Chapter 37 - XX for a Day ④

– Look, like I thought, on that side… isn"t that Karen?

I could see a group of people, who appeared to be our cla.s.smates, at the entrance.
Fortunately, we were hidden behind a pillar, but all of them were familiar faces. Hyodou, Tenjuin and several other people… coming here!

Which reminds me, wasn"t there an announcement about shopping for swimsuits as a cla.s.s or something on the smartphone the other day? Although I have completely forgotten, if only I have borne it in mind, it could have been expected…

And then, there is this one-day girlfriend in a swimsuit near me.

If anybody saw just the two of us being so flimsy, there would be a big scandal. Just a glance at us doing something like choosing a swimsuit at such a place and they will guess all sorts of truths and lies. Rumors will immediately spread just from this girl having a boyfriend, not to mention that the likes of me is the other party…

I turned Tachibana"s way at once.
She has an impish grin and it seems she is in good spirits from looking at my fl.u.s.tered state. Grabbing my withdrawing left hand, she was asking something with her eyes only.

"Leave it to me? You don"t want this to be exposed to everyone, right…?"

Eei, what do I care… Everything will be on display if I stand still like this anyway.
As a result of instantaneous decision, I stopped resisting. And the destination where I was pulled to by Tachibana just like that, was… inside the dressing room. She tossed me into the room and quickly drew the curtain behind.

Hmm… Ain"t this a good idea? I felt relieved.
However, that was a brief feeling. Unexpectedly, this girl"s plan is not merely on the level of imp.

Even though there is enough s.p.a.ce for two people between the curtain and the mirror, for some reason, Tachibana is slowly and steadily getting closer to me.

– Wh-, what…?

If I make one step back, she makes one step forward.
By the time I noticed, I was already cornered to the edge of the small and dark room. Don, the girl in a swimsuit placed her right hand on the wall behind me near my back.

Fuee… New method of doing kabedon…1
Although I have been panicking just earlier even without this, today this girl is beyond merciless.

Yeah, it"s like this. My dear cla.s.smates, after all, please come and be a nuisance! TDAH! n.o.bODY EXPECTS THE SPANISH INQUISITION!!2 Something like that. Please turn this scene into a pure gag …!

Still, today is the day nothing will happen conveniently.
A suspicious smile appeared on her red and white face mixed with shyness.

– Ehehe, now we"re alone… n.o.body can see us…

Close enough to feel the rhythm of each other"s breath.
Moreover, right now… blonde girl is a girl in swimsuit. Currently, most of her bare skin can be seen.

I, who was resolved to bring my natural status of a virgin straight to the grave, was giving an emergency order to my whole body to not touch her, but… there"s nothing I can do as there is no more s.p.a.ce to step back.

– Today, you were kind… If you treat me like that, I will misunderstand, you know?

– About that. I just got caught up in the moment, it is already, if you like, close to being my dark past…

– No, it"s okay… Stuff like just now, I like it so much…

White captivating skin is right before my eyes and I can directly feel her heat.
Feeling the distance shorten even more than earlier, I tried to keep my composure. But it didn"t go well at all. I feel as if I will swallow my breath and choke.

– Hey, stay away… Isn"t there enough s.p.a.ce here…

It seems she completely expected my hasty response. With a satisfied grin she whispered in a low voice,

– Shh… Us being lovey-dovey, it"ll get leaked to everyone.

When I tried to voice my objection once more, she covered my mouth with her palm.
Bringing her beautiful face close… gentle breath hit the side of my face.

– Huh? I"m sure I have seen Karen-like blonde hair.

Hyoudou"s voice came from the other side of the curtain.
While we kept our voices down ­— even though our appearances are hidden and there is no need for this — both of us tried to make our bodies smaller. We stood like that for a short while. Until the presence outside has disappeared, I was listening to the noise outside with Tachibana"s soft hand still covering my mouth.

At long last the surrounding noise has disappeared. And then silently.
Her whisper gently brushed my ear.

– My, my, now this is bad… A boy got into such a place.

– It, it was you who pulled me in!

– That"s right… I"ve let my boyfriend in ♪ We"re doing something bad together…

She probably sensed that I was planning to stubbornly resist. She suddenly grabbed my right hand with her left.
Because of that, I have once again felt rough breathing next to my ear.

– No… You can"t struggle. Here"s the punishment for a bad person♪ Mn…

My left ear has been… chomp, bitten in a playful manner.
A numbing feeling has spread through my whole body as if melting.

Still, it was not the end of her pursuit.
Even though we are already at the point-blank range, Tachibana has made one more step forward. Like that, I was plastered between her and the wall with absolutely no s.p.a.ce between either. With our legs entwined, warmth of her bare skin pa.s.sed through my clothes…
My body, still from nervousness, was crushed by the softness of the young lady.

I feel dizzy and it feels like my brain will explode just like a tomato.
My cheek took the fire once more.

– Mn, chu… This, I like it…… Chu…

– S-, sto-…

– Jun, don"t hold back… Don"t be shy, won"t you earnestly love your girlfriend?

