicate back.

– Make up hug…♪

– Uh… That is… Make up hug

– Hey…? We, just what are we…?

– I don"t know… Hug friends…?

– That, sounds good… Lovey-dovey hug friends…

– Oi, why did you add lovey-dovey…

Lightly dressed… Tachibana"s appearance in a T-shirt and jersey.
I can feel a moist warmth coming from the soft body. With my back pressed against the wall, tension in my body was only amplified, but now that we have made up, there is no mercy for me.

– After all, it"s so good… It"s too good, Jun…

As our bodies rubbed against each other, a cheerful feeling was rising from the bottom of my stomach.

Surely, this is… happiness.
That is the name of the itchiness that I felt every time Tachibana touched me. It doesn"t seem that I can bear this excessive happiness. Moreover, I guiltily wonder if it is okay for someone like me to taste this feeling?

– He-, hey, it"s about time we…

– Nooope. You don"t have to hold back Jun, it"s fine to be more greedy♪

– I"m running out of breath. I"ll die…

– Well, I"ll follow you to the grave then…

– What do you, mean…

– Isn"t it lonely by yourself…?

My lovey-dovey hug friend has naughtily shown her teeth.
It seems like it is fun playing with the pitiful bookworm, who was rejected by heroine of the cla.s.s. Just when I thought of the tousled abundant blonde hair by my chest, she looked up with a challenging grin on her face.

A short time later, she put her ear against the left side of my chest placing the weight of her head.
She breathed out as though she relaxed. A whisper came out just like a sleeping breath. As I noticed, my hand was carefully combing her blonde hair.

– I"ll make Jun, the prince of the cla.s.s… I stole your kiss, so take it as an apology, okay?

It"s not like I want some apology.
How I said that I forgive you is an method as well. Even though there is no need to worry about that…

– It appears that there are many guys who are aiming for Tachibana. Tomorrow, everyone will certainly try to show you their good points.

– I don"t caaare. This ribbon, I"ll tie it to Jun in front of everyone…

– It"s a fixed game, huh, humph… What a farce…

– Hey? Hug, feels so good…

– Umm, Me too…… very good

Hugging with Tachibana, I like it.
It is still early to say that. I still need just a little bit.
My thoughts regarding her, I have to further sort them. Without putting on airs, so that I can properly put everything into words in front of everyone.

Even though it was a night when I just got out of the bath, my back was drenched in sweat.

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