Ha, haaaaaa. Seriously… This, this is a dead end…

– Mn… Chu

Tachibana"s lips remained on my skin.
This time, she did not separate right away and let out her breath there for several seconds. Comfortably.
With my embarra.s.sment growing so strong that I could feel the silence in the room, I swiftly rubbed my back against the wall and my b.u.t.t landed on the floor.

I"m not sure if I will be able to look her in the eye from tomorrow onwards.
Most likely, I will recall today"s matters if our eyes meet just once and I"ll die from itchy feeling in my chest.
Despite it being pathetic, I have let out a voice of surrender.

– Idiot. This is too much.

… But naturally, one-day girlfriend couldn"t care less.
Tachibana squatted in front of me as well and with a "Nihihi" met my eyes with a mischievous look. As if conscious of the embarra.s.sing things she has done, she is indeed holding a hand at her nape with a seemingly wry smile, but… it"s so fake.

– You called me cute, I was so happy… Ehehe… Reward♪

– Hey, it seems they have gone already. Let"s go out…

– No… Away from prying eyes, it is something like this. Don"t I have to hold myself back outside?

– … You, has that been how you hold yourself back?

– Have I failed…?

Tachibana quietly sat next to me, clasped my hand and brought her body closer.
Her uncovered shoulder touched my arm. As I felt bare skin, I wanted to separate myself from her right away, but the blonde girl didn"t give up and followed right after me.

– You know, we"re going to get busted sooner or later. We do get along so much. I don"t want to control myself anymore. In truth, it is tough. That is why, I want to be lovey-dovey while I can. I want to save up some lovey-dovey. It"s so lonely at home…

Similar to the time when she was hugging my arm on the bench… she placed her head on my shoulder, so her soft hair touched my nape.

Girlfriend… My, girlfriend……?
Tachibana Karen, just like a genuine lover… No, probably, she behaves three times more intensive of how she behaves on average. My disordered breath and the sound of violently beating heart, she is certainly aware of both.

– Right now, is perhaps the most enjoyable time of my life… Thanks to the kind boyfriend-kun, I"ve thoroughly become a normie… Ehehe

– Humph, weren"t you a normie from the beginning

– No, that"s not true…

With hugging getting stronger, time spent in silence increased.
Little by little, it became awkward.
Inside the small dark room, just the two of us…

– I"ll turn Jun into a normie too. Isn"t it summer holiday after all? You understand, right?

– Not a thing! Summer holiday is about idling about at home alone…

– Dummy. If you are alone, am I not alone as well? If I am to be a normie, it has to be together with Jun… I want to become normies together…

The certain matter is that from tomorrow onwards, very likely, we won"t be able to stay as just friends.
Even after this ridiculous conversation, I still think of her as an important person.
Tachibana as well, just now was probably… how she thought that I would be happy. The way she bit my ear was extremely sweet and soft.

Cute. Extremely cute.
I admit. That I am immensely happy. That I get along with Tachibana right now, it is inevitable that I am happy about it.

I wonder if it is because I have suddenly noticed this thought of mine?
I wanted to treat her kindly much more. To add up, I had a feeling that Tachibana"s feelings have been faintly transmitted to me and my chest which has been in pain for some time, was suddenly filled with a warm feeling.

d.a.m.n… My nervousness is… melting once more.

– Being your girlfriend for a day, I like it. Hey, I want just the two of us to be alone even more than we are right now…

– Aren"t we alone right now? How can we be even more alone than this?

– Wrong. How should I put this…? We, I feel it can be just the two of us even more. It was extremely fun when we were almost found out just now, but. Perhaps, I don"t want to be disturbed anymore today…

The girl in a swimsuit shyly glanced into my eyes.
I want to please her more. I want her to laugh.
I want this to be Tachibana"s best summer holiday.
What I think about, I don"t care about it anymore. Just a little embarra.s.sing, what"s that. I strongly squeezed back her hand and felt like I can become friends with the itchiness in my chest.

– Humph, if it is so fun to play with me…

I thought just a little, that in truth, I was just getting played with.
Like, replies reeking of virgin are funny. Or, guys like that are rare.

Wrong. In truth, I knew it was not like that.
… My own self, was entirely accepted by such a wonderful girl as it is.
… That it can make me so happy, I"ve discovered it for the first time.
… In that case, I have to accept her as well.

– Well, if it is so fun, you can play with me how you like or something… You get it, right?

– Fufu, what"s with being dere all of a sudden… What"s the matter?

– A one-day boyfriend is a… boyfriend. Just as you have said, there"s still time. After this, what are we going to do?

Listening carefully, holiday hustle and bustle can be heard from outside of the dressing room.
This pitiful ex-lonely bookworm, with a blonde girl before his eyes, got into an unexpected flirting zone. My top condition was exceeded. Right now, it is enough to imagine Tachibana"s delighted appearance. Just from that, before even an hour it will become a reality.

I am Ichijou Jun. Tachibana Karen"s boyfriend for a day.
And I will not think about something like tomorrow anymore.


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